10 Things You Can Do Now to Enjoy Freedom from Fear

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No one wants to fight fear every day. Here are 10 things to do to replace fearful thoughts with peace, hope, and courage. #Nomorefear #BibleStudy #Truth #Hope #Faith #Blessings

Adam and Eve had never experienced fear prior to that first temptation and sin.

Now, thousands of years later, we’re still struggling with those feelings more often than we’d like. Sometimes, since the arrival of the Covid virus, it feels like fear is the norm rather than the exception.

But, if it’s a given . . . if it’s simply something we have to live with, why did Jesus repeat the words “don’t be afraid” so often?

Was He just tossing around pie in the sky platitudes?

I don’t think so. Because He gave us reasons. He told us truths to give us courage and hope.

He said:

  • Don’t be afraid – you are valuable to the Father. Matthew 10:31
  • Don’t be afraid – take courage, I am with you. Mark 6:50
  • Don’t be afraid – have faith. Mark 5:36
  • Don’t be afraid – I will give you my peace. John 14:27
  • Don’t be afraid – God wants to share His Kingdom with you. Luke 12:32

If I could give my younger self a do-over, I’d spend less time worried, anxious, and afraid.

Thankfully, the good news is that although I may not be able to change the past . . . I can change the future.

I can trust Jesus and live without the weight of fear and anxiety. And you can too.

What does that mean?

It means that with the Lord’s help, I will refuse to let fear be a permanent resident in my life. Thoughts that frighten are going to visit. Frightening circumstances are part of life. But God is greater than my circumstances and my anxious thoughts.

I’ve had too many times when I let fear control me but thanks be to God, I’ve also had times when the Spirit helped me experience victory over anxiety and apprehension.

God has given us the tools we need to live with victorious faith that is greater than fear and He has given us the Spirit to help us use them.

Let’s take a look at those tools and His Word…

No one wants to fight fear every day. Here are 10 things to do to replace fearful thoughts with peace, hope, and courage. #Nomorefear #BibleStudy #Truth #Hope #Faith #Blessings

10 Things to Do to Enjoy Freedom from Fear

  1. Identify your fear – Name it. Know the source and reason you’re afraid. (Psalm 94:19)
  2. Ask yourself if it’s true – Check the facts. Is it a reality or simply a possibility. (John 8:31–32)
  3. Pray about it – Ask God to remove your fear and tell Him that you will trust Him with your future. (Psalm 34:4)
  4. Live in the moment – you can’t control everything but the God who loves you can and does. (Jeremiah 29:11)
  5. Expect positive outcomes – Remember that God is able to turn even things intended to harm us into something good. (Genesis 50:20)
  6. Change your surroundings – Do something to redirect your thoughts. (Philippians 4:8)
  7. Limit fear inducers – limit your exposure to things that frighten you . . . like the news and social media. (Romans 12:2)
  8. Understand the source – get to know yourself and the where, what, and why of your fear. (Psalm 119:34)
  9. Hide God’s Word in your heart – memorize Bible verses to replace fearful thoughts. (Ephesians 6:17)
  10. Find a “freedom from fear” friend – Someone you can call who will encourage you with God’s love. (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

Let’s pause to pray…

A Prayer Asking God to Replace Fear
with Faith and Peace

Father, sometimes it feels like the enemy wants us to live overwhelmed by fear. It seems like he wants us to live afraid. I admit that I occasionally doubt Your love and ability to care for me. Please forgive me.

Again and again, Your Word tells me to be strong and courageous . . . to not be afraid. Repeatedly it reminds me of Your love and care. It says I am precious to You, that You are with me, that You will give me peace, and that You want me to be a part of Your Kingdom now and forever.

How can I be afraid, Lord? You cover my life with Your grace, mercy, and love. You promise that Your Spirit is with me . . . that You will give me everything I need. Your promise that Your grace is sufficient for anything I face.

I give myself to You. I lay my fear before You and ask You to replace it with faith and peace. Fill me with Your Spirit and help me hold Your promises in my heart. With Your help, I will not be afraid. Amen.

