Important Truths About Angels Found In The Bible

As I read the opening verse of Psalm 99, I realized that I don’t spend much time thinking about angels.
The Lord is king!
Psalm 99:1
Let the nations tremble!
He sits on His throne between the cherubim.
Let the whole earth quake!
I wondered about the possibility that there may be some distorted ideas out there about who angels are and what they do.
So, let’s take a look…
Pastor Tony Evans wrote…
“As created beings, angels are not to be worshipped, glorified, or adored in and of themselves. The angels were created to worship, glorify, adore, and obey God.”
Angels are beings created by God.
The Bible names 5 different types of Angels.
- Archangels – the highest-ranking angels. They are both Warriors and Messengers. The two we know by name are Michael and Gabriel. (Jude 1:9, Revelation 12:7, Luke 1:19, 26)
- Cherubim – Mighty angels sent to earth for great and mighty acts. (Genesis 3:24, Ezekiel 10)
- Seraphim – Isaiah mentions these beings in his vision of heaven. They appeared shouting “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies! The whole earth is filled with His glory!” (Isaiah 6:2)
- Living Heavenly Creatures – Mentioned as being around the throne of God. They join the Seraphim proclaiming, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty—the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come.” (Revelation 4:8)
- Angels – Do the work of God on earth. (Angel Verses)
Here are 5 verses that tell us a little more about God’s angels:
For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. (Psalm 91:11 ESV)
My God sent His angel to shut the lions’ mouths so that they would not hurt me. (Daniel 6:22a)
Are not all the angels spirits who work for God? They are sent out to help those who are to be saved from the punishment of sin. (Hebrews 1:14 NCV)
“Beware that you don’t look down on any of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels are always in the presence of my heavenly Father.” (Matthew 18:10)
They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And He will send out His angels with the mighty blast of a trumpet, and they will gather His chosen ones from all over the world—from the farthest ends of the earth and heaven. (Matthew 24:30b–31)
God created angels to serve Him. Like humans, they have free will. We know that because the Bible tells us that satan and the demons are fallen angels.
Jesus told the disciples, “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning!” (Luke 10:18)
Yet, those angels who have not rebelled against God are used in the spiritual realm to glorify God by serving Him, fighting spiritual battles against fallen angels, and praising Him. In the visible realm, they share God’s message and help God’s children.
Rev. Billy Graham wrote…
” [Angels] fulfill God’s will in salvation for believers in Jesus Christ, so they are also “avengers” who use their great power to fulfill God’s will in judgment.“
Let’s pray…
A Prayer About Angels and God’s Love
Father God, Thank you for Your Word that tells us about angels. Thank you for allowing us to know about the mysteries of Your creation in the spiritual realm.
Like angels, You made us to worship and glorify You. And You gave us free will so that we might do so willingly with grateful hearts. But like fallen angels, we have rebelled and sinned against You. I am overwhelmed with awe and thankfulness that You would provide Jesus to save us from the consequences we deserve. I am sorry for the times I have given in to pride and selfishness. I’m sorry I’ve listened to the wrong voices. Please forgive me.
Thank you for commanding Your angels to guard and protect us. (Psalm 91:11) Thank you for the way they instruct and help us. (Acts 5:19) Thank you for those angels that minister to Your children. (Hebrews 1:14) Thank you for the way they set an example for us by the way they praise and worship You. (Revelation 7:11)
Thank You for loving us so much that You care and provide for us in every way physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Please give me everything I need to trust, love, worship, and adore You every day of my life now and eternally. Amen.
One more thing, do you remember the account in 2 Kings 6? The King of Aram was at war with Israel but God had used Elisha to warn and protect His people. So, the King of Aram sent troops to capture Elisha.
Elisha’s assistant was terrified and that’s when the prophet turned to the Lord with a request…
“O Lord, open his eyes and let him see!” The Lord opened the young man’s eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around them was filled with horses and chariots of fire. 2 Kings 6:17
There were MORE prepared to fight for them than there were those fighting for the enemy. (2 Kings 6:16)
Friends, God has a heavenly army at His disposal ready to guide, guard, help, and fight for you. That’s how very much He loves you.
May we join the angels in praise, worship, and adoration of our God thanking Him for who He is and all He does now and forever.
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Dear Deb,
I need to tell you more often what a blessing you’ve been in my life for years, but especially since Easter Eve, April 8, of this year. Our daughter, Lauren, died suddenly that day at age 37. Lauren had struggled with bipolar and addiction since her first year of college. Later, health issues of narcolepsy and eventually high blood pressure made life even more difficult. In 2019, she almost died from a suicide attempt, but through a miracle she lived. Since then, she came back to Christ, completed her LPC, and was the Subtance Abuse Director of a local mental health non-profit. She helped so many in just 4 years. Jesus took her home quickly and peacefully in His time, not hers. I have a hole in my heart but I am confident of where she is and we will all be in Glory with God. Your words comfort me every week and give me strength to finish what God wants me to do here on earth. Your post on defining our souls was wonderful! I’ve never seen souls defined and explained so well. And today’s post on Angels – just beautiful. Thank you for sharing your faith and love of Christ with me! I’ve shared “Counting My Blessings” with many. I often read your posts to Lauren as she was getting ready for work, and she knew about your “bonus” days with Rev. Every now and then, she would say, “Mom, this is my 745th bonus day,” or whatever day it was since God said, “Not yet!” in 2019. God bless you and yours????????????????????????✝️
Lyle Wilder, grieving mother
Montgomery, AL
Oh, Lyle. I’m sitting here with my eyes filled with tears. My heart breaks for you and the grief you are carrying. Lauren sounds like such a beautiful caring soul who used her own struggle to bless others. I am humbled by your kind words of encouragement. I love being able to share my love for the Lord and tell people about the ways He has carried me through painful times. He is always faithful and is carrying us again right now. We found out this week that along with Rev’s ALS journey, our 10 year old Cavapoo, Sadie, has congestive heart failure. Multiple times each day, I end up saying, “Lord, I need You. I can’t do this but I believe Your grace is sufficient.”
