Glory! God Keeps His Promises of Unfailing Love Always

God promised a Savior before Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden and He repeatedly told His people about the coming Messiah throughout all the generations of the Old Testament.
God promised a Messiah and God keeps His promises.
He sent Jesus but the people had waited for so long that many didn’t recognize Him when He finally arrived.
One of their problems in recognizing Him was that they waited with their focus on the cultural pressures of power, popularity, possessions, and pleasure rather than focusing the God’s faithfulness in keeping His promises.
Before Jesus, the Messiah, ascended to the right hand of the Father He promised to return…
Then everyone will see the Son of Man coming on a cloud with power and great glory. So when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation is near!”
Luke 21:27–28, John 14:3
When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.
Yet, once again, generations have come and gone and the focus of many has turned from the Lord and His promises to power, popularity, possessions, and pleasure.
So, what should you and I do to keep our focus where it belongs and wait with faith trusting that God always keeps His promises?
The answer to that question can be found in Psalm 98…
- Live with a heart full of praise.
Sing a new song to the Lord, for He has done wonderful deeds.
His right hand has won a mighty victory; His holy arm has shown His saving power! Psalm 98:1 - Live with bold faith trusting that He has already won the victory.
The Lord has announced His victory and has revealed His righteousness to every nation! Psalm 98:2 - Remember that God kept His promises in the past.
He has remembered His promise to love and be faithful to Israel. The ends of the earth have seen the victory of our God. Psalm 98:3 - Trust that God will continue to keep His promises in the future.
Let the hills sing out their songs of joy before the Lord, for He is coming to judge the earth.
He will judge the world with justice, and the nations with fairness. Psalm 98:8b–9 - God promised to send a Messiah and He sent Jesus to save us. (Genesis 3:16 — John 3:16)
- Jesus promised the Father would send the Holy Spirit and He gave us the Holy Spirit. (John 15:26 — Acts 2)
- God promised that if we confess and repent He will forgive us and He faithfully forgives. (1 Joh 1:9)
- Jesus promised that when we SEEK God above all else He will give us everything we need. (Matthew 6:33)
- Jesus promised to return for us and we can trust Him to keep that promise. (John 14:3 — Revelation 22)
We can fully rely on His promises because He is faithful.
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.
Hebrews 10:23
Let us live with hearts full of gratitude and praise. Let’s Live each day in victory with bold faith and Remember the promises God has kept in the past and trust Him to keep His promises in the future.
Let’s pray…
A Prayer of Thanks – God Keeps His Promises
Father, thank you for faithfully keeping Your promises. Your Word is consistent. You promised to send a Savior for a broken creation and You did. You promise to help us carry our burdens when we come to You and You do. You promise that Your love never fails . . . it never has and it never will. You promise to forgive all who come to You in faith with repentance and You do.
I come to You once again asking for Your forgiveness. I don’t love the way You want me to love. I’m quick to judge those who sin differently than I sin. I fall short of caring for Your creation the way Your desire. And that’s just the shortlist. I’m so very sorry. Please forgive me.
You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. You are loving, compassionate, and good. You are righteous and just. You are gracious and merciful. You are my Helper who is always with me. You are all I need today, tomorrow, and always.
When the enemy of my soul tempts me with doubts and confusion please remind me of the truth of Your promises. Please hold me close and bless me with Your perfect peace. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Here’s a question to think about today…
Why does God keep His promises?
Because of His unfailing love and faithfulness.
So the Word became human and made His home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen His glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.
John 1:14
And because He is Truth . . . He cannot lie.
God also bound himself with an oath, so that those who received the promise could be perfectly sure that he would never change his mind. So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie.
Hebrews 6:17–18a
So, let’s join the Psalmist and all creation in praising the One who keeps His promises.
Let the sea and everything in it shout His praise!
Psalm 98:7–8a
Let the earth and all living things join in.
Let the rivers clap their hands in glee!
May the Lord bless you as you hold onto His promises and keep them deep within your heart.
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I depend on your devotionals to focus my mind on what is really important, as I have a tendency to let my ego drive decisions instead of a Godly spirit of wisdom. I would be lost without your guidance, reassuring us that the divine presence is constantly available to us in our earthly concerns.
