How to Experience Joy and Happiness When Your Glass is Half Empty

Are you a glass half full or glass half empty kind of person?
If you’re like me, it depends on the subject at hand. I love to laugh and I strive for optimism but the truth is, on my own staying positive can be challenging . . . especially when I watch the news.
I’ve been thinking about what it must have been like for the people in Thessalonica to hear Paul say that he knew they would face trouble.
Then, they received his letter adding:
While we were with you, we warned you that troubles would soon come—and they did, as you well know.
1 Thessalonians 3:4
So, what can we do when we want to be happy but those inevitable troubles show up?
I did a quick internet search of books on “ways to be happy,” and found titles like:
- 9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of Your Life
- 100 Ways to be Happy Now
- Authentic Happiness
- The Happiness Project
- The Happiness Hypothesis
Most of us want to live trouble-free without problems or concerns. And maybe that’s why many turn to psychology books on happiness rather than searching Scripture to KNOW the truth about having lasting joy even when troubles come.
How is that even possible? How can you and I experience joy even when life is offering us a less than full glass?
Through relationships! Through our relationship with God and with other people.
Jesus promised to always be with us (Matthew 28:20) and to help us carry our burdens (Matthew 11:28). He gives us strength (Philippians 4:13) and courage (Matthew 14:27) when life is hard.
And He gives us other people. Paul added:
We have been greatly encouraged in the midst of our troubles and suffering, dear brothers and sisters, because you have remained strong in your faith. It gives us new life to know that you are standing firm in the Lord. How we thank God for you! Because of you we have great joy as we enter God’s presence.
1 Thessalonians 3:7–9
So if you are struggling today, take it to God in prayer. Ask Him to fill your glass to overflowing with His presence, peace, strength, courage, and love. Then call a friend and pour a little laughter and love over them. I promise . . . you’ll not only experience joy, but you’ll also feel that spark of happiness firing up again too.
A Prayer for Joy that Leads to Happiness When the Glass is Half Empty
Father, I want an easy trouble-free life. I know even when I am blessed to enjoy a season when life is peaceful and calm, that “in this world, I will experience trouble.” (John 16:33) Thank you for sending Jesus to overcome the enemy and win the victory over sin, death, and any power he attempts to display. Thank you for Your Spirit who gives us the full armor we need to stand strong against the enemy’s attacks.
By Your grace, I have the gift of faith and truth. I am covered by Jesus’ righteousness and the truth of Your promises. I have Your Word to fight the enemy and Your peace for the battle.
Because of Your love, my glass overflows with forgiveness, peace, courage, and strength. You give me everything I need each day. Please forgive my weaknesses and selfishness and help me focus my heart, mind, soul, and strength on You.
I love You, Lord. I pray that Your Spirit will help me live each day full of love. Help me look for reasons to laugh and live with the fullness of joy that comes from Your hand. And help me share love and laughter with the people around me. When my glass appears half empty, please help me remember You are with me promising to give me everything I need to stand firm with great joy. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
As you fill your glass with water today, pause when you get to the halfway mark and thank God for being with you when trouble challenges you. Then fill that glass to overflowing and praise Him . . . by the Lord’s grace, mercy, and love your life and mine overflow with all we need to live with the joy that leads to happiness.
On today’s note write:
Because of Jesus, my glass is not half empty . . . it overflows with His love.
May you be blessed today with the Lord overflowing peace, joy, and love.
My cup overflows with His goodness, mercy and grace, Deb, so I might ever feel thankful and joyful.
Blessings, my friend!
God bless you, Martha! Have a great weekend!
Thank you Deb for being a beacon of light where it seems dark…your gentle, loving ways touch those of us who’ve come to know you with your blog and grateful to have daily reminders we are not alone. I appreciate your gift to inspire those of us who truly desire a relationship with the Lord…can safely say your teachings are pure of heart and what a blessing. So glad I found you…have a wonderful weekend!
Oh, Lily, thank you so much for blessing me with such kind encouragement. You absolutely made my day! I feel so very blessed to be able to do this each day . . . knowing that doing it has blessed someone, that gives me joy! Have a beautiful weekend. God bless you!
Hi Deb, I am very sorry I haven’t commented for a while. We should encourage each other and `I am very thankful for your ministry. I love reading the prayers you write and making them my own. Love and thanks Angela x
No worries, Angela! I’m just glad you are able to visit and that you are being blessed. Thanks so much for stopping by! God be with you and bless you!
Love it! Simple, straightforward, practical. I’ll remember this exercise. Thank you!!
Aw, thanks, Susan. I so appreciate your kindness. God be with you and bless you!
Thank you Deb for your faithful encouragement! The joy of the Lord is my strength even when it appears my glass is half empty. The Lord promises us an abundant life but not always an easy one. We can feel discouraged by our trials but our cup runneth over with His love for us – that is where our true happiness comes from.
This was an excellent read. I’m struggling with more than I can put into words, but He knows. My family and I need prayer.
I’m sorry, Jessica. I am praying for you! God is with you and I’m asking Him to meet your every need as you turn to Him in faith. God bless you!