Why it’s Important to Know and Trust that God Is Always Good and Fair

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It seems like there are always things to whine and complain about but it's important to remember that when life is hard God is always good and fair. #GodisGood #Godlovesyou #TrustJesus #Blessings

It’s a phrase that can send a parent’s nerves on edge…

“That’s not fair!”

Part of the problem is that it’s typically said in an annoying whiney voice.

But of course, children do not have the corner on the “that’s not fair” market. Adults are often guilty of whining about fairness.

Rev says, “Whining is not attractive in children . . . but it’s downright obnoxious in adults.”

Yet, Rev is also the first to admit that he too has done some whining about life’s injustices. I dare say . . . we all have. I know, I’m guilty.

In Revelation 16, we get a preview of the seven bowls of God’s judgment being poured out on the earth.

But Scripture tells us that God’s judgment is always “fair and just.”

He is . . . the Holy One, who is and who always was. (Revelation 16:5)

The One the Heavens declare:

And I heard a voice from the altar, saying,
“Yes, O Lord God, the Almighty,
    your judgments are true and just.”

Revelation 16:7

He is loving and righteous, good and fair.

Peter wrote:

He [God] does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.

2 Peter 3:9

It is why He sent His Son, Jesus. Why His Holy Spirit is available to all believers. Why He gave us His Word—so that everyone might be saved through faith.

[He] wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.

2 Timothy 2:4

God is the standard of all that is good and fair. He is morally perfect.

The Life Application Notes add:

Whatever He chooses or decrees is fair, even if we don’t understand it or like it. Those who rebel and reject God are not rejecting a “lifestyle option”; they are rejecting truth and justice itself.

Those who reject the Good News of God’s love and the sacrificial love of Jesus will face God’s judgment.

It’s important to remember that everyone’s eternal future is based on the truth of the Good News. You and I have the essential responsibility to share the Good News of God’s saving grace given through Jesus with our loved ones, neighbors, and everyone God places around us.

You must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. But do this in a gentle and respectful way.

1 Peter 3:15–16a
It seems like there are always things to whine and complain about but it's important to remember that when life is hard God is always good and fair. #GodisGood #Godlovesyou #TrustJesus #Blessings

A Prayer to Know and Trust that God is Always Good and Fair

Father, as we celebrate the birth of Your Son, Jesus, this week . . . we pause to focus on the truth that we can know and trust You in all things. Your ways are perfect and just and fair. Your love is overwhelming. Jesus said He came to show us the truth about the Father. He came to show us Your love. He said: “If you really know me, you will know my Father as well.” (John 14:6) And… “I was born and came into the world to testify to the truth.” (John 18:37) Thank you for wanting us to KNOW the TRUTH of Your Love!

Jesus being born to live among us was not fair. Jesus being treated with contempt was not fair. Jesus suffering our punishment was not fair. He gave up His right to fairness because of grace, mercy, and love. He allowed Himself to endure injustice and unfairness that we might receive beautiful blessings we don’t deserve.

You are loving and all Your ways are good and fair. Even when I don’t understand my current circumstances . . . You do. You are with me giving me everything I need to trust Your love one moment at a time. My soul praises You. Amen.

It seems like there are always things to whine and complain about but it's important to remember that when life is hard God is always good and fair. #GodisGood #Godlovesyou #TrustJesus #Blessings

Toward the end of John’s account of God’s judgment being poured out over the earth, he writes the following words of Jesus:

“Look, I will come as unexpectedly as a thief! Blessed are all who are watching for me, who keep their clothing ready so they will not have to walk around naked and ashamed.”

Revelation 16:15

Be ready!

It’s easy to focus on the chaos around us but once again the Lord reminds us to keep our focus on Him . . . to trust His love and that everything He does is good and fair. We can trust Him completely and count on His promise that the day will come when we will join with all in heaven saying…

“Yes, O Lord God, the Almighty,
    your judgments are true and just.”

On today’s note write:

Lord, help me focus on You and remember that all You do is good and fair.

May God bless you today as you focus your heart and mind on His love.

Click here to read the rest of Revelation 16.

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  1. Thanks Deb , Merry Christmas and Happy New Year . With Love .

    1. Thank you, Robert! Merry Christmas! God bless you!