How the Truth of God’s Love Is Able to Silence Satan’s Lies

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You and I live with messages, Satan lies, that he uses to defeat and discourage us and keep us from living in the truth and the victory Jesus has won for us. #BibleStudy #Godlovesyou #LiveinVictory #Blessings

“I can’t believe you messed up again!”

“You just keep making the same stupid mistakes!”

“Why won’t you ever learn?”

“Why can’t you be more like ________?”

“You simply don’t belong and you never will!”

Have you ever had something similar said to you? Or maybe, you have a voice in your head that repeats words that remind you that you’re not measuring up.

The truth is most of us are painfully aware of our shortcomings in the eyes of others, in our own, or both.

There is an “accuser” of our souls who is constantly at work trying to discourage and even defeat the people God created . . . and that’s everyone! He wants us to feel like we don’t measure up before people. He wants us to doubt that a holy and righteous God could ever truly love and forgive us.

So, pause for a moment and let the following verses “wash” over you and fill your soul:

He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross. This includes you who were once far away from God. You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions. Yet now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body. As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.

Colossians 1:20b–22

No matter who satan uses to lie to you . . . God sees you as “holy and blameless as you stand before Him without a single fault.”

By God’s grace, through the death and resurrection of Jesus, God calls you His own. He has transformed you from a messed-up sinner who doesn’t belong into His chosen and loved child. When He looks at you He sees you as blameless and flawless.

Are you ready to stop listening to satan’s lies with God’s truth?

Let’s pray…

A Prayer to Replace Satan’s Lies with God’s Truth

You and I live with messages, Satan lies, that he uses to defeat and discourage us and keep us from living in the truth and the victory Jesus has won for us. #BibleStudy #Godlovesyou #LiveinVictory #Blessings

Father, I so often play the messages in my head that tell me I don’t measure up, that I’ve failed again, that I’m worthless. I compare my worst to other people’s best. I listen to satan’s lies and I’m discouraged. Please forgive me. Forgive my willingness to ever think you are unable or unwilling to forgive me.

Your Word calls me:

  • Healed (Isaiah 53:5)
  • Forgiven (1 John 2:12)
  • Chosen (1 Peter 2:9)
  • Precious (Psalm 139:7)
  • Loved (John 15:9)
  • Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (Psalm 139:14)
  • Valuable (Matthew 10:31)
  • Saved (Ephesians 2:8)
  • Family (Ephesians 2:19)
  • Beautiful (Psalm 45:11)

You say that because of Jesus, I am holy and blameless in Your sight. You cover me with grace and mercy giving me everything I need to KNOW, TRUST, and LOVE you through faith in Jesus. You saved me from satan’s lies. Fill me with Your Spirit and help me walk in Your presence and rest in Your Truth. I love You, Lord. Your love is an immeasurable blessing. Your grace and mercy give me a future filled with hope. Please help me live today and every day for the glory of Your name. Amen.

You and I live with messages, Satan lies, that he uses to defeat and discourage us and keep us from living in the truth and the victory Jesus has won for us. #BibleStudy #Godlovesyou #LiveinVictory #Blessings

You and I, with God’s help, can silence the discouraging messages of satan’s lies.


By taking every thought captive and replacing satan’s lies with God’s truth. By taking His promises and holding them in our hearts. By celebrating every single day the truth that we have been made flawless through Jesus.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith [in Christ Jesus]—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.

Ephesians 2:8

On today’s note write:

I will fight satan’s lies with God’s truth and remember I am flawless in Christ Jesus.

May God bless you today and fill your heart and mind with the truth of His love.

Click here to read the rest of Colossians 1.

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    1. I need to cling to His Word every moment. God bless you!

  1. Theresa Boedeker says:

    Oh Deb, when we stand in God’s truth we can defeat the lies of Satan. He condemns us, God loves us and convicts us.

    1. Amen! The truth of God’s grace gets me through every single day. Blessings and have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Angela Cahill says:

    It is good to know that God sees us as spotless and blameless. The enemy of our heart. mind and soul would have us believe that we are condemned and not worthy of God’s forgiveness, especially when we fall short but that’s what he would have us believe. Jesus came to redeem us and washed over all our sins making us spotless and blameless before God. When those voices from the enemy creep in, like they so often do, let us stand firm and be bold in quoting from scripture, that we are forgiven and wonderfully made in God’s image. We have a Father in heaven who will welcome us. The enemy and his lies have been defeated! Thank you Deb for this wonderful devotional today proclaiming God’s word and that we are worthy!