How To Maintain Hope When the Future Appears Hopeless
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How To Maintain Hope When the Future Appears Hopeless

Life changed the year COVID-19 first spread around the world. Countless lives were lost, many more were ill, and everyone struggled with lockdowns and social changes. They tell us that feelings of hopelessness and depression increased exponentially. It makes us wonder how to maintain hope when the future appears hopeless. A good place to start…

How to Be Set Free for Life Through Faith & Forgiveness
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How to Be Set Free for Life Through Faith & Forgiveness

Do you know someone who has faith in Jesus but believes that the changing culture defines sin? Jesus asked a group of Pharisees and religious leaders… “Why do you, by your traditions, violate the direct commandments of God?” Matthew 15:3 God defined sin, and Jesus said the following about its power in our lives… “I…

Important Truth to Know – Every Church is Full of Sinners
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Important Truth to Know – Every Church is Full of Sinners

Every church is full of sinners a few of which are finger-pointers who love to call out the sins of others while attempting to hide their own. It’s similar to what happened to the “woman caught in adultery.”… [Jesus was teaching at the Temple], the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees brought a woman…

When You Don’t Understand God’s Ways Trust His Love
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When You Don’t Understand God’s Ways Trust His Love

You’ve heard people say that God’s ways are perfect and that you can trust His love when you don’t understand His timing. But that’s not always easy when we’re going through difficult moments. In John 7, Jesus told His brothers… You go on. I’m not going to this festival, because my time has not yet come.” After…