Courage is God’s Strength Helping You Live One Day at a Time

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It can be hard to live with courage . . . to get up and face the challenges before us day in and day out. We need help and strength.  #BibleStudy #Faith #Courage #Blessings

Like you, I’ve had times when I needed courage for big problems that delivered big fears.

There was the time our first grandson spent months in the NICU. And the one when Rev was sick for over a year with constrictive pericarditis.

There have also been losses that changed everything and caused persistent grief.  

But today, I want to focus on normal average routine days . . . days when we can’t pinpoint the problem but we know we feel anxious and restless.

The days we identify as “hard.” The ones that start with clenched jaws and unexplained apprehension. Those that give us the desire to stay in bed and avoid the challenges and confrontations ahead.

Days that require courage.

I have to admit I sometimes find it hardest to live with courage on those days. It sometimes feels hardest to do the same old relentless routine of annoyances. And maybe the enemy of our souls wants it that way as he works nonstop to keep us stressed out, tired, angry, and ready to give up.

I have to admit it can be the daily challenges that are just so . . . daily! Those are the things that can wear me down little by little.

No, it’s not just the days with big problems that you and I need God’s help and hope . . . we need Him every day.

So, I’m inviting us to stop right now and hear Him say:

“You can do this. I am with you.”

This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9

That’s wherever we go and whatever we do. Not just when the problem is huge but every moment of every day.

David wrote:

Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I run away from where You are? If I go up to heaven, You are there! If I make my bed in the place of the dead, You are there! If I take the wings of the morning or live in the farthest part of the sea, even there Your hand will lead me and Your right hand will hold me.

Psalm 139:7–10 (NLV)

God is with us. He is willing and able to give us His strength so we can have the courage we need to boldly live our normal average everyday lives.

So, let’s join David and pray…

I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me. No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice. My body rests in safety.

Psalm 16:8–9
It can be hard to live with courage . . . to get up and face the challenges before us day in and day out. We need help and strength.  #BibleStudy #Faith #Courage #Blessings

A Prayer to Have God’s Strength
to Live with Courage

Father, You told Your children that You were faithful, that You would go with them, that You would never leave them alone (Deuteronomy 31:6). You promised to give them strength, help, and to hold them with Your righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10).

Your Word promises that You will give me the strength I need for whatever You allow (Philippians 4:13). Because Jesus has promised to be with us always (Matthew 28:20). And You promised to never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).

I can get up and do today knowing You are with me. And I trust that I can get up and do tomorrow and the next day too.

There may be hard days when fear is real but I believe that You will give me the strength I need to live with faith and courage. And that is courage . . . it’s not living without fear it is having the strength to keep going. And that kind of strength is found in Your presence.

Please help me keep my heart and mind focused on you. Forgive me for listening to lies that tell me I can be strong on my own. I can’t. I need you. You are my King. You are my Lord. You are grace and mercy. You are love. You are my courage and strength today. Thanks and praise in Jesus’ name. Amen.

It can be hard to live with courage . . . to get up and face the challenges before us day in and day out. We need help and strength.  #BibleStudy #Faith #Courage #Blessings

The Good News

The courage we need is always available.

It is found in:

  • God’s Perfect Unfailing Love
  • God’s Presence
  • God’s Promises

Do you need courage today?

Run to the Lord.

The enemy wants us to believe we can do it alone . . . that we can be self-sufficient, self-focused, self-absorbed, and selfish. But the truth is God has wired us to need Him—to love Him. We will never experience true courage for daily living until we find it in Him.

But the Lord is faithful! He will help us live with courage one day at a time.

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  1. You are spot on, Deb! Only God can give us the courage we need to face the challenges of each day, no matter how big or small those challenges are.

    1. Kathy Francescon says:

      You nailed it for me today too, Deb! These long winter days after Christmas as we wait on the warmth of spring, the winter blues set in, regardless of how content I try to stay. It is the mundane little things that set in with frustration and anxiety! Reading your post this morning gave me such a boost!! I’m not alone! Even Deb Wolfe feels this way too!! Not to say that I’m happy you are feeling anything but joy, but with you, I consider myself to be in good company! But praise the mighty and merciful God we serve! He is the Very Best Company we can ever be in and He is with us every moment of every day! May God continue to bless you, as you continue to bless us!

