Jesus, Help Me Obey and Love with Faith and Patience

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The Lord spent the Tuesday of Holy Week teaching important truths, so we're praying Jesus, help me obey and love... #Faith #BibleStudy #TrustJesus #CountingMyBlessings

On Tuesday of Holy Week, Jesus spent one last day teaching in the Temple Courtyard and the leading priests and elders came to Him with a challenge…

“By what authority are you doing all these things? Who gave you the right?”

Matthew 21:23

After answering their question with a question … He began teaching some very important lessons about obedience, love, patience, and faithfulness.

So today, we’re going to pray and ask the Lord to help us sit with Him and learn the important truths we need to love and obey His commands and patiently wait with unwavering faith.

Jesus, Help Me Obey and Love with Faith and Patience

Jesus, I am overwhelmed that even though You had cleared the Temple courtyard the day before and You knew the very leaders of that Temple would succeed in their efforts to have You tortured and killed … You returned yet again to teach them the truth. To give them one more opportunity to change their hearts and minds and believe.

Your love amazes me. You continue to pursue each one of us … offering Yourself, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Offering the transforming power of faith.

Please forgive me for the hurriedness that prevents me from sitting with You — listening and learning. Please forgive me for the times I’ve believed lies without examining them against the truths that You taught. Forgive me the many times I’ve failed to love the way You want and wait the way You ask. I’m so sorry.

The Lord spent the Tuesday of Holy Week teaching important truths, so we're praying Jesus, help me obey and love... #Faith #BibleStudy #TrustJesus #CountingMyBlessings

I’m asking You to help me sit with Your Word today and hold the truths You taught in my heart praying…

Please Lord Jesus, help me…

  • Obey when You ask me to go and work. Matthew 21:28–32
  • Surrender my heart, my life, my all to You, the Cornerstone of our faith. Matthew 21:33–44
  • Prepare my heart and mind for heaven knowing that to enter, I am completely dependent upon You, my Lord and Savior. Matthew 22:1–14
  • Trust and obey Your commands to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. And love your neighbor as you love yourself. Matthew 22:34–40
  • Sit and learn both the Old and New Testaments that I might know and understand the way every account and testimony points to You. Matthew 22:41–45
  • Help me to test the teachings of people against the teachings of Scripture that I might know the Truth that gives me forgiveness and freedom. Matthew 23:2–12
  • Surrender my life completely to You that I might reject hypocrisy and be clean inside and out. Matthew 23:23:13–36
  • Give You my all. Luke 21:1–4
  • Faithfully wait and watch … always prepared and ready for You to come for me personally or for Your triumphant return for us all. Matthew 25:1–13
  • Invest in things that matter. Make me a faithful servant. Matthew 25:14–30
  • Do for others in love as if I were doing for You … for this is your will for me. Matthew 25:31–46

Lord, thank you for seeing to it that Your teachings were written for us. Thank you for being the Way for us to be forgiven and restored to the Father. Thank you for being the Truth that gives us freedom today and hope for tomorrow. Thank you for being the Life we need … life that lasts forever and always.

Thank you for being all we need to heal our past, to live in the present, and to face the future with anticipation and joy.

Thanks and praise forever and always. Amen.

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  1. Amen, Deb! May we all sit at the feet of Jesus, quietly and expectantly, letting His presence fill our hearts and minds that we might better serve Him.

    1. Thanks, Martha! That is my prayer … to be full of His transforming life-giving power to live for Him. Blessings on your day, my beautiful friend!

  2. Amen! Complete surrender to Jesus is where it all comes together for Christians. With complete surrender comes open ears and steady hearts to hear The Lords requests, comforts, and answers. It also comes with complete confidence that EVERYTHING will be okay and the knowledge that we are not alone.

    I am VERY thankful for the Bible and I pray that I will always make time to read it faithfully to learn.

    Thank you Deb!

    1. There is something very special about falling in love with the Word of God! And yes, you’re right! Complete surrender to Jesus is where it all comes together. Faith in the One who is able to meet every need! Thank you so much for visiting and for joining the conversation, Amanda! God bless you!

  3. Aracely Flores says:

    Thank you Deb…for being the voice of what my heart wants to pray. The devotional confirms what my heart, mind and soul yearns.

    1. Aracely, I am so glad this blessed you. Thank you so much for stopping to let me know! Your kind encouragement truly is a blessing! Have a beautiful day in the Lord!

  4. This prayer is so beautiful Deb. I love how you are intertwining the events of Easter with how Jesus needs is to continue living our lives today.

    1. Thank you, Brittany! Your kind encouragement is a lovely blessing! I hope you are enjoying a beautiful day in the Lord!