Powerful Prayers To Seek The Lord & Grow In Faith

What does it mean to have faith?
Do you define your faith by the church you attend? Is it based on your feelings or outlook on life? Does it change based on the latest popular opinion or philosophy?
What do you do when you want to grow in faith?
A verse in Hebrews defines faith like this…
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1 (ESV)
And The Life Application Bible Notes add…
“Faith is confidence based on past experience that God’s new and fresh surprises will surely be ours. Faith believes that God is who He says He is and that He will do what He says He will do.”
Just a few verses later this same writer tells us what we need to do if we want to grow in faith…
It is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that God exists and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him.
Hebrews 11:6
I think that’s why I consistently talk about the importance of SEEKing the Lord through His Word and prayer.
God promises that those who SEEK Him will be blessed with the gift of faith. And I believe Him … I’ve personally experienced it in my own life and seen it in the lives of others too often not to believe that SEEKers grow in faith.
So, let’s join with the father of the “demon-possessed” boy and pray, “Lord, I believe. Help me overcome my unbelief.” (Mark 9:24) Let’s prayerfully ask Him to make us SEEKers of His TRUTH so that we might have faith to confidently live each day KNOWing that He is who He says He is and that we can TRUST Him to faithfully do what He says He will do.
Verses and Prayers to
SEEK the LORD and Grow in Faith
Search for the Lord and for His strength; continually seek Him.
Psalm 105:4
Father, please make me a SEEKer. I want so much more than simply knowing of You or about You. I want a relationship with You. I want to love You with all that I am. I want to fully trust that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me because Christ Jesus has done all things to make that possible.
So, I will read and study Your Word and spend time with You in prayer. I will bring every care and concern to You trusting that Your love is unfailing and everlasting. I will remember all that You have done in the past and hold Your promises close to my heart confident that You are the One for whom nothing is impossible. Amen.
In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.
Jeremiah 29:12–13
Thank you for hearing my prayers, Father. Your Word promises that You have plans for Your children … plans for good that give hope for the future. When I humbly repent You forgive me and pour Your love into my life. You give me peace, patience, faithfulness, and everything I need to grow in faith.
Thank you for giving me faith and for wanting me to KNOW, TRUST, and LOVE You. By the power of Your Spirit, help me SEEK You wholeheartedly so that I might trust Your will and follow wherever You lead. Amen.
Show me the right path, O Lord;
Psalm 25:4–5
point out the road for me to follow.
Lead me by Your truth and teach me,
for You are the God who saves me.
All day long I put my hope in you.
David wrote, “Your Word is truth and Your regulations are eternal.” (Psalm 119:160) And Jesus prayed, “Make them holy by Your truth; teach them Your Word, which is truth.” (John 17:17)
Father, thank you for making it possible for us to know Your truth through the pages of Your Word. As I SEEK You through Your Word, prayer, and the fellowship of believers, I ask that You will teach me and guide me. Show me Your ways and give me everything I need to trust and obey. Please walk with me on the path You have prepared for me.
Thank you for the way Jesus showed us the enormity of Your grace, mercy, and love. Thank you for saving me. You are the Lord of my life and everything I need. Amen.
“But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.
Jeremiah 17:7
Father, it’s impossible to count the times You have shown me that You are worthy of all my trust. You have proven Yourself loving, caring, and faithful. You know my needs and consistently provide for me giving me confidence that You keep Your promises.
Because of who You are and all You’ve done, I will live with hope assured that for You nothing is impossible. I will look at my current circumstances with an eternal perspective and lay my anxiety and worry at the foot of the cross in faith, trusting that You will hold me close and help me carry every burden You allow. Amen.
By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know Him, the one who called us to Himself by means of His marvelous glory and excellence.
2 Peter 1:3
Heavenly Father, on my own … I can’t. I can’t live the way You want. I can’t even live the way I want. I fall short of my goals and I fail to fully trust and obey Your will. I drift off the path You want for me and daily need Your merciful forgiveness.
Thank you for giving Your Spirit and for making it possible for us to know the truth that sets us free … thank you for helping us grow in faith.
I thank You, Lord. Please give me everything I need to lay my life before You so that I might live for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Let’s SEEK to KNOW, TRUST, and LOVE the LORD above everything else in life. Let’s surrender our lives to Him and ask Him to give us deep roots of faith, hope, and love…
Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:7
May God bless you and give you everything you need to grow in faith.
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I have gained so much faith and trust in God through trials. With each one I grow closer to HIM. Yes, I do SEEK HIM . The more I SEEK HIM the more I TRUST HIM AND LOVE HIM And want to OBEY HIM. God is the ONE who I KNOW won’t let me down and HE has shown that to me. I know that HE TRULY understands all that I face and go through and HE IS ALWAYS THERE. I really do DEPEND on HIM above all others. HE is my ROCK. MY FORTRESS and MY SHELTER!
AMEN!! I can feel your strength shining out through your words today!! How is my dear friend doing? Things have been so busy on my end, but spring is springing and the warmer days have been comfort! My brother and his wife both had RSV that lasted for weeks and at the same, their grandson Colten, 3 yrs. old, was in the hospital with it too! All are doing much better now, praise God! But I was helping them out (wore mask) and the Lord blessed me not to get it! Now the flu is bad in some areas! Our sister-in-law’s brother passed unexpectedly and my cousin’s mother-in-law passed unexpectedly too! I got news just today, that my former boss and family friend died March 3rd! But I know God is in control and our loss is Heaven’s gain. Makes me think of the old hymn “Come Spring.”
