Important Truth to Know About “It’s Not Fair!”

Recently, my morning devotion included the following quote:
Human love typically expects something in return; divine love, however, is unselfishly given regardless of the response of the recipient. Whether we choose to love God or not, His love for us remains.
~ Henry Blackaby, Being Still with God
Jesus showed people the generosity of God’s love. He turned the typical ways of looking at life upside down and told His followers about a better way to live. A way of mercy and grace that flows from His love.
But it’s hard isn’t it? We look around and want equity. But Jesus said, to show grace the way God wants . . . we are called to service and generosity.
In the parable of the Vineyard Workers in Matthew 20 – no matter how many hours a worker spent in the field . . . everyone received the same payment at the end the day. And those who worked all day said…
“Those people worked only one hour, and yet you’ve paid them just as much as you paid us who worked all day in the scorching heat.”
Matthew 20:12
It’s not fair!!
And James and John joined their mother, Mary, asking Jesus for special places of honor in His Kingdom. And when the other disciples heard about it…
When the ten other disciples heard what James and John had asked, they were indignant.
Matthew 20:24
It’s not fair!!
And we can relate can’t we? There are many people saying, “that’s not fair,” at the moment.
But grace, mercy, and true love offer us blessings that fairness will never provide.
And that’s why Jesus said…
Among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give His life as a ransom for many.”
Matthew 20:26b–28
Important Truth to Know About “It’s Not Fair!”
Jesus followers are not called to equity or fairness but to love and service. And if you’re like me, you know you need God’s help. Praise God, when we feel like shouting, “it’s not fair,” we can go to Him in prayer…
Father, thank you for loving us unselfishly and generously. Thank you for choosing not to be “fair” with us . . . for not giving us what we deserve but lavishly filling our lives with Your mercy and grace. Please forgive me for foolishly thinking that equity and fairness are the goal, when Your Word clearly says that loving service is what You want for those who follow You.
The truth is, life is not fair sometimes. Please help me, Lord. By the power of Your Spirit, give me all I need to reach out and serve a confused and hurting and unfair world with Your TRUTH, and GRACIOUS LOVE. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Friend, the truth is . . . “it’s not fair!”
Jesus didn’t promise fair. He promised more. He promised better. He promised love and forgiveness, peace and hope, strength and courage, freedom and everything we need.
So today, let’s focus on Jesus and the ways we can serve Him by showing others His generosity and love.
On today’s note write…
God’s love gives me everything I need!
May you be blessed today with the Lord’s better than fair grace, mercy, and love.
No, life is not fair, and never will be. But Jesus’ gifts of mercy and grace are all we need to love others with a generous and thankful heart.
Blessings, Deb!
God bless you, Martha! Have a great weekend!
That’s such an important point to remember when we want what’s fair–if God was “fair” to us, giving us what we deserve, we’d be in big trouble. But He extends mercy and grace. Remembering how He has done that for me helps me do the same to others.
Amen, Barbara! What a difference we could make if we would more consistently love like Jesus. Thanks for visiting! God be with you!
I don’t know how many times these words “it isn’t fair” have come out of my mouth. But you are right. The world we live in isn’t fair. Love is tied to conditions and fairness is in the eye of the beholder. Thank you God that you have shown me truth, grace and love without conditions. Your are my rock when this unfaith world closes in, and you remind me how to respond. Oh my Savior how I worship you and will try everyday to walk in your ways.
I think we’re all guilty of that one, Marilyn! I love your reminder that fairness is in the eye of the beholder . . . yet another reason why God’s fairness is so much better than ours! Thanks so much for visiting and for stopping to join the conversation. God bless you!