How Delighting In the Lord will Bless Your Heart Today

What’s your heart’s desire?
David wrote:
“Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires.”
Psalm 37:4
I used to really struggle with that verse . . . especially during a season when God was not giving me what I believed to be my heart’s desire.
I had faith. I was a pastor’s wife. I taught at a parochial school and led Bible classes. I read my Bible and prayed. I thought I was delighting in Him and yet, God seemed to be saying “no”.
Wow, was I wrong! You see, I wasn’t really “delighting in the Lord.” I wasn’t finding my joy in Him. I was simply trying to win His approval by “doing it right.”
My list was more about me than it was about the Lord.
Another thing I learned was that I wasn’t putting the above verse in context. I was neglecting the words that followed.
Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will help you.
Psalm 37:5
When you and I “take delight in the Lord” we experience great pleasure and joy in His presence. (LAB Notes) And His presence makes it possible for us to trust Him completely and willingly commit everything in our lives to Him.
That means . . . our families, careers, friendships, homes, and possessions. It means surrendering our all to God’s control and direction.
And that takes big trust, doesn’t it! It means SEEKing Him and His will above everything and anything else in our lives. It means trusting Him because we know Him and love Him.
Do you know what else I’ve realized?
He has always helped me and as I’ve sought Him and committed my heart to Him the more I’ve seen Him at work in me and around me.
In fact, this is the note I wrote in my Bible next to those verses in Psalm 37:
When I delight in the Lord, KNOWing and TRUSTing Him IS my heart’s desire.
His good news is that when you and I “delight in the Lord,” we also receive blessings that are listed as synonyms of “delight.” When you and I delight in Him, He gives us contentment, joy, satisfaction, happiness. He also gives us peace, patience, faithfulness, and so much more.
I don’t know about you, but to me, that sounds like the realization of some really great heart desires.
So, let’s go to the Lord today and ask Him to work in our hearts that might make Him our delight and our heart’s desire.
A Prayer to Delight in the Lord
Lord, I pray that knowing and trusting You will be the desire of my heart. I realize that it’s so tempting for me to be short-sighted . . . to look for satisfaction in the temporary rather than the eternal. Your Word reminds me to “set my mind on things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:2) You want me to have heavenly priorities because You know that those are the things that will bless me forever.
Please help me find my contentment and satisfaction in You. May it be said of me that I “take delight in You.” May I SEEK what You desire and hide my heart in Your loving care. Please give me the perspective You want me to have. Help me remember that in the world and in my life—You are in control. I can commit myself to You because I believe You are my peace today and my hope for the future. And with Your Spirit’s help, I will completely trust You with my family, my career, my friends, and my life.
I surrender myself to You. Please give me everything I need to accomplish Your will and live for Your glory. For Yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
So, let me ask you…
What is your heart’s desire?
I imagine I’ve given you a lot to think about.
Up ’til now, you may have thought your heart’s desire was to have a child, to be married, for your prodigal to return, for restored health, or some other thing completely unique to you. And I’m not saying God has not given you those longings or that He doesn’t want them for you.
What I am saying is that David’s words are not a promise that the more you read your Bible, serve at church, or do good things for the kingdom or anything else . . . God “owes” you a positive outcome.
God knows what’s best! He loves you and cares about you more than you can imagine. He loves you so much He wants to spend eternity with you . . . so much He died for you.
Take delight in the Lord and see what He begins to do in your heart and your life one day at a time.
Taking delight in all the Lord has to offer today, Deb. When He is first in our lives, everything else will and does fall into place.
Amen, Martha! Have a great day!
Thank you for blessing us with God’s word. May God continue using you.
Thank you, Lea! I appreciate your visit and kindness. God bless you!
Deb I am so thankful that I found Counting My Blessings! Your articles have helped me grow as a Christian and brought me closer to God! I have shared your articles with friends and family too. This article on taking delight in the Lord spoke to my heart and soul! I have been praying about anxiety, and I feel yhe Loed speaking to me through you! Thank you!
Oh, thank you so much, Kim! I am so blessed by your kind encouragement. And I truly appreciate that you share our site with friends and family. I fight anxiety as well. Will lift you up in prayer . . . asking the Lord to give you His peace as He holds you close. God bless you!
Good morning Deb!! I love this post! I used to not take Ps 37:4 in the right context, too. Learning to delight in Jesus for Himself has changed so much for me and the Lord keeps giving me even more of Himself along the way. The joy just keeps increasing. Thank you for writing this delightful post!! Very encouraging way to start my day … ❤️
Thanks so much for your encouragement, Donna! I love that . . . “The joy just keeps increasing.” Amen! I couldn’t agree more! I so appreciate your visit and kindness. Have a wonderfully blessed weekend!
A great post Deb, you explained it beautifully x
Thank you so much, Angela!
Just read this for the 2nd time (I saved this page so I could revisit easily)
and I’m so thankful for your timing on this lesson and the truth you draw out for us.
I’m at a crossroads of sorts in my life and I truly desire wisdom and discernment and yet, seeing this adds a depth and joy to my “seeking”….if that makes sense. I believe He may be nudging me thru your words to “be still and know” and in that “delight in His presence.”
Thank you as always…His blessings over you….
Thank you so much! You made my day! That is my prayer for myself and everyone who visits is to grow in their desire to “SEEK” the Lord that they might “be still and know” Him . . . living each day under the knowledge that we are covered with His grace, mercy, and love. Have a wonderful day! God bless you!