How Jesus Will Take Your Shame and Help You Live Forgiven and Free

Priests were designated by God to 1. offer sacrifices and be the mediators between God and His people 2. teach people God’s Law.
You see, sinners could not go directly to a Holy God.
But then, Holy God humbled Himself and came to us . . . Jesus came to live among us, died to suffer our punishment for us, and rose again so we can be forgiven and free.
He was declared our “priest forever” having offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for our sins.
When Jesus declared “It is finished,” on the cross . . . He proclaimed the sacrifice complete. His mission on earth had been completed. He had defeated sin, death, and the power of satan.
Victory could be ours through faith.
And it is through Jesus, we can have total victory now and forever. Our eternal futures are forever secure!
Yet, “It is finished,” does not mean Jesus is sitting back watching our lives from the sidelines.
The writer to the Hebrews said:
Because Jesus lives forever, his priesthood lasts forever. Therefore he is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf.
Hebrews 7:24–25
I like the way The Message says it:
Jesus’ priesthood is permanent. He’s there from now to eternity to save everyone who comes to God through him, always on the job to speak up for them.
Hebrews 7:24–25 (MSG)
You and I can now enter God’s throne room of grace ourselves . . . but we don’t have to come to Him with the right words, we don’t even have to know what we want or hope will happen. Because the Perfect Eternal Mediator is right there talking to the Father about us and for us.
Jesus, God’s own perfect Son sits on a throne right next to the Father and He is “always on the job” speaking up for you and me.
Today you and I are able to live with confidence knowing that we are forgiven and free. We no longer have to live in fear with guilt and shame. He is the kind of high priest we need because he is holy and blameless, unstained by sin. He has been set apart from sinners and has been given the highest place of honor in heaven.
We have been given an incredible blessing…
Confidence in a better hope, through which we draw near to God.
Hebrews 7:19b
A Prayer to Live Forgiven and Free Every Day
Father, I want to trust and obey You completely. I want to love people the way You command. But I fail to measure up even to my own standards let alone Your will for me. I am so very sorry. Sometimes the guilt and shame of my thoughts, words, and actions overwhelm me. Almost every day the enemy brings up something from my past or present to remind me of my failures.
I don’t deserve Your forgiveness. But Jesus! Because of Your great love and His sacrifice I am forgiven and free. I believe Your promises and I come before You in His name. I believe that it is by grace that I am saved through faith in Jesus. (Ephesians 2:8) I believe Jesus carried my guilt and shame to the cross to save me. (Hebrews 12:2) I believe I am forgiven through Jesus’ blood and righteousness. (Romans 3:25) I believe You love me. (Romans 5:8) I believe You are for me. (Romans 8:31) And I believe Jesus is praying for me. (Hebrews 7:25)
I believe that when I repent, I am forgiven and free. Free to live in love with hope. I believe You will give me what I need each day to live according to Your will. Please help me focus on and follow Jesus. Give me confidence in Your “better hope.” Thank you for Jesus, our perfect forever Priest, in whose name I pray. Amen.
I can remember countless times I needed advice in life and not realizing that the problem was really spiritual in nature, I would run to books, advisors, counselors, etc.
I’m not saying they aren’t helpful on occasion.
But I have learned that they’re most helpful when my heart and mind are focused on Jesus. Because it is only then that I can discern the wisdom of their advice.
If you and I want to experience true and lasting peace and freedom, we need to turn to the One who knows us best and who gave His life that we might have everything we need now and always. We need to trust the One who is always talking to the Father about us and for us. The One who loves us more than we can imagine.
On today’s note write:
Praise God! Jesus made it possible for me to live forgiven and free.
May God bless you today as you celebrate the freedom you have in Christ Jesus.
Forgiven and free . . . Is there any other way to live? I think not!
Blessings, Deb!
Amen, Martha!! Hope you’re having a great day!!
Another uplifting post. Happy Monday and a great way to start the week! I see the Faith n Friends link party at the bottom on here and wondering what this is? Each time I click on it it takes me to your homepage…am I missing something? Intrigued for sure. Well done Deb!
Hi, Lily. Thank you so much! I always appreciate your comments. And I appreciate that you let me know about my link party graphic in my footer. I forgot it was still there. I stopped hosting the link party for other bloggers earlier this year and removed the old ones because of broken links. You can find a lot of my blogger friends posts on my Pinterest boards if you’re looking for more posts to read. Thanks again! Blessings!