How God Uses All Kinds of People to Accomplish His Greater Purpose

Since the beginning of time, God has used people on earth to accomplish His purposes.
Solomon wrote:
You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.
Proverbs 19:21
You might believe you are too sinful or insignificant. You might believe that anything you do will be of little consequence.
You shouldn’t!
He chose a teenage girl as the mother of His Son. He used fishermen, a tax collector, a zealot, and a Pharisee to begin the early church.
God is able to use whatever we do to serve Him and His people in His greater plan. What you and I have done in the past, do today, or at some time in the future may have a far deeper impact on the Kingdom than we can imagine.
God uses His people to accomplish His will.
But, He also uses people who don’t follow Him even though they don’t realize it.
God used the Egyptians, the Babylonians, and the Romans to accomplish His purposes.
He used Pharoah to display His power and lead the children of Israel out of Egypt. He taught His people the consequences of disobedience through the powerful Babylonians. And He spread the message of Jesus through the persecution of Christians at the hands of the Romans.
And in Revelation, God will use evil worldly people and powers against each other.
John wrote:
For God has put a plan into their minds, a plan that will carry out his purposes . . . so the words of God will be fulfilled.
Revelation 17:17
The words of God for you and I to remember today:
“The Lamb will defeat them because he is Lord of all lords and King of all kings. And his called and chosen and faithful ones will be with him.”
Revelation 17:14
He is the One whose birth we celebrate . . . the Lord of all lords and King of all kings. He is the Word made Flesh (John 1:14), the Lion of Judah who won the victory for our souls(Revelation 5:5).
The Lamb of God loves you and me. He came to earth to save us through His death and resurrection. And He will come again to take us home to heaven. Those are God’s plans and purposes for those who TRUST and LOVE Him.
And that’s reason to celebrate . . . today, tomorrow, and always.
A Prayer Thanking God for Always Accomplishing His Purposes
Father, thank you! It gives me peace to know that although we may make plans Your purposes will always prevail. Your Word promises that Your plans for Your children are always for our good . . . plans that give hope for the future. (Jeremiah 29:11) Your plans are wise. (1 Corinthians 1:25) Your plan is that we would come to know, love, and trust You through Your Son, Jesus. (Ephesians 1:9–10)
You use people to accomplish Your will. I pray that You will use me. Make me willing to trust Your plans and obey Your commands that I might share Your truth. Make me sensitive to Your Spirit’s guidance that I might share Your love. Make me quick to pray and worship that I might focus on You.
Lord, I give myself to You in gratitude . . . thank you for giving Yourself for me. Please make me willing to humbly serve You every day of my life. Please use me in ways that lift up and glorify Your holy name. I thank You and praise You for making me Your own. Amen.
As you and I gather with family and friends in the days ahead and as we prepare to move ahead into the New Year . . . may we willingly give ourselves to God and allow Him to use us for His purposes. We can trust Him. His plans are always for our soul’s ultimate good and hope-filled future.
And we can trust Him . . . the Lion of Judah, the Lord of lords and King of kings has won the victory!
On today’s note write:
God’s purposes will be accomplished. May He accomplish them in and through me.
May you be blessed as you celebrate the One whose purpose has always been to give you all you need to live in victory.
Merry Christmas!
May we humble ourselves before God, willing to do what He asks of us so that His plans might be fulfilled.
Merry Christmas, Deb!
Amen, Martha! Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas, Deb! I’m looking forward to another year of your posts!
At one point your post led me to think of the song Jesus Loves Me.
Blessings and success to you and yours!
Thank you, Marie! God bless you!
Christmas Blessings to You and all those you love! Thank you for sharing Jesus and your self with us this past year and I look forward to growing in Christ with You in the New Year! Sure everyone has heard this saying, “You may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world!” Your posts have helped me in so many ways, and so many times! I thank my God for you! Blessed Merry Christmas!
Kathy, I can’t tell you how much your encouragement means to me. I am so very blessed to do this and readers like you, make it true joy! Thank you so very much! I pray you had a wonderful Christmas and the the year ahead will be filled with the Lord’s blessings!
Merry Christmas Deb…and to all your readers…I wish you the same. Thank you for taking time each week to lift us up in His name. All the best to you and yours.
Christmas blessings to you, Lily! Thank you for faithfully visiting and for your kind encouragement! Many blessings in the New Year.