There’s an Important Truth About the Everyday Blessings of Our Faith

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If we only trust in Jesus as the Way to heaven we will be missing out on the everyday blessings of faith that God wants for us to enjoy right now. #Blessings #BibleStudy #FaithinJesus

There’s an old saying that describes Christianity as simply having a “Pie in the sky by and by” attitude about life.

The criticism is that believers are missing out on life right now just so that when they die, they will go to heaven. The good stuff of life. The “pie” . . . will come later. That faith is just eternal life insurance.

And it’s true, praise God, heaven is our certain future because of God’s amazing grace and the blessing of faith in Jesus.

The thing is . . . those who don’t know and trust Jesus don’t understand the amazing difference God is making in lives right now.

Followers of Jesus enjoy the following everyday blessings of faith:

  • Freedom from guilt and shame through forgiveness.
  • Peace that passes understanding.
  • Help to carry the burdens of life.
  • Courage to defeat fear.
  • Strength in times of weakness.
  • His presence to cover loneliness.
  • Mercy and grace.
  • Undeserved and unfailing forever love.

When Jesus told His followers to SEEK God’s kingdom above all else . . . He was inviting them to turn to give God control of every area of their lives, to trust His Word, and obey His will. And the promise is that they would then have everything they need. Jesus wasn’t just talking about eternal blessings. He knew they would also have everything they needed right now.

So, we turn to His Word to Know His Truth and His Will, because:

The word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. 

Hebrews 4:12

The power of God’s Word enables us to know and love the One who loves us, who saves us, and who gives us what we need . . . the everyday blessings of our faith.

If we only trust in Jesus as the Way to heaven we will be missing out on the everyday blessings of faith that God wants for us to enjoy right now. #Blessings #BibleStudy #FaithinJesus

A Prayer to Remember and Celebrate
the Everyday Blessings of Faith

Father, I don’t want to take a moment for granted. You pour Your blessings over my life every single day. I am humbled that You know and love me and want me to know and love You.

Thank you for the gift of Your Word. Please forgive me for the times I have neglected to turn to it and apply it to my life. I believe it is alive and powerful. I believe that Your Spirit is with me to help me discern Your truth and know Your will. I believe that You will give me everything I need each day when I SEEK You first. I believe it in my heart please help me live what I believe with my life.

Thank you for the blessings that You give to us through our faith . . . blessings of forgiveness, freedom peace, courage, strength, mercy, and grace. Thank you for promising to never leave me alone. And thank you for loving us all, not as one big massive group but as one of a kind precious children.

I celebrate who You are my Lord and my God. I celebrate all You’ve done in the past, all that You are doing today, and all that You have promised to do in the future. I celebrate the everyday blessings of my faith. I love You. Please give me everything I need to live each moment of my life for Your glory. Amen.

If we only trust in Jesus as the Way to heaven we will be missing out on the everyday blessings of faith that God wants for us to enjoy right now. #Blessings #BibleStudy #FaithinJesus

I was raised in the church. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t believe that Jesus is my Lord and Savior. What I didn’t understand, were the blessings of faith He wanted me to enjoy every single day. I lived in fear as I desperately tried to keep the rules and do everything right. I foolishly believed that if I was a “good girl” God would bless and reward me.

But you and I live in a sinful world and no matter how hard I tried, I was missing out on many of the blessings God wanted for me.

Finally, during a very painful time . . . I turned to my Bible and the Spirit started showing me what I was missing. He used His living active powerful Word to give me the everyday blessings of faith.

I’m praying for you and asking Him to show you those awesome blessings too.

On today’s note write:

Today, I will turn to God’s Word and celebrate the everyday blessings of faith.

May God bless you with everything you need today.

Click here to read the rest of Hebrews 4.

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  1. There are so many daily blessings God gives us, Deb, and we do need to sit up and take notice, giving Him thanks and praise.
    Blessings to you today! 🙂

    1. Amen, Martha! Everything we need! Have a wonderful day, my friend!

  2. Thank you Deb for this teaching, and very well said. To live with Jesus by your side every minute is a lifestyle that enjoys the everyday blessings. It’s like taking vitamins to enjoy the enrichment of life.

    1. Thank you for your encouragement, Jean. I am most appreciative. I like your analogy to taking vitamins. It’s important for us to be healthy physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. And I believe God wants that for us as well. God bless you!

  3. Thank you for the beautiful post and prayer. The helpful reminders of enjoying the blessing of our salvation are appreciated.

    1. Thank you for your kind encouragement, Theresa. Praying you have a wonderful day in the Lord.