You Need to Know the Best Promise Ever

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In Matthew 28 we have a record of Jesus' promise that I believe is the best promise ever. A promise that makes it possible to say - it is well with my soul. #BibleStudy #Prayer #JesusPromise #CountingMyBlessings #BlessingBloggers #WWGGG

He is risen!

It’s a statement of faith we proclaim on Easter but can you imagine the difference it could make in our lives if it is the first things we declared every morning and our last thought every night.

You and I trust the Son of God, the Alpha and Omega . . . the One who was and is and is to come.


Matthew then ends his written record by jumping ahead 40 days to tell us Jesus’ last words of instruction and the best promise ever. Words that have changed the way His followers have lived from that day until the present and will continue to bless them until His glorious return.

Words that began with a proclamation…

I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.” 

Matthew 28:18

Continued with a disciple’s plan of action…

Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.”

Matthew 28:19–20a

And ends with the best promise ever…

And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

Matthew 28:20b

Jesus is the Ultimate Authority! He is fully God and fully man. He has and will always reign over everything.

He is God and God is love!

Because He loves us individually and personally, He wants us to tell everyone we meet about His love and His power to change lives.

“Go and make disciples. Baptize. Teach.”

Tell them the blessings of loving and trusting Him. Tell them the difference He has made in your life.

Tell them the best promise ever…

“I am with you always!”

A promise that gives…

  • freedom from fear.
  • help to carry every burden.
  • hard to understand peace.
  • armor and weapons to fight any battle.
  • a friend who always listens.
  • a counselor who gives direction and wisdom.
  • perfect love to heal any and every wound.

The best promise ever is the only one that promises to give us everything we need.

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and He will give you everything you need.

Luke 12:31

Seek the Truth and Know the Risen Christ and receive His promise!

In Matthew 28 we have a record of Jesus' promise that I believe is the best promise ever. A promise that makes it possible to say - it is well with my soul. #BibleStudy #Prayer #JesusPromise #CountingMyBlessings #BlessingBloggers #WWGGG

A Prayer Thanking God for
the Best Promise Ever

Will you thank and praise God with me?

Lord Jesus, Your last words to Your followers were full of assurance, instruction, and encouragement. One more time You looked at them and proclaimed Your authority, told them Your plan for future followers, and promised them they would never be alone.

By Your grace, those words also apply to anyone from any generation who follows You in faith. I trust You and long to obey You. I praise You for who You are and give You full authority over my life. I ask You to give me the courage and strength I need to share the story You have given me and shine the light of Your love to wherever I am.

And I thank you, with all my heart, for the gift of Your Spirit who is always present in every moment and every circumstance. Thank you for showing me every day that in Your presence I have everything I need. Your promise to be with us always truly is the best promise ever. Amen.

In Matthew 28 we have a record of Jesus' promise that I believe is the best promise ever. A promise that makes it possible to say - it is well with my soul. #BibleStudy #Prayer #JesusPromise #CountingMyBlessings #BlessingBloggers #WWGGG

On today’s note write…

I am with you always . . . is the best promise ever!

I pray the Lord blesses you today with the assurance and awareness of His unfailing presence and love!

God bless you! And don’t forget to read all of Matthew 28 – it will bless you!

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  1. It is the best promise, Deb. No matter what, we can know Jesus is with us in all things and at all times.

    1. Amen, Martha! He is the peace, strength, courage, hope, and everything else we need each day. What a glorious gift to have His unfailing presence. Blessings!!

  2. Thank you Deb for this beautiful post today! I pray, read my Bible and devotions, but will tweak my own daily/night devotions/prayer time with thanking Jesus for dying on the cross, for God giving people His well beloved Son and for giving us the Comforter in the Holy Spirit.

    Praising the Holy Trinity for the daily ???? love/mercy/grace given to each of us and for putting Christlike leadership thru individuals like you, Deb, whose words touch many hearts/lives daily.

    1. You are very kind, Faith. Thank you! His grace is overwhelming. May He be with you and bless you!

  3. Thanks Deb for the blessed words , You are truly a child of God . May peace be with You.

    1. Thank you, Robert! I am so blessed by your kindness. God bless you!

      1. You are a true disciple Deb! Love reading and praying with you and your followers everyday!! I especially needed and loved this post today!! Missing Church and being with like minded people and you are sure helping me to not feel so isolated…sweet blessings for such a sweet and devoted disciple!! Hugs

  4. What a glorious post!
    Thank you for teaching the truth—it does indeed set us free when heard, believed and obeyed!
    Thankful for Yeshua and His promises to us—and that Matthew recorded it for generations and generations to know.
    We are currently watching THE CHOSEN series….oh indeed, how Yeshua loves us and keeps His promises.

    1. Thanks for your encouragement. I haven’t tried The Chosen series yet but I’m looking forward to it. I keep hearing great things about it! God bless you!

  5. Angela Cahill says:

    Blessings Deb!
    What more do we need? Jesus is the best promise ever – no matter what we are facing, HE is with us always, ever minute of our lives, HE is by our side, encouraging us, strengthening us on our journey… Awe inspiring words, thank you Deb.

    Angela – Ireland

    1. Thank you, Angela! His promise to always be with us is also the promise to give us everything we need when we SEEK Him first. We are so blessed! I appreciate your kind encouragement. Blessings!

  6. Marilyn Laite says:

    I love your articles Deb. You really get the word out and in such a way that it shines off the pages. I just bought your devotional book. I love it. Thank you so much for writing it. God Bless. May He keep you well and safe.

    1. Oh, Marilyn, you made my day! Thank you so very much for your kind encouragement. God bless you!