You Need to Do This if You Want to Be the Greatest

Power, prestige, popularity . . . three “P’s” that cause all kinds of problems for followers of Jesus. Not that they’re bad in and of themselves. The issue is that it is so easy for them to become irresistible temptations for selfishness.
Matthew 18 begins with the disciples asking Jesus…
“Who is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?”
Matthew 18:1
And Jesus reponded by showing them a child and saying…
Anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Matthew 18:4
According to Jesus, the key to greatness is not in power, prestige, or popularity but in living with childlike faith that is trusting, humble, and sincere. That doesn’t sound like the world’s message, does it?
And because being childlike will always be directly confronted and frustrated by the ways of the enemy of our souls, Jesus went on to talk about some of the challenges of living in a world full of people with varying beliefs, ideas, and opinions. Things like tempting others or being condescending toward them. Challenges like being on the receiving end of sin and our essential need to forgive as we have been forgiven.
And each one of Jesus’ truths conflicts with the selfishness of doing whatever it takes to attain power, prestige, and popularity.
I highly recommend that you spend some time today pouring over Jesus’ words in Matthew 18. It is packed full of the things that we need to do to live with one another the way God wants.
But before you head over, let’s pray together and ask God to help us trust that His plan for greatness is better than anything else this world has to offer.
A Prayer to Follow Jesus and Be the Greatest
Father, Jesus taught and modeled a completely different idea of what it means to be the greatest. The world tries to convince us that greatness is found in power, prestige, and popularity. It tries to convince us that those with the most money, followers, and influence are the ones to worship and trust. But then Jesus brings a child in front of us and says, “if you want to be the greatest . . . be like this.”
Please help me. Help us. Help us worship and trust You alone. Make us humble, sincere, loving, and vulnerable. Help us to stop worrying about social status and likes on Facebook and simply love one another with childlike vulnerability. Help us to quit trying to impress and influence to focus on following Your will with faith and hope.
Help me remember that You alone are worthy. I offer myself to You, Lord. Help me live today trusting Your promises and following Your will that I might live for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
If you want to be the greatest…
Friend, if you and I want to be great we need to turn from the things the world says we need to God’s Word and SEEK Him because He promises that when we do . . . He will give us everything He knows we need!
On today’s note write:
SEEK GOD and BE CHILDLIKE if You Want to Be the Greatest!
May your day be blessed by the One who truly is the GREATEST!
Thanks for reminding us here, Deb, that we need to trust the Lord with child-like faith. May He give us the capacity to do so.
Amen, Martha! That is my prayer every single day! Blessings!
In a world gone mad…today I asked myself…how do you live in a world where it seems everyone around you is so easily “seduced my man?”Knowing God’s teachings, His laws, sustains me… each day is a struggle and daily reminders, such as these…are helpful, I just read Matthew 18 last night in regards to protecting our children,…so sad to me to see so many following the wrong “power”
Thanks so much for visiting, Lily! We just keep leaning into Jesus. I cling to His promise that when we SEEK Him first—He will give me everything I need! God bless you!
Thank you Deb for todays message. I feel like a child most days as I lean in and learn all I can through scripture about our God and His only Son, Jesus.
I love your articles and look forward each day to receiving them.
I’m so glad it blessed you, Marilyn. Thank you so very much for your kind encouragement!
My grand daughter and her husband are trying to have a baby and and are going through Invetro fertilization and even that’s has not been successfully accomplished so this message was the message I needed and I started praying those scriptures as soon as I opened this computer screen. I believe in praying the scriptures back to God. AMEN. Will forward them to her.
I’m sorry your granddaughter and her husband are going through this difficult time. That is a very painful battle. I’m glad this blessed and encouraged you. I am praying for your loved ones. May God bless them and you with the answer to your prayers.