I know you can’t do this on your own either. It is by grace alone that we can proclaim the goodness of the Lord as we face life’s painful moments. I am praying for your beautiful heart and asking God to hold you close every moment of every day. I am also thanking Him for prompting you to share your heart and tell us about your beautiful girl. I can’t tell you the depth to which the Lord used you to bless and encourage me today. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Blessings and hugs!
Deb, I am so sorry to hear about your sweet pet. It is so difficult to see them suffer. My heart hurts for you and for Rev.! I know that God promises he will never give us more than we can bare! It is just so hard to understand this at times. You and Rev and the little one are in my prayers. Love hugs to you!!
Thank you so much, Sue! I am so very thankful for your prayers and friendship! God bless you abundantly!
Your response meant so much to me. The Holy Spirit speaks through you all the time to ease our hearts and souls. I’m sad to know you and Rev are struggling and that your Sadie has congestive heart failure. Our 4-legged family members love us unconditionally. Thank you for continuing to use your words to help so many, even when you are going through your own pain. A friend of mine suggested I start a prayer bowl after Lauren died. I use scripture cards, reading one each day, and then I write a prayer for someone on the back. Each day that follows, I reread the scripture and pray again over the people in my bowl. I added you, Rev, Sadie, and your family to my prayer bowl this morning. I should have been praying for you for years after all you’ve done for me. ????????????????????????
Thank you so much for your prayers, Lyle. Blessings!!
Thank you so much for your inspiration. Your daughter sounds like she was such a special person. And, what a wonderful Mother you are. God bless you and my prayers are for you for strength.
I thank the Lord for my Guradian Angels.
Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe dear friend. Hugs to you!
Deb, this was such a wonderful blog. This world can be a very rough place to live and we most certainly need help to get through it. My daughter was spared when she was about 2 years old. She started falling down a very high and unforgiving wooden staircase at a friend’s house. I didn’t see what happend but the owner of the house did. As my daughter was falling in mid air he saw her lifted up and put back into a safe position. When he brought her to me and told me what had just happened his face was white. This encouraging reminder that we have assistance from our Lord brings joy to my heart!
Isn’t this ironic I was just reading yesterday on Pinterest a post about 13 signs you have angels with you. It was very interesting after reading it I have had angel signs throughout my life but didn’t know they were angel signs. If you all have Pinterest do a search so you can read it. I would like to know how true those signs are or are they coincides. Thank you Deb for all the wonderful subject prayers and spiritual encouragements you send us. I always look forward to receiving them and it gives me peace of mind knowing God is always with me and at times May send his messenger angels.
Have a wonderful blessed day and weekend! ????
Thank you, Ana! I’m so glad you were blessed and encouraged! God be with you!
Debbie, I’m always encouraged by your daily post and i believe that God really loves us even with our shortcomings.
please I have been the breadwinner for my family for the past sixteen years and my husband is unemployed for all this period. we have two children and I feel overburdened because he also depends on me. i am becoming very bitter and resents him. please advise me and remember me in your prayers.
I am so thankful that you have been blessed by your visits here. It sounds like you’ve been carrying a difficult burden for many years. I am happy to pray for you and your family. I’m asking God to give you peace of heart and mind, as well as the strength you need each day. I’m also praying that the Lord will provide help for you in carrying this responsibility. God be with you and bless you!
I have seen the angels around my vehicle whilst a passenger. They formed such a band that there were no gaps for the enemy to penetrate. They were large, some crouched others stood positioned for attack. Swords raised, sheilds positioned . They wore full armour. I was praying in the spirit when my eyes were opened to witness this scene. I got such a shock. A friend had prayed that God would send His angels to protect my husband and I on our important long journey. Another time I saw a car come at full speed on the wrong side if the road towards me in my vehicle. I was praising Jesus with ghusto before this and during it when I witnessed the oncoming car being picked up supernaturally and placed in its correct lane. The car behind me must have seen this happen = when he overtook me after the incident he turned his head to look at me and his face showed amazement and I of course looked at him as I was still praising Jesus and in awe of what had just transpired. I share this with you as an encouragement. I always pray God’s hedge of protection, the blood of Jesus and His angels around me and my family.
Thank you for sharing these wonderful moments with us, Margie! I believe there is so much going on around us every day … things we never realize. I’m so glad you visited and truly appreciate that you added this to our conversation. God’s richest blessings!