How the Spirit Will Help You Forgive and Love Like Jesus

Have you ever said or done something to someone that you immediately wished you could undo or take back? And to make it even worse . . . this person is someone you really care about.
You pause anticipating the reaction you’re going to get but much to your surprise something marvelous happens. This gentle soul just lets it go. Because they love you, they choose not to be offended.
And you’ve been blessed to receive a wonderful gift!
Maybe you’re recalling a time with you were in the shoes of the forgiver choosing to react with grace and forgiveness rather than reacting with anger and frustration.
In this next portion of his letter to the Ephesians, Paul wanted these readers to know that unity in Christ does not just happen, we have to work at it.
Well, Paul wrote:
Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.
Ephesians 4:2
I want that, don’t you?
I want people to “make allowances” for my “faults” because they love me!
Paul knew that is the best way for it to be possible for God’s people to live together in “unity” is to forgive and love like Jesus.
Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. For there is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all, in all, and living through all.
Ephesians 4:3–6
Why did God inspire Paul to encourage people to live together in unity . . . to love like Jesus?
Because we are family! We are all God’s children united by His Spirit through faith in Jesus. So, rather than focusing on our weaknesses and the things that divide us, you and I are called to pray for each other and “make allowances for each other’s faults” because the love of Christ is with and within us.
And Paul says we can do this when we:
Let the Spirit renew [our] thoughts and attitudes.
Ephesians 4:23
A Prayer to Forgive and Love Like Jesus
Father, please forgive me. Rather than forgiving the way You want me to . . . the way You have forgiven me, I am often judgmental and quick to take offense. I want people to “make allowances” for my faults and yet, I’m not always willing to do the same for them. I am so sorry.
Your love is faithful and unfailing . . . demonstrated in and through Jesus. Your grace and mercy cover my life with everything I need to live in the freedom I have been given in Jesus. And Your Spirit makes it possible for me to live with joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22–23a)
In Christ Jesus, You have given us everything we need to live united by Your love. You give us the strength to forgive one another. You promise to give me all I need to be humble, gentle, and patient like Jesus.
I come to You today asking for Your help. Please empower me with Your love. Make me like Jesus. Help me to be humble and gentle, and patient. Help me forgive the way You forgive. Help me make every effort to do all that I can to maintain unity and peace among Your children. Help me SEEK You first and trust You to give me everything I need to trust and obey Your will. I pray in the name of Jesus, the One who makes this possible. Amen.
You and I are forgiven because God chooses to forgive us through His mercy and love. The more we recognize the degree to which are loved and forgiven the more we will want to love and forgive others.
And guess what?
Forgiving like Jesus blesses us!
I’ve been testing it out lately and I’ve learned that when I choose not to be offended . . . I often receive grace in return. When I make allowances for someone else’s faults remembering that I haven’t had their experiences or walked in their shoes . . . I often receive kindness and goodness in return.
God knows that when we do things His way – life is better. And it’s possible that other people will want to know more about the One who gives us what we need to be humble, gentle, patient, and forgiving. It’s possible they just might want to more about Jesus.
On today’s note write:
Today I will SEEK the Spirit’s help to forgive and love like Jesus.
May God be with you and bless you with everything you need to live with His forgiveness and love.
Thanks for the wonderful passage of forgiveness❤ I needed that! May you have a wonderful and blessed day.
I’m so glad it blessed you, Teressa! God be with you and bless you as well!
Life is immeasurably better when we do things God’s way. May we all practice patience and forgiveness with all we meet today.
Blessings, Deb!
Amen, Martha! Oh, that we all would trust and follow Him. Blessings and hugs!
How perfectly timed this post is. I have been struggling with forgiveness and this is but a reminder that I am to live through Christ in sacrifice and worship. By following His example may I strive to do this. Thank you Deb. God’s timing is perfect.
I’m so glad you were blessed, Marilyn. I’m very thankful for God’s Word and the reminders He gives me each day. His ways are so much better than ours. God be with you and bless you today.
Thank for this reminder. I have been seeking the Lord’s help to be less judgmental and to see others through God’s eyes. I did Jennie Allen’s Get Out of Your Head study with a couple other ladies. When critical and judgmental thoughts pop in my head and I need to replace those thoughts with God’s word. I love today’s prayer so I will make it my own, print it out, put it in my Bible, and pray it often. Deb, you are a blessing!
Me too, Heidi! What a blessing that we have the Lord’s Spirit to guide and help us. Thanks so much for you encouraging word. God bless you!
God is in time and on time ! What a blessing this morning.
My husband of 42 years has dementia. Anyone familiar knows things can be said and done not under his control. With God’s help patience, love, forgiveness, understanding are given. Pray for those with this horrible disease , their families and care givers.
I am joining you and your husband up in prayer. It is such a horrible and difficult disease for all who are touched by it. May God be with you and encourage you as you lovingly care for your husband.
I heard this said once, “Forgiveness is tying your hands behind your back so you cannot pick the scab of remembrance.”
I like that Janette! Thanks so much for sharing it with us! God bless you!
GREAT Message Deb????????????❗️And Such A GREAT THING to Put into practice . I KNOW I NEED WORK on IT as Far As Giving Automatic Forgiveness, BUT I’m GETTING Better ????????????????♥️❗️THANK YOU ???? , for Making Your Blog Easily Printable . It’s Nice To refer Back To Your Blog????. G-d♥️Bless
We are all works in progress, Cheri. And I think forgiving those who hurt us is one of the hardest areas of growth for many of us. Thanks for visiting and God bless!
Thank you Deb for your uplifting article. We all need to be reminded of Paul’s words and they are every bit as relevant now as they were back then, when he wrote to the Ephesians. We all need forgiveness and true forgiveness can only take place, when we forgive as Jesus wants us to…to show love and kindness and above all we need to be patient with others. It’s not always easy but we can try.
Angela – Ireland
Thank you, Angela! I always appreciate your kind word of encouragement. God be with you!