The Number One Question We Hate to Ask – Have I Been Selfish?

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People, by nature, love to point out the sin in others but the truth is sin, in general, can be summed up in one hard question - Have I been selfish? #ObeyGod #TrustGod #Faith #CountingMyBlessings

This morning, my devotion invited me to ask:

Have we been selfish? Have we been more jealous of our own reputation than of the honor of God?

God nudged me to personalize it . . . so, I wrote in my journal:

Have I been selfish . . . more concerned about my reputation than God’s glory?

It was one of those times when God affirmed His Word through multiple sources. Don’t you just love it when He does that?

God had me primed to read Romans 2. Well, I’d really been queued up yesterday by the end of Romans 1.

Paul had—in no uncertain terms—called out sexual sin; and then, he added a long list of other sinful behaviors:

Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful.

Romans 1:29–30a

You might have read that and thought…

Yeah, you tell ’em Paul! Look at those despicable sinners!

Aren’t you glad we’re not like them?

Oh, but remember . . . I said how I’d been queued up for today’s readings. Paul did not write in chapters. Both the chapters and the verses were added hundreds of years later.

So . . . let’s add Romans 2:1 to the verses above:

You may think you can condemn such people, but you are just as bad, and you have no excuse! When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are condemning yourself, for you who judge others do these very same things.

Romans 2:1

God’s Word does not condemn sin so you and I can call out others, although we’re pretty good at it, aren’t we?

His Word points out sin so you and I will personally realize how desperately we need the Savior, Jesus.

Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?

Romans 2:4

And just in case I’m tempted to fail to see my need to repent and turn from sin to Him—God invites me to ask myself…

Have I been selfish . . . more concerned about my reputation than God’s glory?

Because anything that falls into the category of failing to live for God’s glory is a sin that needs to be forgiven by His grace through the blood of Christ Jesus.

If you’re like me, and you know the truth about your own selfishness and failure to fully live for God’s glory . . . make sure you come back tomorrow for the BEST NEWS EVER!

People, by nature, love to point out the sin in others but the truth is sin, in general, can be summed up in one hard question - Have I been selfish? #ObeyGod #TrustGod #Faith #CountingMyBlessings

A Prayer Asking God to Forgive Me – I Have been Selfish

Father, I have been selfish. I know that too often I can care more about what people think about me than I do about giving You glory. I think more about what people think about me than I do about what they think about You. I am so sorry. Please forgive me.

I can be quick to see the sin in others while I excuse the sin in me. I am sorry. Please forgive me.

And the sin, I am excusing in myself are many of the same sins I judge in others. I am sorry. Please forgive me.

I give myself to You. Thank you for Your kindness, tolerance, and patience. I turn to Your love, Your grace, and mercy . . . I come to the foot of the cross thanking You for forgiving me through Jesus. And it is in His name, I pray. Amen

People, by nature, love to point out the sin in others but the truth is sin, in general, can be summed up in one hard question - Have I been selfish? #ObeyGod #TrustGod #Faith #CountingMyBlessings

It seems like our current culture doesn’t want to declare anything a sin and maybe that’s because the enemy wants us to believe that it’s important to be selfish. That we can’t take care of anyone else until we’ve taken care of ourselves first. That answering yes, to “have I been selfish” seems to be a good thing.

Now, I’m not saying you and I shouldn’t take care of ourselves. God created each of us and it is good stewardship to care for all He’s made. But not in ways that fail to glorify Him.

To learn more about living for God’s glory, check out…

How to Know the Best and Right Way to Glorify God with Love and How #WWGGG Can Change Your Life

On today’s note wrote:

Have I been selfish . . . more concerned about my reputation than God’s glory?

God bless you today as you ask yourself the hard question and set your heart on living for God’s glory.

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  1. This is such an important question to ask ourselves, Deb. I think most of us, if we’re being honest, would have to say that we are/have been selfish in too many ways, and we all need God’s grace and forgiveness. I’m so glad He is there for us always, and I pray to give all glory to Him.

    1. Amen, Martha! I want to believe I’m not but when I take an honest look I have to admit I can be selfish. I too need God’s mercy and grace every single day! Blessings and hugs!

  2. Angela Cahill says:

    There are times in the present and also in the past when my selfish behaviour has caused me to sin but You are all loving, slow to anger and rich in mercy for me. We need to ask ourselves daily, are my thoughts and actions pleasing to God. Lord be my strength in my weakness and help me to change my ways, so that I can glorify your name. We are not alone – Holy Spirit guide us and teach us everyday of our lives – in Jesus name we pray. Amen!
    Thank you Deb for challenging me to take a deeper look inside my heart.
    Blessings to you always.

    Angela – Ireland