How to Pray About the Things that Make You Uncomfortable

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Knowing God cares about our motives and attitudes makes us uncomfortable. Thankfully, He will help us live with humble love and compassion for His glory. #LovelikeJesus #Faith #Hope #Truth #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG #BlessingBloggers

What do you do when you read a section of Scripture that makes you uncomfortable?

I knew some parts would be uncomfortable and harder to write about when I committed to reading and writing every chapter of the New Testament this year but I was hoping it would take a little longer.

I’m a first-born, Christian church and school educated, married to a pastor . . . people-pleaser. I’ve spent my life trying REALLY HARD to obey the rules and “do it right,” and I sometimes wonder if that’s how many of the Pharisees got started, too. But the problem with Pharisees is that rather than just worrying about their own obedience they worry about everyone else’s obedience, too.

Oh, and they weren’t just worried about God’s commands . . . they wanted strict compliance to all of their man-made rules and traditions. And that’s why, Jesus, who is able to perfectly discern attitudes and motives . . . challenged them with God’s TRUTH.

The truth that says God cares more about our hearts and minds, our attitudes and motives, our showing His grace, mercy, and love . . . than our strict conformity to traditions and regulations.

Jesus said the following when the Pharisees rebuked His disciples for picking grain on the Sabbath:

“But you would not have condemned my innocent disciples if you knew the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.’ For the Son of Man is Lord, even over the Sabbath!”

Matthew 12:7–8

Time and again throughout Jesus’ ministry, He told His followers about the importance of showing mercy and compassion . . . and He didn’t just tell them, He modeled it for them.

I believe God wants our obedience but He wants it because it is one of the ways our hearts, our minds, and our actions can respond to His grace, mercy, and love. And because our obedience to loving like Jesus . . . shows His love to a hurting world.

Knowing God cares about our motives and attitudes makes us uncomfortable. Thankfully, He will help us live with humble love and compassion for His glory. #LovelikeJesus #Faith #Hope #Truth #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG #BlessingBloggers

I don’t know about you, but I’m not very good at consistently doing this on my own . . . will you pray with me as I ask God for His Spirit’s help with the things that make me uncomfortable?

How to Pray About the Things that Make You Uncomfortable

Father, please help me. I want to obey with pure motives and attitudes that honor You. But the world is in my face and it’s so easy to fall into a pattern of worrying about what people think. And people are so free with their accusations and criticism. We also struggle with voices who declare good – evil and evil – good. I need Your Spirit’s help.

I love You, Lord. I want to honor You with pure motives and attitudes. I want to show others the same mercy and compassion that You have shown me. I want people to see You through me. By Your grace and with Your Spirit’s help, help me love like Jesus. Amen.

Knowing God cares about our motives and attitudes makes us uncomfortable. Thankfully, He will help us live with humble love and compassion for His glory. #LovelikeJesus #Faith #Hope #Truth #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG #BlessingBloggers

Whenever I see myself in the hard parts of Scripture it makes me feel uncomfortable and convicted. But the Good News is that the Father of grace and mercy forgives and gives me (and you) everything we need to trust and obey even the parts of Scripture that make us squirm.

On today’s post-it note write:

God, help me love like Jesus! Amen.

You can read more of the ways Jesus challenged the Pharisees in Matthew 12.

God bless you today as you focus on His love and compassion.

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  1. Piper Stephens says:

    Thank you for today’s post. I have struggled so much with this very subject. Not so much worrying what others think….but the struggle of condemnation. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until the last couple of years that God showed my husband and I that we had been sitting under a pastor that condemned, instead of showing mercy, grace and love.
    Words preached, made me feel guilty and shame, not repentance.
    God is still working on my heart when it comes to being judgmental and condemning. God opened our eyes when someone that sinned came under attack. We are all sinners, saved by grace. If the church cannot forgive, help, lift up those that have fallen, how can we call ourselves the church.
    I pray for that pastor, and for those that stand up and condemn others. In a time that the church could have shown the love and compassion of Jesus, they chose the Pharisee way.
    May God work in the hearts of those who live in condemnation.
    Thanks for your post and your blog. I am thankful for God leading me to it.

    1. Hi Piper, thank you so much for sharing this here. Everyone who teaches the Word does so imperfectly. I pray for God’s guidance and grace every single day. With that being said, I’m so sorry you and your husband were hurt by that church and its practices. Too often we forget that our obedience is simply to be our loving response to God’s amazing grace, mercy, and love. He is so generous with us. I’m praying for you and asking God to surround you with His people who will encourage you as they overflow with the Lord’s love. God be with you!

  2. Hello, I was about to delete this email and unsubscribe due to so much in my in box but your title piqued my curiosity. I wanted to see if the passages you found difficult would be some of the same ones I struggle with. It was not. However your description of the Pharisees and their adherence to God’s laws and their own edicts struck a cord in me. I work part time and find frustration with my coworkers lack of housekeeping skills. They are full-timers and I feel like I’m constantly cleaning up their messes! God shows us mercy every second of every day of our existence. He never gives up when we become tiresome and messy. This article allowed me to see myself as one who can show mercy by doing what needs done without complaint or resentment. Thank you for your counsel. I really needed this today.

    1. Hi Jackie. What a kind word of encouragement. Thank you so much! I am glad this blessed you! I will always remember the time the Lord prompted me years ago as I was mentally complaining about something my husband had done. He gently nudged me asking, “would you prefer he wasn’t here to annoy you?” I didn’t take it as a threat but as a reminder to be patient and kind. He blessed me and my marriage with that one simple sentence. Thanks so much for taking the time to say “hello” and join the conversation. God bless you!