The Most Important Way to Observe the Sabbath Today
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The Most Important Way to Observe the Sabbath Today

How do you observe the Sabbath Day? God told Moses to write the following… “Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of rest dedicated to the Lord your God. In six days the Lord made the heavens, the earth, the…

Tell Your Friends – Offer Them This Wonderful News For Life
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Tell Your Friends – Offer Them This Wonderful News For Life

Do you love to tell your friends about a new business or product you’ve tried that enhanced and enriched your life? Maybe you’re a professional marketer or someone who can’t keep yourself from sharing wonderful news because you love helping people. But what about the person who avoids people? Imagine being someone who hates engaging…

Don’t Compromise – SEEK the Savior for Truth and Life
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Don’t Compromise – SEEK the Savior for Truth and Life

Can you relate to Nicodemus? He was a Pharisee who grew up in the faith and became a church leader who knew God’s Laws backward and forwards. Jesus often criticized Pharisees for being hypocrites who cared more about their authority and power than obeying and glorifying God from their hearts. But Nicodemus was different. He…

The Faith that Inspired People to Follow Jesus Immediately
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The Faith that Inspired People to Follow Jesus Immediately

Have you ever wondered what inspired the disciples to follow Jesus’ invitation immediately? Have you thought about how their families and friends reacted? Peter, Andrew, James, and John were fishermen, and Matthew was a tax collector. We don’t know about the professions of the others but we are told that they all left everything to…

You Need The Truth About Jesus the Word & Self-Sufficiency
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You Need The Truth About Jesus the Word & Self-Sufficiency

What does knowing Jesus, the Word Made Flesh, have to do with self-sufficiency? I sometimes wonder if I would have been a follower of Jesus 2,000 years ago or if I would have aligned with the self-sufficient self-righteous Pharisees. John’s words challenge me and make me suspect the latter… He came into the very world…

How to Make New Year’s Resolutions You Will Keep
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How to Make New Year’s Resolutions You Will Keep

Are you making New Year’s Resolutions this year? Are they new for 2025 or the same resolutions you’ve started on January 1st every year for as long as you can remember? Ten years ago, the Most Common New Year’s Resolutions were: 1. Quit Smoking2. Exercise3. Lose Weight4. Enjoy Life More5. Quit Drinking6. Organize7. Learn Something…

Beautiful Christmas Blessings to Share with Friends
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Beautiful Christmas Blessings to Share with Friends

Christmas Blessings, Friends!! It’s time to celebrate Jesus, the best gift ever given. May these verses, quotes, and prayers encourage you and help you remember that even if your day doesn’t look like you wanted … the Lord of the universe left the glories of heaven because He loves you more than you can imagine….