5 Things Found in a Heart Being Changed by God

There certainly seems to be a wide range of views on what it takes to be a Christian and unfortunately, there seems to be more finger-pointing and judging of other people’s Christianity than there is humble and prayerful introspection.
So, I decided to take a look to see what the Bible says about the ways God wants to transform His children … the things found in a heart being changed by God.
I started by asking myself the following question…
If you and I didn’t speak the words, “I’m a Christian” would people be able to tell just by the things we say and do? Would they know we’re followers of Jesus in the process of being transformed by God?
Jesus told the people who followed Him…
From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Change your hearts and lives, because the kingdom of heaven is near.”
Matthew 4:17
And Paul said it’s the Holy Spirit who makes it happen.
All of us, then, reflect the glory of the Lord with uncovered faces; and that same glory, coming from the Lord, who is the Spirit, transforms us into His likeness in an ever greater degree of glory.
2 Corinthians 3:18
We don’t talk about being changed by God much anymore. The message of our culture is that we’re perfect—just the way we are.
Although, I truly believe God loves us pre-change … I also believe He loves us so much He wants better for us than the messes we make for ourselves by excusing worldly ideas and values.
There is good news!
When it comes to godly transformation you and I are not left on our own to figure out where we need to change! Praise God, the Holy Spirit is at work within us.
However, the Holy Spirit doesn’t work in a vacuum. If we’re only filling our hearts and minds with the world’s views and values … we will begin to believe the persuasive lies of the world.
That’s why, I believe, Jesus told His followers to be SEEKers.
To SEEK His truth and surrender to the Spirit’s transforming power … He knew that how to be “changed by God.”
So, I’m going to the Word looking for the qualities God says He wants in His children and surrendering my heart and mind … asking the Holy Spirit to teach me the Truth and work transforming power in my life.
I’d love for you to join me…
5 Things Found in a Heart Being Changed by God
1. A changed heart begins with love for God.
It sounds easy, doesn’t it? Simply love God. But we throw around the word “love” so easily … I want to know what it means to “love God” the way He wants me to love Him.
Jesus said…
You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.
Mark 12:30
I wrote a post about loving God with all our hearts, soul, mind, and strength … you can find it here.
The word “all” is a big word, isn’t it? With everything we are and everything we’ve got!
When you and I love someone, we want to spend time with them. We want to do things for them and show appreciation for the things they do for us. And we want to show them we love them by doing things that please them.
So, when it comes to loving the Lord, I want to spend time in His Word and in prayer. I want to live in ways that show how grateful I am for all He’s done for me. I want to know His will, trust His Word, and follow His commands … to show Him my love by doing what pleases Him.
Which is why #2 is…
2. A heart being changed by God continues through knowing and trusting Jesus’ teaching.
If I’m going to do what pleases God, I need to know what pleases Him.
Jesus said,
“You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:31–32
I want to know the truth that gives me freedom!
Jesus went on to say,
So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.
John 8:36
Jesus is the Truth that gives me freedom.
I want to know, trust, and follow Jesus’ commands because I love Him but I also know that no matter how hard I try … I will fall short of His perfect will.
Knowing and following Jesus’ teaching is doing my best to please Him while completely trusting that is His sacrifice alone that saves me.
God saved you by His grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.
Ephesians 2:8–9
3. A changed heart demonstrates itself through living with thankfulness for God’s gift.
Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
I’ve done nothing to deserve the gift of God’s grace, mercy, and love.
I have always loved Lysa Terkeurst’s quote…
“God’s love isn’t based on me. It’s simply placed on me. And it’s the place from which I should live . . . loved.”
When you and I know the blessing of living under God’s grace, mercy, and love we can’t help but respond with gratitude and thanksgiving. They become our natural reaction to all of God’s past, present, and future work in our lives.
4. A heart being changed by God wants to obey Jesus’ command to love others.
Jesus commanded His followers…
“Love each other in the same way I have loved you.”
John 15:12
This is hard, isn’t it? Honestly, much of the time it feels impossible.
It seemed difficult enough when Jesus affirmed…
“Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Matthew 22:39
But to love as He loves.
I can’t do that without His help. That’s why I need the Spirit’s transforming help to not give up to the “impossible” but trust that with the Holy Spirit’s transforming help, I can love others even when it’s hard.
Paul wrote…
Instead, be kind to each other, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.
Ephesians 4:32
I want to glorify God by showing kind, tender-hearted, forgiving love to others. Can you imagine the difference God’s children could make it the world if we all surrendered to the Holy Spirit … inviting Him to love others through us. Letting Him help us love like Jesus.
5. A changed heart trusts God’s will one day at a time.
God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.
Philippians 2:13
Something I’ve always struggled with is living focused on the present. It’s always been easy for me to relive the past and worry about the future.
I am so thankful the Lord continues to work on me and in me. By His grace, I have experienced peace, strength, and courage at times when I knew it had to be God’s transforming work in me.
During my morning prayer time, I surrender every day to the Lord. Whew, that’s not me. That could only happen with God’s help.
One of life’s greatest blessings is knowing God is able to transform surrendered hearts.
