Why It’s Important for All Churches to Love People Not Burden Them

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May we make it a goal of the church to love and celebrate everyone who wants to know more about our faith and the reason we trust and love Jesus.  #church #loveothers #churchwelcome #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

It was a clash of two completely different cultures that first presented a huge challenge to the early church.

Gentiles (non-Jews) were putting their faith in Christ Jesus in large numbers. And many Jewish Christians were willing to welcome them into the church but only after the Gentiles conformed to their legalistic religious traditions and practices.

While Paul and Barnabas were at Antioch of Syria, some men from Judea arrived and began to teach the believers: “Unless you are circumcised as required by the law of Moses, you cannot be saved.” Paul and Barnabas disagreed with them, arguing vehemently.

Acts 15:1–2a

Solomon was right when he wrote:

History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.

Ecclesiastes 1:9

How many times have people avoided the church because church members have made them feel like they have to conform to the rules and change before they walk through the door? Unfortunately, churches can still burden people with rules before they receive them with love.

The church in Antioch wisely gave us an example to follow. They sent delegates to Jerusalem to ask the apostles who had been with Jesus to help them settle the issue. Jesus’ half-brother, James, a former doubter transformed by the crucifixion and resurrection wisely turned to the Word of God and said…

This conversion of Gentiles is exactly what the prophets predicted…

So my judgment is that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. 

Acts 15:15, 19

You and I should celebrate everyone who wants to know more about our faith and determine that we will not interfere with the work of the Holy Spirit by burdening new Seekers with traditions, rules, and regulations.

Jesus said He came to give freedom!

So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free. 

John 8:36

And He wants that freedom for everyone . . . people of different backgrounds, customs, cultures, and languages.

You and I are called as the church, the body of Christ, to love them, encourage them with the Word of God, and let the Holy Spirit do the convicting and changing.

May we make it a goal of the church to love and celebrate everyone who wants to know more about our faith and the reason we trust and love Jesus.  #church #loveothers #churchwelcome #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

Let’s pray…

A Prayer for Our Churches to Love and Encourage

Father, You have created Your church to love people. The church is to be a community of believers who love You and love others. Please forgive us. We fall short of Your will for us every day. We focus on traditions and rules. We expect people to conform on the outside without reaching them with Your love on the inside. I’m sorry for the times and ways I have fallen short and failed to love the way You want me to.

Please move over Your church by the power of Your Holy Spirit and fill us with the LOVE of Jesus. Make us individual SEEKers. Make us a community of SEEKers. Help us show everyone the blessing of SEEKing You and Your will. Help us love You and love others and trust You to do the convicting and changing in us and in them.

Your undeserved mercy and all-sufficient grace enable Your church to love every individual uniquely created person on the planet with the love that sets us free . . . the perfect love of Jesus. I thank you and praise you now and forever. Amen.

May we make it a goal of the church to love and celebrate everyone who wants to know more about our faith and the reason we trust and love Jesus.  #church #loveothers #churchwelcome #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

If you have been judged, burdened, or hurt by someone or a group of someones in the church, I’m sorry.

I often repeat to a frequent commenter on Pinterest…

Please don’t reject God because His imperfect people hurt you.

Give Him a chance. SEEK Him. And let Him show you His love.

And if you’re a believer and church member . . . remember, you are called to love like Jesus. Lay your burdens at the foot of the cross not at the feet of another.

On today’s note write:

With God’s help, may my church be full of people who love like Jesus.

God bless you with love, encouragement, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

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  1. Hi Deb,
    Thank you for such a great and timely message. We’re living in such a lost world right now.
    The church has to be welcoming & compassionate. Always speaking the truth in love when asked and lead by the spirit & prayers.
    We’re ALL a work in progress ????

    1. Thank you, Kathie! I appreciate your encouragement. We see so many hurting people and we have the opportunity to show them the true blessing of loving Jesus in a community of faith! May we love first! God bless you!

  2. Amen, Deb! May we love others as Jesus loves us, and not reject anyone who wants to know the Lord. Sorry about not commenting yesterday, but my mom is in the hospital and will be going to rehab tomorrow. Danny and I are incredibly busy, as you can imagine. Prayers are appreciated!

    1. Martha, you are my most faithful commenter. I do worry about you and your family when you don’t leave a comment. But that also gives me a nudge to pray for you as well. May God be with you, Danny, and your family!

  3. Dorothy Ndagwa says:

    Be blessed Deb always ????❤️

    1. Thank you, Dorothy. May He bless you and well.