5 Verses You Need to Pray for People in Authority
You and I can make a difference in the lives and influence of people in authority through humble prayer and surrendered hearts.
You and I can make a difference in the lives and influence of people in authority through humble prayer and surrendered hearts.
Ask the question – what politician do you hate the most..? and you’ll most likely find yourself in the middle of a heated discussion. Maybe there’s a better way…
I began 2018 with one word… SEEK! And one verse… Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and He will give you everything you need. Luke 12:31 And now, a year later I have decided SEEK will be my word for the rest of my life. I want to seek God above all else … to trust…
What motivates you? Why do you get up and do what you do each day? Paul wrote: Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 I don’t know about you, but I fall short of that goal every single day. So today, I’m praying and asking… God, Please Help…
I love the anticipation of a new year. A clean calendar. A new beginning. A fresh start. But… When January 1st, 2nd, and 3rd arrive, I realize I’ve once again carried the junk of the past year with me into the new. The truth is the new year has the same great need … to…
I spent way too many years of my life terrified of “what ifs.” Life can be hard and bad things happen. And that thought that frequently sent my anxiety levels through the roof. Maybe you struggle with fear and anxiety. And maybe, just maybe, you’re tired of living with the knot in your stomach that’s…
“Joy is a state of mind and an orientation of the heart. It is a settled state of contentment, confidence and hope. Joy isn’t just a smile or a laugh. Joy is something that is deep within and doesn’t leave quickly. Joy is given by God and something that He wants us to have…” ~ Theopedia…
Everyone seems to be a little more kind and gentle at this time of the year and we all love it… But Christmas passes and the new year begins and everything – goes – back – to – normal! Life overwhelms us, patience wanes, and we find ourselves being more negatively reactive than positively proactive….
My number one post by far is 5 Ways to Know if Something is From God. I believe as followers of Jesus, you and I want to know and trust God’s will for us. But the world shouts and God whispers. On top of the noise, Jesus said that as His followers, “you will have…
I shared last week that the number one prayer request on the Blessing Counters Pray Page is one that asks for God to heal broken relationships. The next most asked for prayer is one for God to provide help at a time of financial distress. So today, we’re going to pray about our finances and…
The “church” is made up of all of us who trust and follow Jesus. In one of His last recorded prayers, Jesus prayed… Father, I am in them and You are in Me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know You sent Me and that You love them as much as You love…
There is a quote that says… Having somewhere to go is a home. Having someone to love is a family. Having both is a blessing. Although, I believe most would agree that having a home and a family is a huge blessing, based on prayer requests I receive … many families need God’s blessings of…
I know so many of you live with illness and chronic pain. So today, I’m inviting you to pray this prayer for yourself or for someone you know and love… God, Please Restore My Health with Your Mercy and Grace Father, living in a world that includes so much illness and pain is hard and…
The most frequent prayer request on the Blessing Counters Prayer Page is one asking God to heal and restore a broken relationship. I’m not surprised. We all have at least one broken relationship with … a friend, a fiancé, a spouse, a parent, or a child. And broken relationships leave us with broken hearts. Sometimes…
When Jesus was teaching His followers about prayer, He said, I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks,…
Webster’s dictionary defines wisdom as having insight, knowledge, and good sense/judgment. Dictionary.com defines wisdom as the knowledge of what is true coupled with good judgment as to action. So wisdom is … knowing the right thing to do and doing it! Sounds simple! Right?! But it’s not always simple, is it..? Today, I’m praying for…
I want to live completely surrendered to God’s will. I pray about it often… But when life gets rocky or the wait for an answered prayer seems looong … surrendering is the last thing I want to do. What I WANT is to do SOMETHING that will SOLVE the PROBLEM NOW! Thankfully, by God’s grace, He’s allowed…
My “word” for 2018 has been … SEEK. I based it on Matthew 6:33: Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need. The thing I’ve realized as the year winds down is that this word “SEEK” will be my focus for the rest of my…
So many voices claim and proclaim they are telling the truth. Teachers, preachers, politicians, family and friends all share their personal views as the truth. The classroom, social media, entertainment, books, papers, articles, TED talks, AAAGH! How’s a person supposed to know what’s true? Absolutely true? Will you join me as I pray… God, Help Me…
What’s your one thing? Well, let me back up for a minute. The other morning I woke up with this thought on my heart and mind… End the Year with 40 Days of Mountain Moving Prayers I’ve finally realized that the Lord often wakes me with a prompting because it’s one of the few times…
Rev recently shared an article from Prevention Magazine with me titled, The Healing Power of Gratitude by Jennifer King Lindley. It begins… “Call it Vitamin G: research shows that being grateful has a deep and lasting impact on your body. Learn how to put it to work for your health. Lindley quotes Dr. David DeSteno:…