5 Simple Things You Can Do Today to Enjoy More Happiness

Are you happy?
Do you want to be?
If so, what are you doing about it?
There are plenty of people who say that personal happiness is the goal and purpose of life.
Although, I believe the “purpose of life” is God-given and found in Knowing, Loving, and Trusting Him.
I do believe that God loves it when we’re happy!
David wrote:
I trust in Your love. My heart is happy because You saved me.
Psalm 13:5
Praise the Lord, because He heard my prayer for help.
Psalm 28:6–7
The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust Him, and He helps me.
I am very happy, and I praise Him with my song.
But life is hard at times. The news rarely fills us with carefree bliss. Problems are real.
So, the question I’m considering is . . . are there things you and I can do to experience more happiness in life?
Let’s begin by defining happiness to make sure we’re on the same page.
Merriam-Webster says – Happiness is a state of well-being and contentment
Very Well Mind says – Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment.
And Happiness International says – Happiness is when your life fulfills your needs.
I believe God wants that for us and I believe He wants us to have it through Him.
Jesus said:
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and He will give you everything you need.
Luke 12:31
And Peter wrote:
May you have more and more of His loving favor and peace as you come to know God and our Lord Jesus Christ better. He gives us everything we need for life and for holy living. He gives it through His great power. As we come to know Him better, we learn that He called us to share His own shining greatness and perfect life.
2 Peter 1:2—3 (NLV)
So let’s look at 5 things we can do to experience more happiness..
- Make a commitment to SEEK God first through Bible Study, prayer, worship, and relationships.
- Ask God to forgive our cranky, ornery, whiney, complaining, and comparing behaviors and attitudes.
- Ask God to help us grow spiritual fruit in our lives – joy, peace, patience, etc. (Galatians 5:22–23)
- Intentionally think and talk about the things that make us happy and ask our family and friends to participate and hold us accountable.
- Praise and thank God for giving us everything we need including the gift of happiness.
A Prayer to Seek God First and
Enjoy More Happiness
Father, I think everyone wants to be happy but we so easily and foolishly look for happiness in the wrong places . . . in things that don’t last or fully satisfy. Please forgive us for looking to people and things to make us happy. We search for contentment and fulfillment from the world when it can only be found in You. We are selfish and stubborn. Please forgive us. Please forgive me.
I commit myself to You. Please guide me through Your Spirit and help me set priorities and manage my time in ways that focus my heart and mind on You. Please help me intentionally spend time in Your Word. Help me to “be still” with You in prayer. And with Your help, I will worship You with my life and make time for relationships that encourage my faith.
Please make me aware of all You are doing in me and around. Pour Your Spirit into me that I might live with joy, peace, patience, and faithfulness. Help me count the beautiful blessings You give. And open my eyes to the happiness You make available to me.
Father, You are so good to me. You have taken my guilt and shame, and given me faith, hope, and love . . . all I need to live with happiness today. I SEEK You, Lord. I love You. I praise You. I worship You forever and always. Amen.
The other day I was at Walmart picking up our prescriptions. As I finished, I thanked the pharmacist for her help and told her how much I always enjoyed seeing her.
She responded by telling me that she enjoys helping me because I’m always full of joy.
I thanked her, pointed it up, and said . . . it’s all the Lord’s doing. She smiled and said, “amen.”
Friends, life’s not perfect! You should see my list of prayers!
But that’s the point!
We can enjoy happiness because our Father invites us to bring every care to Him . . . to SEEK Him and TRUST Him to give us everything we need. Leaving our needs at the throne of grace with faith makes it possible for us to live with happiness and joy.
My prayer for you today is that you will run to Jesus, give Him the things that are robbing you of peace and happiness, and trust Him to give you everything you need.
We would love to pray for you.
You can leave your prayer requests here…
and even take a few minutes to pray over the list left by our friends.