No one wants to fight fear every day. Here are 10 things to do to replace fearful thoughts with peace, hope, and courage. #Nomorefear #BibleStudy #Truth #Hope #Faith #Blessings

God is greater than our fear.

God is greater than our circumstances.

God is greater than anything this world can throw at us.

Remember the way many of us close the Lord’s prayer…

Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Matthew 6:13 (NKJV)

So, join me . . . imprint the words of Isaiah on your heart. I believe God will use them to replace fear with faith and peace.

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

Isaiah 41:10

God bless you and give you everything you need to live with faith today.

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  1. So many times we are reminded in the Bible to fear not, but to trust completely in God. I’ve leaned on those verses more times than I can count, Deb.

    1. Me too, Martha! Yet another reason I am so very thankful for God’s Word! Blessings and hugs!

  2. Kathy Francescon says:

    A much needed post for me, Deb. Fear seems to be a constant companion these days. I know God is always in control and I do trust Him! Still, the fear factory that our country and the world has become takes my breath away at times. But I have two verses that I depend on to keep me going ! Joshua 1:9…Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee, whithersoever thou goest. (My key word for strength against fear in this verse is commanded…He isn’t “just sayin.”
    He is COMMANDING! So yes, I better do it!! What a positive reinforcing instruction this is to me!
    The other verse I cling to constantly is short but so comforting! Psalm 56:3…What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee. To me, this is simply the reply He has commanded in Joshua 1:9!
    As always Deb, your words and especially your prayers always seem to give my heart and my spirit exactly what is needed!! Bless you, for all the blessings you give to me!! You are a light on a hill!! (Matt. 5:14)

    1. I love those verses, Kathy! What a blessing that we have God’s promises to lift us when life is uncertain and we are feeling frightened. Thanks as always for visiting and for the wonderful ways you add to the conversations. God bless you, my friend!

      1. Kathy Francescon says:

        Thank you for the sweet words Deb! I never imagined that I could add anything to your uplifting and wonderful posts! I read all your posts for over a year, before I gathered enough courage to comment! I have never been on social media at all, so commenting was totally new and a bit scary too!! Now it is so easy to just jump right in! I look forward to your email every morning and finally getting familiar with Pinterest, so will join you there too!! God just knew I needed you and you ate such a blessing to me! Feel as if I’m hearing from a very dear and precious friend, sharing God with me everyday!

        1. Thank you for that, Kathy! I am so very blessed by your friendship. Isn’t heaven going to be amazing!?! Have a wonderful day!

  3. Cheri Mello says:

    Thank You For Sharing Deb ????????????♥️G-D Bless

    1. Thanks for visiting, Cheri! I pray you’re having a blessed week.

  4. Marilyn Laite says:

    God Day Deb. I love you article very enlightening and exceedingly useful. So many references to the Bible concerning fear. I especially resonated with John 8:31-32 and Jeremiah 29:11. If only I would give up control. The prayer was beautiful and I have put it in my prayer book t use over and over.

    1. Thank you for your kindness, Marilyn. God bless you!

  5. Fear seems to be one of the things we all struggle with in so many different ways. In personal circumstances, about the country, about the world’s direction…. In these past couple of years I got a new battle cry – FAITH OVER FEAR. Whenever I feel overwhelmed and catch feel creeping on me I remind myself – FAITH OVER FEAR. I have a God Who keeps everything under control even if it doesn’t seem like it. He proven through a lifetime His reliability, His faithfulness, love and mercy even when I deserved the opposite.
    One of my most favorite books is Isaiah. Can’t even list the slew of passages that helped me through fear, despondency, depression…..and like a rope it was there, I could hold on to it and get through the adversity by counting on the Lord’s promises. God’s blessings Deb for the daily reminders and encouragement.

    1. Hi, Gaby! I love the way the Lord gives us the tools we need to fight feelings of fear when we surrender ourselves to His mercy, grace, and love. Thanks for faithfully adding to the conversation. God bless you!