This is important…
People whose hearts are being changed by God aren’t perfect. They are forgiven! They trust and love God’s promise to continue the work He began in them when they first believed.
I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
Philippians 1:6
What an awesome promise!
Will you join me in trusting God’s love and power to change hearts by His grace and use those He is changing for His glory!
I’m still working on the loving and trusting thing, since I’ve never been able to feel His love for me. Getting there slowly.
We are all works in progress thankful for God’s grace and mercy, Lisa! What a blessing that the Lord allows us to journey together and encourage one another. God bless you!
Thank you, Deb. I do enjoy your writings.
I want that changed heart, too, Deb, that others would see Christ in me. It is never enough to simply say, “I am a Christian.” It must be lived out, and we can only do this by surrendering our hearts and will to God, and letting Him work within us.
Me too, Martha! I’m asking the Lord to help me stay focused on Him with the help of His Spirit. Oh, how I want to simply trust and obey! God bless your week!!
I could read and just soak up all of this great devotional/lesson. It is power packed with wonderful thoughts and beautiful Scriptures. God has blessed you with such wisdom of His Word and the way you present it to us we can grasp it in a deeper way. I love your personal words of wisdom also.
Have a joyous day in the Lord ladies! ???? ????
Thank you so much, Barbara! You have blessed me with your kind encouragement! Praying God blesses your week abundantly!
Hi Deb!
I’m fairly new to your blog and I just want to say thank you so much. What a blessing to my life and heart ❤️
Thank you, Kim! I’m so glad you’re here and that you are being blessed! I appreciate that you took the time to let me know! God bless you!
Powerful post, Deb! I love how you’ve walked us through exactly what God’s word says about heart transformation, especially since, like you’ve said, there’s a lot of misinformation out there! I’ll be pining and tweeting this, my friend!
Thank you so much, Beth! I really appreciate your kind encouragement. God bless your week!
Thanks Deb. I love how you use scripture in your teaching. This is such a great encouragement and challenge. I need to work on my thankfulness today. Bless you.
Thank you, Christine! I’m so thankful for God’s patience as He continues to work on and in us. God bless you!
Great post, Deb. Reminds me of a post I just published on biblical change:
Thank you, Michael! I’m looking forward to checking out your post. God bless you!
Thank you so much for this ! It truly helped me realize I can God is working in me ! I want so much for Gods light to shine through me for all to see ! Because of this reading today I do believe it’s okay to not be okay and that God is working on me ! Thank you so much !
Olga, I’m so glad this blessed! He is working on all of us! I know I am still a work in progress! Praise God – He is patient and loving and kind. God bless you!
I always look forward to meeting with you if only through your writings. I need discipling. I want to learn, grow, prune myself, clear out the mind, live a godly life, discard the world’s lies & teachings, stay away from the snares and not give a foothold to the deceit that comes from the lost.
Your articles help me to be humble when I want justice. I do not pray as I should; the alarm beckons & I’m off and running, the daily burdens & I don’t pray.
Thank you for the precious reminders of God’s promises.
Oh, Mary, what a kind comment! Thank you! I would absolutely love to be able to gather all my readers in a room and just love on you all! I can’t begin to tell you what a blessing you are to me. May God bless and encourage you as you place your trust in Him.
Hi Deb, I just love reading your writings. I love how you are not afraid to share how you struggle the way all of us do. It’s so good to know that we are not alone and that no temptation seizes us that is not common to others. We are all in this thing called life together and I thank you for being a life coach and encouraging your readers to press in and press on with the Lord. May God continue to bless you and your family as you serve him in this special ministry.
Oh, thank you, Rosemary. We are all on this journey together. It truly blessed me to hear that my story is encouraging you. My constant prayer as I write is that I will simply point my readers to the Lord . . . that every word gives Him the glory! Thanks for blessing me with your kind words of encouragement. God bless you!
I am trying to subscribe, but it won’t allow me to do so … it says that my email address has chosen to “Opt Out!”??? Can you please HELP?
I was able to add you, Rosemary. I hope you start getting them and that you are blessed. Thanks for letting me know! God be with you!
Thank you Deb, I am new here to your post. I’m trying to stay in Gods word more but on the weekends my mind just stops. Then life takes over and I forget to be in His word and pray. I’m doing good through the week but weekends are rough. My husband is a believer but does not try very hard to live the Christian life, and I try to be an example, but like I said weekends are rough and we do not attend church as we head to the camper on weekends in the summer, and in the winter we just stay home. Do you have any suggestions?
Hi Lisa, thank you for visiting and for reaching out. I love your heart for growing closer to the Lord. It is a blessing to be a part of a local faith family but I know it’s not always possible to make that happen. Rev and I are currently shut-in by his illness. We have been watching services at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY. https://www.southeastchristian.org/location/seonline
They also offer online small groups as a way to connect with other people of faith. One of the blessings is that you are not limited to services on Sunday morning. You can also find them on YouTube. I’m praying for you and your husband. I also hope that you will continue to visit us here. We’d love to get to know you better. God bless you!
Thanks Deb,been in a bit of a dry spell right now. This devotional helps.
I’m so glad it encouraged you, Connie. Praying that the Lord will bless and encourage you as you SEEK a closer walk with Him. Blessings to you!