How You Can Know and Be Blessed By God’s Circle of Faith

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When you and I live within God's Circle of Faith we are blessed by love, forgiveness, grace, mercy, peace, and so much more. #Faith #GodLovesYou #BibleStudy #Blessings

Does knowing Jesus change the way you think and act?

The Bible is pretty clear, you and I have been called to “walk the talk.”

Have you ever heard of the circle of faith?

We’ve been called to trust and obey . . . to believe God is who He says He is, to believe He can and will do everything He has promised, and to obey God’s will.

So whether we like it or not, obedience is part of walking the talk.

But the Bible tells us, “God is love.” 1 John 4:8

So why doesn’t He just indulge us and let us do what we want . . . after all, He’s the One who gave us free will.

I believe it is all part of God’s Circle of Faith.

God loves us. We respond by loving Him. God asks us to trust and obey Him and our obedience shows that we trust and love Him.

Isaiah wrote:

Lord, we show our trust in you by obeying your laws; our heart’s desire is to glorify your name.

Isaiah 26:8

And God also knows obedience will bless and protects us.

Paul explained it to Titus, like this:

For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.

Titus 2:11–14

You and I are eager to obey God and do what is good because we trust and love Him but here on earth, we will never do it perfectly.

This brings us back to His LOVE!

God loves us.

But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. 

Romans 5:8

And we show our love for God by trusting and obeying Him.

Those who know my commands and obey them are the ones who love me, and my Father will love those who love me. I will love them and will show myself to them.

John 14:21

And so on and so forth. . . that’s God’s Circle of Faith. A place where you and I are blessed with hope, love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and so much more.

When you and I live within God's Circle of Faith we are blessed by love, forgiveness, grace, mercy, peace, and so much more. #Faith #GodLovesYou #BibleStudy #Blessings

A Prayer to Faithfully Live Within God’s Circle of Faith

Father, thank you! Your love is truly amazing. That Jesus would come and live the perfect life I am unable to live. That He would show me Your perfect unfailing love and suffer my punishment, die my death . . . I am so very humble and grateful.

Your Word clearly tells me that You want me to obey Your commands and follow Your will. From the first page to the last it tells me that my trust and obedience declare my love for You. I want that. I do love You so much, and yet I know I fail to love others the way You want me to . . . I talk about Your love more than I walk in it. I am so very sorry. Please forgive me.

Father, please help me to be faithfully passionate about knowing Your Word that I might grow in wisdom and understand Your Truth. Please give me the courage I need to obediently walk in Your will. And please help me remember the wonderful blessings of living within Your Circle of Faith. I ask all of this in the name of the One who makes it all possible, my Lord and Savior, Jesus. Amen.

When you and I live within God's Circle of Faith we are blessed by love, forgiveness, grace, mercy, peace, and so much more. #Faith #GodLovesYou #BibleStudy #Blessings

You and I enjoy the blessing of living within God’s Circle of Faith . . . a place where we are embraced by God’s perfect love, where we pursue fully trusting and obeying God as our response to His love, where we love others to show them His love and faithfulness, and where we are blessed and protected by His grace and mercy.

On today’s note write:

I am so blessed to live within God’s Circle of Faith.

May God bless you today with all that you need to faithfully love, trust, and obey Him.

Click here to read the rest of Titus 2.

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  1. This circle of faith is such a wonderful illustration of how God’s love works in our lives when we trust and obey. Such a great a memorable visual!

    1. Thank you so much, Martha! I appreciate your kind encouragement. Blessings!!

  2. I know that Jesus is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. He died on the cross and was resurrected.
    One problem I have though is ; How can God be a good God when he required animal sacrifices in the OT and how could a loving God have told Abraham to kill his son?

    I believe that parts of the Bible had to be changed throughout the centuries so the church could harness more power over people.

    Feedback welcome

    1. James, those are questions that have been asked for generations. Thank you for asking them here. God is perfect and holy. We are sinful. Sinfulness separates people from God. Because He loves so much, He made a covenant in the Old Testament requiring a blood sacrifice for forgiveness. Its purpose was to point to Jesus the New Covenant and the ultimate blood sacrifice for sin.

      He asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac to show Abraham and us the greatness of his faith. He was not going to have him complete the sacrifice but he knew how great Abraham’s faith was and he wanted Abraham to know as well. Sometimes he allows testing to show us where we are in our faith – that we need to cling to Him more or to realize how much we actually rely on Him already.

      I don’t believe that the parts of the Bible have been “changed.” I believe the Bible is the inspired living and active Word of God to man. They have discovered many documents over the years that substantiate the truths and accuracy of the Bible. I recommend you read The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel.

      Thanks so much for visiting and for joining the conversation. God bless you as you continue to SEEK and know the truth!

      1. Thank you Deb for the reply.

  3. I love the idea of a circle of faith, it makes everything a lot simpler.