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Hi Deb, this posting filled me with some shame when I realized how many of my replies are full of woa… It’s wonderful to share my burdens and difficulties, to seek responses from people of faith. Yet, it never occured to me to share the joy as well, even if and when it doesn’t fully feels that way. It’s kind of like how I remind myself and my husband on his bad days, that try to look for the blessings the Lord gifted us with. Yes, it’s not easy when my spirit is down in the gutter but those are the times I need it the most to remember of His everlasting love. How important it is for Him to grant the wishes of my heart, to cheer me up even if with a sunset or sunrise, or a happy song of a bird. Reminding me that the same way He cares for that bird, He cares for us. Living in a metropolitan city has its difficulties and problems. But the Lord blessed our stamp size yard where we literally have an Eden, with everything the Lord created for us … butterflies, several bird species, pond, a creek, flowers, and all the comfort. He made it a sanctuary for us where we can’t do nothing else but think and thank of Him. I made a part of my daily prayer regardless of my feelings and mood of the day, to remind myself God’s faithfulness to His Word. He promised to meet all our needs, and my oh my He over exceeded it. He’s with us in troubles, in good times, in sadness and in joy. He finds thousands of ways to turn our eyes to Him with a heartfelt thank you. Thank you for waking up, for the blue sky, the sun’s joy, the bird’s songs, for a peaceful day, granting a job, putting food on the table, being our financier, placing a roof over our head. And while I know that mainly these blessings are temporal, they are a big part of our lives. CH Spurgeon quote -“It’s not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.”.
Thank you for the reminder my friend. Keep spreading the joy and let the hapiness fill your heart.
P.s. while it doesn’t fit this post, this Spurgeon quote hit home to me – “By perseverance the snail reached the ark.” – there is hope for me and us
Your yard sounds wonderful, Gaby! I’m so glad you have a sweet place to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation. He has given us so many things to make us happy. You’re right, knowing that He cares that we’re happy is an incredible blessing. I’m praying each day for His help to keep my heart and mind focused on His grace, mercy, and love.
It’s funny you mentioned the eagles in your post. Yesterday I drove to a location I’ve been visiting where the resident eagles nest and have their 3 babies each year. Each time I see them soaring in the sky, I remember of the Lord’s Word.
Wow, that must be a wonderful sight. We used to visit a spot along the Mississippi River years ago to see eagles roosting but I don’t believe I’ve ever seen little eaglets other than in pictures. I love the beauty and variety of God’s creation. His love shows everywhere we look. Blessings, my friend!
Our God is so awesome. It is so wonderful that He is concerned with each and everyone us individually. Our happiness matters to God and I praise Him. I so enjoy ps 91 it is so comforting. God bless you Deb I certainly appreciate you.
Thanks much, Martha! I truly appreciate your kindness. Praying your week overflows with blessings!
I love that you shared your exchange with your pharmacist, Deb. We so make impressions, some lasting, on those around us, and it’s much easier to share the good news of Jesus when people already pick up on the joy and happiness we exude because of Him.
Thanks much, Martha! I’m blessed, our pharmacist is filled with joy, too. I love smiling and encouraging others. It always brightens and blesses my day! I hope you’re enjoying a wonderful week!
Wonderful post today Deb and the little bouquet of flowers made it so pretty too!! I think “with God” joy and happiness are just there! I wish I had been blessed to play a musical instrument and/or have a beautiful singing voice…but oh what joy God blesses me with, to be the listener!! And I can relate to Gaby’s comments as well! There are those times when we hurt so bad, for so long…but there again, “with God” joy comes in the morning! May hugs and happiness be yours today!!
Thanks again for faithfully encouraging me with kindness, Kathy. Amen, “joy comes in the morning.” God is soooo good! Have a blessing-filled wonderful week.
Deb, this is fantastic. What a wonderful message. I do find myself doing many of the things you mentioned. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for your encouragement, Paula! It sounds like you enjoy the blessing of happiness. God be with you and bless you!
Hi Deb, this is so beautiful, encouraging and helpful. I love your words, insights, and spiritual truths. I feel happy!
Thanks so much, Deborah! You sure do bless me! Hugs!
What wonderful yet simple ways to enjoy more happiness. Putting God first in the mornings has totally changed me. It sets the tone for the day and fills me with the strength I need to get through the day. I will have to add the ornery-ness in my prayers 😉 Thanks for sharing, Deb.
I agree, Alicia! My day is just off if it doesn’t begin with the Word and prayer. Thanks so much for visiting and for your kind encouragement. God bless you!