Thank you, Laura! My husband, Rev, prays regularly that I will hear from readers and be encouraged by their comments. You made my day! Thank you so much! I love sharing my love for the Lord and want nothing more than for these devotions and prayers to help others in their faith walks. God be with you and bless you!
I hold on every day to this truth! God keeping His promises is what keeps me in a place where I can hold my head high during these trying times I am going through. I know that He never promises that things will always be smooth sailing, but He promises to be with us through them and if need be, He will pick us up and carry us when we feel we can’t move another inch. I am thankful for your reminder and that beautiful, heartfelt prayer. I fall so short in my walk with God, but I keep on walking. I know that even when I feel like I have no words to say in prayer, because I think I have said it all and begged it all and cried it all; I know that the Holy Spirit prays for me. God has promised that through his son Jesus. Everyday, I am filled with gratitude for so many things. Once again I say “thank you my friend, for your wisdom, and your knowledge!” I know that you speak through experience!! Prayers and blessings, hugs too, for you my sweet friend.
I ditto Laura and Sue, Deb! I love and eagerly read your devotions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday! You have helped me, steered me, and always fill my heart such beautiful and encouraging words with the Truth of God! I hope you realize how much we love you, need you, and appreciate you! Bless you, Deb, for the devoted disciple you are! God, knew so many of us, needed you! I am sure that so many read and may not comment, like i didn’t for a long time. No doubt you have touched more hearts than you will ever know! You are truly a blessing in my life! As are all the dear friends I have made through you! Bless you! Bless you, dear friend.
Such a heart felt testimony, sweet friend! And loved your honesty about having said it all, cried it all, and begged it all. Sometimes I feel the need to pray for so many, for so much that is going on around me, that I feel overwhelmed! I feel the same about praising, giving thanks, and doing more, doing better. How can I ever, even come close to praising and thanking God enough. I feel defeated before I get started because it is impossible! I am praying for you my dear friend and I love that you are holding your head up high and holding on to the Truths of God’s Word! As Deb relayed today, GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISES! He loves you so, so much and so do I! Sail on, dear friend!
Kathy, my dear and faithful friend, you always encourage me. Something that I am not ashamed to admit I need. We all do. You seem to have that gift to be able to reach out to all of us. It is appreciated. Rest assured!
I am like you in being overwhelmed at times. So much so that I can’t even pray. It is in those times that I know that God is beconing me to rest and still my mind. I think of Jesus and how he had to go off alone and have that quiet time with his Father in Heaven.
I do so love Deb’s blog and the fact that she takes time to teach us. She is going through so much herself. She does bless all of us. But, you, my dear friend bless us too. Once again,
I am not ashamed to admit that I need encouragement. All that I can get! I also like to give it.
I am grateful for you and I am grateful for Deb! (all of the others who participate in sharing as well)
May God, our God, the only God, bless you as you go through your days and weeks and months and years.
I know that you have a lot on your plate as well. Love Hugs, to you my faithful friend!
Hey Sue, I feel like I can so easily get tripped up by the uneven surface of bumps and potholes on the path of life. I completely agree, knowing that the Lord is walking with me willing to steady my feet along the path and pick me up when I stumble and fall. His grace proclaimed through His promises helps me to keep moving forward trusting that He will never leave me nor forsake me. May you be blessed with an outpouring of His peace and love this week. Hugs!
What beautiful words and prayers you give us Deb to help us stay focused with our Lord. As I wake up every morning I pray the daily prayer to thank God for giving me another day. I always find myself attending to house chorus and texting my sons and family before dedicating time to God. Dear Lord help me to remain with you always and give me the Love, Grace, Peace and Mercy to grow with you and the Holy Spirit never to lose sight of you.
Thank you Deb for all your teachings to help me continue to strength my faith and not lose hope in God’s glory.
Thank you, Ana! I will often take care of some household tasks and responsibilities before my time with the Lord in prayer and study because my mind wanders easily. I can get distracted by unfinished morning chores . . . so, I do them first and pray to focus on the Lord and His blessings and love. I believe that He just wants us to spend time with Him whenever that is during the day or night. God bless you, sweet friend!