2 Things You Need to Do to Have the Peace You Want Every Day

There’s a battle going on inside each of us. A battle for our peace of mind.
It’s true, the enemy would love to rob us of our eternal future, but if he can’t do that . . . he’ll work overtime to steal our current peace.
And he’s a master at it.
Jesus said…
The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.
John 10:10
And he’ll do it any way he can. If he isn’t disrupting our lives with real problems, he’s attacking our thoughts with “what ifs.”
All to make us doubt God’s goodness and power and rob us of the rich and satisfying life Jesus wants for us.
So, what can you and I do to fight these efforts to destroy our daily peace?
We can…
Surrender our lives to the God in faith . . . knowing, trusting, and loving our Lord and Savior.
How do we do that?
The same way we get to know, trust, and love the people in our lives?
We spend time with them. It takes time to learn if someone has integrity, if they keep their promises, or if they are who they say they are.
It takes time spent with people if we want to get to know them and if we want to know, trust, and love God we need to spend time with Him.
I reached a point in my life where I was tired of the enemy stealing my peace and decided that I needed to KNOW if God was trustworthy. I needed to KNOW if I could have the confidence to reject those “what if” lies. I needed a change…
So, I began to…
♥ Spend Time with God in His Word
You don’t need a special formula or fancy plan. Just show up and study His Word.
There are lots of articles out there that will give you all kinds of tips for journaling, coloring, and personalizing your Bible and they’re all great if you will actually do them if they really make you focus on the Lord and grow closer to Him. I’m concerned I will focus more on a pretty Bible with impressive notes and end up making my beautiful Bible all about me.
I need a Bible Study reading plan that has continuity and helps me focus. I’ve learned the more I spend time prayerfully reading God’s Word the more I trust His promises. This year, I’m reading the Life Application Chronological Study Bible. I’ve loved reading the Word in historical order and the study notes help me apply it to my life.
♥ Spend Time with God in Prayer.
Again, you don’t need a special formula or fancy plan. Just show up and talk with God.
You can keep a prayer journal. Pray Scripture. Use the P.R.A.Y. Model. Or just spend time on your knees.
I’m a prayer journal girl and have written my prayers for years. But I’ve noticed there’s a blessing in putting down my journal and humbly getting down on my knees.
Knee prayer helps me pour myself out and open myself to the Holy Spirit.
Although I love to sit and write my prayers sometimes it can feel more academic and scripted. I catch myself wondering what someone would think if they read my words. I wonder what they’d think about me. (Can you relate? Tell me I’m not the only one.)
Knee prayer gets raw and I need that! It’s just the Lord and me. Real, honest, and unscripted. Less of me and more of Him.
That’s it! I need God’s Word and Prayer if I want to have peace. Easy right?!
Well, maybe not easy. Life gets crazy busy and we’re so easily distracted. But it is doable and it’s OH SO WORTH IT!
When I used to see people who seemed to have the peace I wanted, I thought there must be some special formula. So, I spent years reading books and doing studies trying to find that formula. But I was making it too complicated.
They were just people who spent time in God’s Word and in prayer; they had faith in the One who is the peace that passes understanding.
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6–7
A Prayer to Have God’s Peace
Father, I need Your peace. I’m tired of letting “what if” worries rob me of calmness and contentment. I no longer want to sit back while my mind spins and my heart races.
I know I need to run to You with every need and concern. You invite me to pray about everything. Please forgive me for neglecting my time with You. Forgive me for fretting about the enemy’s doubt-filled whispers before running to You for Your assurance and guidance.
I want to know and cling to Your promises. I want to intentionally spend time in Your Word and hold Your promises in my heart. I want to remember that Your Word is my weapon to fight the enemy’s lies so that I might be filled with Your peace. Please help me.
I want the rich and satisfying life You want for me. I want to have Your peace. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
May you be blessed today as You spend time with the Lord and seek His presence. May you have peace.
Through prayer and the Word . . . Yes, we can all grow closer to God through these daily practices, and they both need to be integral parts of our lives.
Blessings, Deb!
Amen Deb! I have been journaling my prayers for years! A long time before journaling became the “new” and “cool” thing to do! And gratitude journals…my prayer journals had that covered long ago too! But like you, I still need time on my knees! You can put tears into journaling…but on your knees, just you and God, He sees you with your “ugly cry face” and He loves you all the more!! I also love quotes and one of my favorites that really hit home for me…don’t take your worries to bed, leave them at the place you kneeled to pray!! It hit me that I truly needed kneel time, and I was free to leave my worries there!!
I love that, Kathy! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Blessings and hugs!
Amen, Martha! Blessings!
I’m so happy I came across your blog,it’s been a very trying and painful beginning of this year,I want to thank you and members of this blog who have prayed for my recovery ( very bad knee pain ) I have a long ways to go , I pray to my Lord every chance I get,reading the Bible is very hard for me to understand,can you advise me on an easier one I can read and enjoy the understanding of our Lords words ? Thank you
Hi, Vedolla! I’m so glad you found us too! I’m praising God that you are beginning to experience some improvement with your knee. Praying for healing to continue. I like the New Living Translation – Life Application Bible. It is not only an easier-to-understand translation but the life application notes are very helpful in applying what you read to your daily life. God be with you and bless you as you SEEK Him first.