3 Important Things to Do to Build a Strong Foundation

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We need a strong foundation to withstand the storms of life but there are things we have to avoid and three important things to do to make that happen. #TrustJesus #Faith #CountingMyBlessings #BlessingBloggers #WWGGG

Buildings need a strong foundation to protect them from the stormy forces of nature and therefore protect those within.

If you and I want to personally withstand the storms of life we need a strong spiritual foundation.

Knowing both those things to be true, why would anyone neglect foundation building either structurally or personally?

I believe there are a couple of reasons…

  1. They believe they are too busy or in a hurry.
  2. They are swept along by popular opinion.

Which is why I believe the enemy of our souls overwhelms us with busyness and entices us with popularity.

Jesus wants us to have something strong that lasts. and He knew we would need a strong foundation for that to happen. So, He made the following analogy…

“It is like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built. But anyone who hears and doesn’t obey is like a person who builds a house right on the ground, without a foundation. When the floods sweep down against that house, it will collapse into a heap of ruins.”

luke 6:48–49

That’s the reason why we need a strong foundation.

But how did He tell His followers to go about building it?

Well, in the verse before His analogy, He said…

I will show you what it’s like when someone comes to me, listens to my teaching, and then follows it. 

Luke 6:47

There it is! Three short simple phrases.

  1. Come to Jesus.
  2. Listen to His teaching.
  3. Follow His teaching.

Repent and confess our need for Jesus. Spend time with Him – read the Bible and go to Him in prayer. Obey His commands.

If you and I want to avoid being swept away by the storms of life or the current of culture . . . we need the strong foundation of Jesus!

We need a strong foundation to withstand the storms of life but there are things we have to avoid and three important things to do to make that happen. #TrustJesus #Faith #CountingMyBlessings #BlessingBloggers #WWGGG

A Prayer for a Strong Foundation

Lord, I know I need a strong foundation. I experienced enough of life to know that without a strong foundation I’m a mess. Please forgive me for allowing busyness and popular opinions to distract me and weaken my foundation. I am so sorry. I know your way is best.

Please help me. I come to You today and ask You to help me prioritize my time so that I might spend more time in Your Word and in prayer. Help me choose my sources of news, entertainment, and opinions carefully. Help me to always test the world’s truth against Your TRUTH.

And Lord, please help me obey You. Give me the wisdom, courage, and strength I need to trust and obey You. Mold my heart that my life might be built on the firm foundation of Your love. Amen.

We need a strong foundation to withstand the storms of life but there are things we have to avoid and three important things to do to make that happen. #TrustJesus #Faith #CountingMyBlessings #BlessingBloggers #WWGGG

Jesus began this message with the following statement…

“So why do you keep calling me ‘Lord, Lord!’ when you don’t do what I say?”

Luke 6:46

Wow, that invites some introspection, doesn’t it?

But what if we thought of obedience as foundation building? What if we thought of it as allowing the Lord to work in and through us to give us the rock-solid strong foundation we will need to weather the storms of life? What if we made obeying Jesus a blessing of His Good News rather than a burden of the Law?

On today’s note write:

Come to Jesus. Listen to Him. Follow Him.
Build a strong foundation.

God bless you as you slow down and listen to Him today.

Click here to read the all of Luke 6.

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    1. We are blessed to do so, aren’t we, Martha! Blessings, my friend!

  1. Angela Cahill says:

    Building a strong foundation in the Lord. By doing so, we can weather any storm. Jesus you are our foundation – putting you first and trusting you, knowing that whatever crisis comes our way, we will stand firm because our foundations are strong. Go to a quiet place and pray about everything and obey His will. He gives us what we need to endure.
    Your post has blessed me today, like it does everytime I read them….thank you Deb!

    Angela – Ireland

    1. Thank you, Angela! I’m praying that God is giving you exactly what you need today to strengthen the foundation of His love. God be with you!