My dad used to sing this in church and there wouldn’t be a dry eye in the House. He had a beautiful soft toned voice and I would give anything to hear him singing it again. “But we’ll meet when God gathers flowers, come spring.” Praying all is well with you and all your family and friends. I am still so sad for Deb, too. I love you and think of you so often. And hoping I can find time to get my email working soon…have a blessed day sweet friend!
Amen, Sue. It is through trials that I have paused to truly SEEK Him. It’s in those moments that I’ve realized how very much I need Him. And you’re right, He never lets us down. I can’t imagine trying to do even one day without His presence and understanding. Blessings and hugs!
Boy oh boy that is just what I needed today. Thank you and God bless you!
I’m so glad it blessed you, Glada! Thanks for visiting. God be with you!
God so generously provides for all our needs at all times. May we seek to know Him more and more each and every day.
Blessings, Deb!
He is so good, Martha! I am truly overwhelmed by His grace, mercy, and love … and His patience. Blessings to you!
Your comments (or is it a blog) have been such an inspiration to me throughout the years.
Praying for you as you continue to lead us in the right paths through God’s unchanging Word.
What a Mighty God we serve!!!
Kathy, I appreciate your kind encouragement so very much! Thank you! God be with you and bless you! Yes, What a mighty God we serve!
Amen Deb! For me, faith became the conscience I live by, when I truly gave in and let go to “Let God.” It has taken years of maturing to take my earthly desires out of the equation and as Sue mentioned, many, many trials! But God was showing me that I could not handle all of life, on my own! I let God be in total control now and that has strengthened me in too many ways to count! The “Fulcrum of Faith” is that we “pivot” to manage our faith and let God manage everything else.
Psalm 16:8
I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
Praying for God’s comfort for every tear…love you so dear friend.
I agree, Kathy! I had dear friends who prayed and surrendered their lives to the Lord each morning. I began giving myself to Him each day and asking Him to help me live for His glory. Whew, I fall short but it is my heart’s desire and I believe that He will help and guide me. I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend. Blessings and hugs!
Deb, it’s me again. You know I was pondering today’s post some more and it reminds me of the hymn,”What A Friend We Have In Jesus.” It is one of my very favorites. I have sung myself to sleep many nights with this hymn; nights when I felt so hurt and tears would not stop. Jesus is the true friend we can count on and I SEEK HIM daily.
Blessings to you and I pray you have a peaceful weekend. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to you.
I LOVE THAT SONG TOO, Sue!! It is one of my very favorites and I sing it and just hum it sometimes too! I love the phrase “oh what peace we often forfeit.” I used to get physically sick with worry and have often thought, oh the peace I missed out on, by not taking it to the LORD in prayer!!
It is a great sone Kathy! “Oh what needless pain we bear!” The song says it all. We have Jesus there for us, but sadly so many times it has happened that we forget. Of course, I am old now and at the age where, gratefully I don’t forget so much. Jesus is the ONE I can depend on ALWAYS to comfort me in my tirals. I do really cherish that FRIENDSHIP I have with HIM.
I am sorry to hear of the deaths in your family and with your friend you worked for. You have had a lot to deal with this year when it comes to that. Thankfully you know about Heaven and the promise from God that we will all meet there one day. I am sure that your friends and family do deeply appreciate you and your FAITH IN JESUS. You are truly an inspiration. You have a beautiful way of expressing yourself in your words and thoughts. I am thankful for your friendship. I pray that you have a beautiful Saint Patrick’s Day and continue to stay healthy and safe. Love Hugs to You!
I have always loved that hymn, Sue. I sing it in my head often. It helpful to have those beautiful verses that we learned as children to repeat throughout our lives. I’ve also been singing the 1st and last verses of Abide with Me. It’s another favorite. Happy St. Pat’s Day.
Hello, Deb,
Warm greetings and best wishes. I hope you’re doing well.
Amen and Amen for the words of truth and wisdom.
When we choose to trust the Lord, we’re committing to take great steps to learn to fully follow Him every day.
Colossians 2:6-7 tells us that after accepting Christ, our next step is to continue to grow in Him.
Attending church on a regular basis is actually a wonderful way to be intentional about our faith.
My husband and I share the Gospel on our prayer walks, and we distribute Bibles. Getting connected is another way to grow in your faith. We lead a couples Bible study group and I also lead a women’s ministry. We use our strengths and abilities to serve, and it gives us an opportunity to experience what God can do through us. Taking time to read the Bible and apply it to our lives is a great way to hear from the Lord directly.
My husband and I also sing together in church. “… be filled with the spirit, addressing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart.” ( Ephesians 5:18-19).
My husband and I are going to be vacationing the whole year.
Deb, may the year ahead bring you an abundance of beautiful moments, and joyful experiences. May you find peace in even the most difficult times. And may you forever be filled with God’s hope, strength, comfort and joy.
In His Kingdom,
Hi, Raquel. Thank you for your comment. I love the way you and your husband are walking in faith together. Rev and I talked about our faith and the ways the Lord was at work in our lives every day. It blessed our marriage, our love for each other, and our love for the Lord. May you and your husband have a wonderful year of vacationing. Many blessings to you both.