How to Have More Faith with Mountain Moving Prayers

Today, we’re going to focus on one verse and one question…
Jesus told them, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don’t doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.”
Matthew 21:21–22
And the one question…
What’s your mountain?
What’s that thing that looks insurmountable? That thing that is so huge it’s hard to focus on anything else?
Maybe it’s:
Longing for someone to know and love Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Freedom from chronic pain that is limiting you to end.
A broken relationship with a parent, child, sibling, or friend to be healed.
That job opportunity that you long for to finally come along.
Conflict or unrest in your neighborhood, state, or nation.
A church family where you can feel like you finally belong.
A miraculous healing for yourself or a loved one.
And you’ve prayed and prayed and read Matthew 21:21 and in all honesty, you’re starting to doubt Jesus words. Or maybe you know someone who wants you to believe that your mountain hasn’t moved because you need more faith.
The truth is . . . most of us have prayed mountain moving prayers that have either not been answered yet or they’ve not been answered the way we wanted.
Jesus’ statement is not a blank check for prayers. It’s a reminder to pray for and do the things that will help us grow closer to Him.
When you and I can’t see Jesus because a mountain is in the way . . . our prayers for that mountain to be cast into the sea so we can focus on Jesus and grow in faith, wisdom, discernment, strength, courage, hope, and so much more, those are the “anything’ prayers that He will always grant us.
How to Have More Faith with Mountain Moving Prayers
Will you pray with me?
Lord, I’ve prayed and prayed and waited and waited, and right now all I can see is the mountain before me. It overwhelms and frightens me. I feel like the father who said to You, “I believe. Help me overcome my unbelief.” (Mark 9:24) Please Lord, help me have more faith.
I want to focus my heart and mind on You. Increase my faith and move this mountain. Please give me everything I need to trust You completely. Help me and make me confident that in every circumstance You are who You say You are and You always keep Your promises. Give me mountain-moving faith to bring every concern to You in prayer trusting that You will always answer me in the way that is best for my soul. I love you, Lord. I trust you. And today . . . it is well with my soul. Amen.
Friend . . . I am praying for you today and asking God to toss your mountain and give you everything you need to focus on Jesus and live filled with faith, hope, and His perfect love.
On today’s note write…
Jesus is greater than any mountain before me.
Read the rest of Matthew 21 to find out more about Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, how He tossed the tables of the Temple money-changers, parables He told about faith and obedience, and much more.
God bless you today as you turn your thoughts and prayers from mountain to the Mountain-mover!
May Jesus move every mountain that stands in the way of truly knowing and trusting in Him.
Blessings, Deb!
Amen, Martha! What a beautiful word! God be with you today!
Thanks so much for this reminder that God has moved many mountains in my life before and he can do it again!
It’s a reminder I need every day! I’m so glad it blessed you, Patti! Thanks and God bless you!
Thank you Deb,
I really needed to hear this today. The mountains in my life are huge. Thank you for reminding me to press the pause button, focus on God’s word and to place my trust in Him, knowing that He will bring good out of every situation. He will carry us and teach us during our difficult times. Our God is an awesome God!
Blessings to you always for your wonderful insights!
Angela – Ireland
Ahsante sana kwa somo lako na Mungu azidi kukufunulia zaidi unanifunza mengi sana. lakini zaidi natamani katika setting ungeweka lugha tofauti tofauti ili dunia nzima uwafikie
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Thank you so much for your lesson and may God reveal to you more you teach me so much. but more I wish in setting you would put different languages so that the whole world could reach them
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Translation to Swahili –
Habari Eva! Asante kwa kufikia. Unaweza kutafsiri tovuti yoyote kwa kutumia yafuatayo …
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3. Kulia, chagua lugha unayotaka kuona wavuti hiyo.
4. Bonyeza Tafsiri
Thanks again and God bless you!
Asante tena na Mungu akubariki.