Why You Really Want to Be Childlike and Free

I ask God faithfully to make me “childlike.” Unfortunately, too often I give in to childish rather than childlike.
Why do I ask to be childlike? Because Jesus said:
“O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike.”
Matthew 11:25
He also said:
“I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Matthew 18:3
What did He mean? What is the difference between being childlike and my childishness?
♥ Being childish is being foolish and immature.
♥ Being childlike is being trusting, humble, and vulnerable.
The Life Application Bible Notes say:
Those who consider themselves “wise and clever” are prideful and arrogant about their own knowledge but the childlike are humbly open to receive the truth of God’s Word.
I want to be childlike. I want to SEEK God’s truth and trust His promises.
And the good news is that when you and I struggle with childishness—when we fall short of humility and fail to seek . . . Jesus also said:
Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:28–29
Jesus doesn’t reject us when we come to Him!
When you and I are weighed down by guilt and shame, fear and anxiety, pain and problems, when we need healing, a fresh start, or freedom . . . He says “come.” And He promises that when we do, He will give us rest by taking our heavy burdens and replacing them with forgiveness, healing, peace . . . love!
Jesus never promised this life would be easy or comfortable but He did promise to help us and give us everything we need to carry on and live free in this moment.
That’s a lot to thank Him for today, isn’t it?
Why You Really Want to Be Childlike and Free
Father, thank you for wanting me to know Your truth. Thank you for Jesus and for showing us Your love and desire to forgive all of creation through Him. Please forgive me for the times I think of myself as wise and clever . . . the times I am childish not childlike.
By the power of Your Spirit, please make me willing to be trusting, humble, and vulnerable. By Your grace, please help me give my burdens to Jesus trusting His power to forgive me and Your willingness to give me everything I need to live free today. I want to be childlike, Father. Take my hand and lead me, I give myself to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
It’s hard to surrender control, isn’t it?
I know I want what I want and I’m not very good at waiting. It’s so easy to have that selfish desire to think of myself as wise and clever.
But God wants better for me and He wants better for you, too. He wants us to live with childlike faith and freedom. And by His grace and with His help, we can have everything we need to do just that when we take it all to Jesus.
On today’s post-it note write:
Today with God’s help, I will be childlike.
Click here to read all of Matthew 11.
God bless you today as you carry your burdens to Jesus with childlike faith!
Childlike, not childish – yes! I want that, too, Deb. Praying for that with you today.
Blessings to you as well, Martha!
I love to play with trains ever since I was five I am now 73 years… It’s a hobby
Rev and our grandson have always liked trains, too! Thanks so much for visiting and for stopping to join the conversation! God bless you!