Are You Happy? What are You Waiting For?

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Are you waiting for your circumstances to match your expectations before you'll be happy? Here are 5 tips that will help you get happy now!

Are you waiting for your circumstances to match your expectations before you’ll be happy?

Do you need: The kids to stop arguing? More money? Less fat? More friends? A bigger house?

The interesting thing is the definition of happy doesn’t say anything about circumstances. The dictionary says happy = showing enjoyment, pleasure, satisfaction, or joy.

You don’t have to wait for anything to be happy.

While we waited for a diagnosis of what appeared to be congestive heart failure, Rev continued to have his typically positive and happy personality. When I’d ask him about it he’d say, “If I wait to get well before I’m happy, I may never be happy again.”

Don’t wait to get happy!

Both Abraham and Mary Lincoln suffered from depression most of their  lives. They buried two of their four sons while they were very young, and a third died shortly after Lincoln was assassinated. While President he led the nation through civil war and political unrest, and yet is well-known for saying:

Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.

How happy do you want to be?

How do you want people to remember you?

5 Tips to Be Happy Now

1. Check Your Expectations – in other words, stop expecting someone or something to make you happy. Your circumstances may never measure up to your expectations. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life waiting for something that might never happen?

2. List 5 Positives Everyday – Keep a journal or make a happiness jar . . . write down the good things that happen. They don’t have to be huge; in fact, it’s better if you think of the little things that made you smile. Maybe – God spoke to your heart through a song. Your kids didn’t complain about dinner. Your friend called. You got out of bed. Someone prayed for you. You have indoor plumbing.

3. Do Something for Someone Else – I’ve learned that it’s impossible to be happy if my thoughts revolve around ME. When I stop looking for people or things to make me happy and decide to relax and enjoy what I already have and share it with someone else . . . well, life is just better.

4. Forgive Quickly and Often – Nothing robs us of happiness faster than anger and unforgiveness. Reliving bad things that happen sucks the joy right out of us. Forgiving doesn’t say that what happened is okay. It simply says you choose to let it go. You choose happiness over bitterness.

5. Remember, This too Shall Pass – In light of eternity, this is a nano-second. In fact, our lives are brief moments. This is your moment. How do you want to spend it? Keep your eyes focused on God’s promises and never stop hoping. God loves you. His plans for you are good. Rest in the truth that difficult seasons are temporary. In Christ there is always hope.

I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart. I will tell about the wonderful things you have done. You make me happy, so I will rejoice in you. God Most High, I praise your name. Psalm 9:1-2

Join me tomorrow when I’ll tell you about a family who lived without physical comfort, yet enjoyed the blessings of love and happiness.

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  1. There’s also the concept of defiant joy which I love. Satan would have us choose misery, but we can ruin his day by being happy instead. A great post for everyone to pin.

    1. I love that Mel! Defiant Joy! It is a great principle for those days when we don’t feel joy-filled or happy or maybe even getting out of bed!

  2. I like Rev’s comment when he was suffering and your first step. I think with writing, I often think, “If I could just get this project finished, I’ll be less stressed out.” So I think I’m fairly consistently happy and joyful, but not so consistently peaceful – but it’s the same principle, I need to learn not to wait until i have “that project” finished to be peaceful. Just learn to appreciate the chaos!

    1. Sounds like you are a calm water person too, Barb. I have the ability to get agitated all by myself. I don’t need anything to set me off. Choosing joy and happiness in spite of my circumstances has made a huge difference for me. I’m blessed to have a wise man who always points us back to the Lord when life gets chaotic.

      1. Yes, that is a blessing.

  3. I like it Deb! In my last post about being a successful missionary one of the things I mentioned was the importance of having a positive attitude. It makes such a big difference in everything we do. I think th idea of forgiving and remembering that you have forgiving really goes a long way to promote happiness and a positive spirit.