      1. You’re definitely not alone, Kathy! I’m an emotional Sanguine – so I experience all the feels. What a blessing to have God’s promises of patience and forgiveness. Just knowing He is with me whatever is going on makes life so much better. Have a wonderful day!

    2. It’s an awesome blessing to know He is with us, isn’t it, Martha? Thanks for faithfully visiting and saying “hello.” God bless you, my friend!

  2. I love your posts. I was wondering if there is a way to search for a topic or specific post on your website. Thank you and blessings to you.

    1. Hi, Emmy! Thank you so much! Yes, there are a few ways . . . if you scroll down the sidebar of the site you will find a place to “Search CMB” and a Categories area. You can look for your own topics in the search bar and or click the arrows and see some of the different topics I’ve listed. Also, I have a Page of Topical List of Verses and Prayers that lists many of my prayer posts by topic. Thanks again and God bless you!

  3. Love what you said about feeling like throwing the covers over our head instead of facing the day. Your reminders today are a comfort to me in that God is always with me and I am not alone in that feeling. Wonderful reminders, Deb.

    1. I so glad it blessed and encouraged you, Ashley! Thank you so very much for taking the time to let me know! God be with you and bless you today!

  4. Kathy Francescon says:

    PS. I also sent this to my Prayer Group and they all loved it too! I am also printing a copy off to put in my special collection of inspirational articles and posts that just speak to my heart! In which, I have more than several of yours there already! You are so dear to me, Sweet Deb! I sure wish I could have you as my best friend!! I admire you so much! You are truly an inspiration to me!

    1. Oh, thank you so much, Kathy! I think we’d have some great coffee chats! I sure am blessed by your kindness and affirmation. God bless you, my friend!

  5. With so much on my plate it’s so easy to feel like I can’t manage it all or feel weary… but God is in the everyday challenges that we might think it’s too small for Him to care. Thank you so much for this reminder.

    1. The emotional stress of busyness and caring for our loved ones can leave us exhausted. It is such a blessing to be able to take it to the Lord and Him to give us the wisdom to focus on the important and stress less over the rest. Thanks so much for visiting and leaving your kind encouragement. God bless you!

  6. Kathy Francescon says:

    You are such a sweet person to reply to our texts! I do feel as if we are genuine friends and I’ve known you forever! So thankful that we are at least pen-pals sharing the joy of Christ! Im learning so much from you and as always, your prayers are sooo awesome!! Your prayers always touch my heart! They say all I wish I could put into words! I am so very thankful that I found you, out here in reader land! God meant it to be!!

    1. I’m so glad too, Kathy! You sure do bless me. I’m glad God made us pen-friends too! Hugs!

  7. I know the feeling all too well of throwing in the towel, giving up or being discouraged. But despite all my waivering, little faith, the Lord always reach out to me and pulls me back from the brink of despondency. Have been praying for my husband’s healing for years and many times was wondering if God hears me, if He’s going to fulfill His promise. And while I lack, and only wish to have that unmovable conviction, deep in my heart I cling to Him, to the fact that Jesus is the One Who made the promise. And He’s not going to change His mind. His precious right hand holds me, His arms are underneath us, and He walks besides us each day, regardless if I recognize it or not. Yes, the Lord’s Faithfulness is unmatched and impossible to grasp. When I reach the end of my witts, Jesus is always there to prod me along and give me the courage to move on.

    1. It’s so difficult to have a pain or problem go on and on. I’m lifting up both you and your husband. Blessings and hugs!

  8. Debra A Johnston says:

    I love your posts!!! always what I need to hear!!! thank you much for all your hard work!!! God bless!!!

    1. Thank you, Debra! I love doing it and it makes it an even better blessing when I learn that it is blessing others. Thanks for letting me know. God bless you!

  9. Viola Simmons says:

    Crying out to God in Jesus name for every one healing and health. Thank you Jesus Amen 🙏.

    1. Thank you, Viola! I’m so thankful for your visit and for your kind prayers. God bless you!