How God Showed Me My Need for His Grace, Mercy, and Love

I’ll never forget the moment I realized that I wasn’t an observer of Eve picking and taking a bite out of that piece of fruit that brought sin upon us all . . . I was guilty. I was Eve.
You see, I’d remembered a specific moment when the enemy had tempted me to doubt God’s goodness and act outside of His will for me. At the time, it didn’t seem like a big deal. In fact, most everyone thought my choices were good and honorable. But God wanted me to wait . . . and I didn’t trust His timing.
Years later, the Lord revealed the truth to me through a dream.
A dream where like Peter, I walked along the shore with Jesus.
And He asked me…
“Do you love me more than these?”
John 21:15b
I replied…
“Yes, Lord, you know I love you.”
John 21:16
Twice more He asked me and twice more I replied. And then I woke up with His words on my heart…
“Feed my sheep.”
John 21:17b
And as I lay there in bed that morning pondering and praying about my dream . . . the Lord brought to mind the truth of my sins. I was a doubter—like Thomas, I’d gone along with the crowd and denied Him—like Peter, and I was prone to give in to temptation—like Eve.
I was not the “good little church girl” I thought I was. I needed and continue to need forgiveness. I need God’s grace, mercy, and love. I need Jesus.
The Lord is faithful.
If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:8–9
By God’s grace, I’ve experienced the blessing of God’s forgiveness and that’s the reason I tell my story. I will tell you of my flaws and failures, my weaknesses and worries, my foolishness and frailties . . . so I can tell you about His amazing grace, tender mercy, and unfailing love.
A Prayer Thanking God for His Grace, Mercy, and Love
Lord, thank you for showing me the truth about my sin. I am so ashamed that I ever thought I was “good.” Please forgive me. Just thinking that I could obey Your will or that I could have excused faults makes me now realize that I was guilty of the sin of pride. You allowed me to KNOW the TRUTH of who I am that I might enjoy the blessing and freedom found in Your love and forgiveness.
I know everything is a gift of Your grace. Thank you for patiently leading me through Your Spirit. I prayerfully ask that You will give me the courage and strength I need each day to follow wherever You lead me. I ask that You will help me love and care for others as You want me to. And I pray that with Your help, I will boldly proclaim the truth about Jesus. Thank You for Your grace, mercy, and love. I praise You. I worship You. I love you. Amen.
It can be hard to boldly proclaim our love of Jesus. In the current “cancel culture” it takes courage to tell people about the blessings of knowing and loving Jesus.
John wrote because he wanted everyone to know that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ, the Son of God.
He began with…
In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1
In the last chapter, he wrote…
The disciples saw Jesus do many other miraculous signs in addition to the ones recorded in this book. But these are written so that you may continue to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in him you will have life by the power of his name.
John 20:30–31
And he closed with…
This disciple is the one who testifies to these events and has recorded them here. And we know that his account of these things is accurate. Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written.
John 21:24–25
He loved the Lord and he testified that you and I might know and love Him too.
When we humbly know our need for forgiveness and we know the blessing of God’s grace, mercy, and love . . . we want to share the Good News.
On today’s note write:
I need God’s grace, mercy, and love today and every day.
God bless you today as you celebrate and share His Good News!
Click here to read the rest of John 21.
We all need God’s grace, mercy and love, Deb. Lord, forgive us when we think we are “good” enough without Your gifts!
Thank you for sharing with us, it’s because of God’s,Mercies and Grace we are living.
Amen, Lydia! I rely on His mercy and grace every single day! Thanks for visiting! God bless you!
Amen, Martha! Praying you enjoy a blessed day!
Thank you for Sharing that with us. God bless you
Thanks for visiting and for stopping to leave an encouraging word. God bless you!
Thank you Deb for sharing with us today. Yes, we are all in need of God’s mercy and forgiveness in our lives. When we humbly come before Him with a contrite heart, Jesus who is the lamb of God, comes to take away our sins. We are then filled with every grace and blessing. Thank you Lord Jesus for counting us among those you have chosen.
Angela – Ireland
Amen, Angela! I am so very thankful for the blessing of God’s grace! Asking Him to bless you today!
AMEN ????????♥️❗️Thank You Deb ????❗️I know I CAN’T keep the Law And I’m So Thankful for EVERYDAY Grace I Know that Out L-rd Gives to Us! JUST as He wants Us To Do THE SAME ????????I and I’M NEVER SHY to Share the Gospel EVEN in cancel culture , BC I FIGURE it Might Just Open SOMEONES eyes????????❗️ and have them Come To JESUS ♥️G-d♥️Bless
God bless you, Cheri, as you continue to share His love. God be with you, my friend!