5 Verses to Pray When You Doubt Your Faith

I’ve recently come to the conclusion that the enemy has one primary form of tempting God’s children.
It’s the same thing he’s used since the Garden…
“Did God really say…”
Genesis 3:1a
He is all about tempting us to doubt.
Doubt God. Doubt the Bible. Doubt Jesus.
And if all else fails … he wants you to doubt your faith.
I recently received a prayer request from someone who was being taunted with a couple of faith-related questions.
- What if my faith isn’t strong enough?
- What if I lose my faith?
It’s easy to understand where the questions come from at a time when famous leaders are coming forward saying they no longer believe.
It’s confusing and satan loves to use things like the fall of the popular and influential to get us to question God’s Word and His love.
Growing up, my pastor would assure us that it was okay to doubt if…
And the IF is really important.
It’s okay to doubt your faith if doubting motivates you to turn to GOD and SEEK HIS TRUTH!
Everyone will doubt from time to time. When circumstances are difficult and fear looms, when people let us down and life disappoints, when we question and wonder and want and wait … satan uses those moments to taunt and discourage us—tempting us to doubt God’s love and our faith.
Which is why I’m going to the Word and prayer today. I’m asking God to assure us of His gift of faith, asking Him to remind us of His past presence and faithfulness, and asking Him to help us know the truth of His grace, mercy, and love even when we’re weak and worried. I’m asking Him to help us celebrate His blessings no matter how we feel or how the enemy tempts us.
I am making the prayers personal and I’m hoping you will pray with me…
5 Verses to Pray When You Doubt Your Faith
The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you can endure.
1 Corinthians 10:13
Father, Thank you! Your Word assures me that I’m not alone. Since the first temptation, satan has been taunting us with questions and doubts. He is not a respecter of persons or positions … every one of us is tempted from time to time.
But You, Lord God, are faithful. I am not alone. You are with me. Through the power of Your Spirit, You give me what I need to stand strong and endure in the midst of the battle and You give me what I need to bravely walk away.
When I can’t. You can. You will. You do. Your grace is sufficient and I am so very thankful!
I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
Philippians 1:6
Father, Thank you so much for making me Your own. This promise blesses, encourages, and gives me hope. Jesus is the source of my faith and hope. Thank you for Your Holy Spirit who continues to work within me … reminding me of Your love and giving me eyes to see the way You are at work in my life giving me everything I need.
When doubts arise, remind me that the enemy is the source of doubt but…
Jesus is the source of my faith and through the Spirit, He is the One who keeps me strong until that day when He returns to take me home. I have nothing to fear.
But in that coming day
Isaiah 54:17
no weapon turned against you will succeed.
You will silence every voice
raised up to accuse you.
These benefits are enjoyed by
the servants of the Lord;
their vindication will come from me.
I, the Lord, have spoken!
Father, with Your Spirit’s help, no weapon of doubt turned against me will succeed. You silence every voice that rises up to accuse of past sins that have already been forgiven. You silence every voice that tempts me to doubt You … to doubt my faith in You.
You have given me the gift of faith. I belong to You.
I humbly surrender this day to You in child-like faith. I will trust and follow Your will as You reveal it to me and I will live moment by moment secure in Your presence and protection.
This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for He faced all of the same testings we do, yet He did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.
Hebrews 4:15–16
Lord Jesus, Thank you! I am not alone. You know me inside and out. You understand our human nature and You know the temptations we face.
Thank you for showing me how to fight satan’s temptations with the Word, for showing me that we can stand with strength on Your Truth.
And thank you, thank you, thank you for making it possible for me to come to the Father in prayer and for promising that at His throne I will receive the grace and mercy I need.
When the enemy tempts me with doubt … Your grace, mercy, and love are my strength when I am weak, my courage when I’m afraid, my hope when I am lost, my possible when circumstances seem impossible, my source and sustainer of faith when questions arise.
You are Lord of lords and King of kings. I am so thankful for You!
“From eternity to eternity I am God.
Isaiah 43:!3
No one can snatch anyone out of my hand.
No one can undo what I have done.”
Father, Thank you! Thank you for giving me the gift of faith in Your Son, Jesus. My confession is not because of who I am … I am not strong enough or wise enough. My belief is not because of what I’ve done or because of the church I attend. It is fully based on Your grace, mercy, and love.
And You say, “No one can undo what You have done. No one can snatch me out of Your hand.”
I am Yours.
When I am tempted, fill me with Your Spirit. When I doubt, assure me of Your love. When I question, teach me Your truth. When life is hard and even when it’s not, help me SEEK First all You want for me one day at a time. Amen.
When you doubt your faith…
When I doubt my faith…
The Good News is – we are not alone.
We are loved. We are understood. And by God’s grace and mercy, we can take it all, our questions, concerns, and doubts, to him in prayer and receive everything we need to live each day with hope and with the assurance of our faith.
This is such a good post. Whenever doubts arise, I go back to God’s Word and point myself in the right direction.
I love this truth: “It’s okay to doubt your faith if doubting motivates you to turn to GOD and SEEK HIS TRUTH!”
Bring it all to God. He is always the right place to turn.
Deb, I agree. If we doubt what God says we have nothing to stand on. Thanks for pointing us to these wonderful truths.
What an encouraging post!
I needed this today. Thank you for sharing and expounding on the truth of God’s Word. Also thanks for opening up your heart in prayer.
Thank you, Deb, for wise words–and for all the ways you encourage!
So much good encouragement here. laurensparks.net
We can doubt at any age and stage – thanks, Deb and thanks for the shout out.
I so needed these prayers today, Deb, and mean that from the heart!
Blessings, my friend!
Amen! I love how God is relentless in His pursuit of us, especially when those annoying little mozzie doubts start buzzing around our heads!
Amen – We are not alone!!!
Thank you for the encouragement.
One of my personal favorites is Habakkuk 1:2,3. ‘Why do you make me witness wrongdoing? And why do you tolerate oppression? Why are destruction and violence before me? And why do quarreling and conflict abound?’
These are questions and doubts everyone has, even if you’re not religious. And it’s good to ask these questions otherwise they wouldn’t be recorded in the Bible. And Jehovah God listened to Habakkuk simply because he cares. Wouldn’t you agree?
I agree, Kim! It’s normal to wonder why people suffer and question the way we teat one another. Why does God allow __________? And yes, the best place to take them is to the Lord, the One who created us and wants us to know His much better way! Thanks so much for visiting. God bless you!
Great post, Deb! Doubting our faith can seem taboo. Addressing it head-on and acknowledging our questions keeps us moving forward and strengthens our faith. This guidance is great!
Thank you, Scarlet! When I was growing up, my pastor used to tell us that it was okay to have doubts and questions … the important thing was knowing where to take them. I’m so thankful to have been blessed by the wisdom God gave him. God bless you!
Thamk you for this posr. I ask for prayers for temper control. Assurance that Hod hears all prayers.also God says forgive all wich I have.
But i question that I forgave. I do but i cant stop remembering…Because God forgave me through Jesus Christ so he donsnt or remember my sins. So i keep asking did i trully forgive. Lastly i try to control my mouth and remember that vulgarity is the essance of a feeblte mind .thanbonce again for your time and your post and Pray that God blrsses you greatly
Paul, some life-changing events are impossible to forget. I believe forgiveness is surrendering the person who hurt us to the Lord. To say the person no longer owes us anything. We free them and ourselves of the burden of the offense. I love that you are praying and asking God to help you with your struggles. He is with you and will honor your prayers as you turn to Him. I’m praying for you. God bless you!