Jesus Loves the People of the World One at a Time

I read a verse in Luke 4 this morning that I’d barely noticed before but today it practically jumped off the page at me.
As the sun went down that evening, people throughout the village brought sick family members to Jesus. No matter what their diseases were, the touch of his hand healed every one.
Luke 4:40
One at a time!
Jesus could have simply spoken a word over the crowd and miraculously healed them all but He didn’t. He looked people in the eye. He showed them care and compassion. He touched them physically. He forgave them individually. Because He loved them one at a time.
Whatever you are going through today . . . Jesus sees you and He cares. He is not simply sitting on some heavenly throne watching the world go around. He loves us and cares about each of us personally.
David wrote…
How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.
Psalm 139:17–18
They cannot be numbered!
I can’t even count them;
they outnumber the grains of sand!
And when I wake up,
you are still with me!
Jesus physically showed us God’s loving character.
John, who describes himself as the “disciple whom Jesus loved,” wrote…
No one has ever seen God. But the unique One, who is himself God, is near to the Father’s heart. He has revealed God to us.
John 1:18
Because Jesus took the time to look people in the eye, touch them, and heal them one at a time . . . you and I can know that God cares about each of us as if there is only one of us. He knows every need and touches us with His love one at a time!
A Prayer of Thanks for Jesus’
One at a Time Love
Father, thank you. Through Jesus, You physically showed people Your loving character. Because of Jesus, I know You see me personally. I know you look at me with loving care and compassion. And by His sacrifice, I know I am forgiven and healed.
Father, I come to you asking You to heal us. Many are hurting, ill, and anxious. Life is hard right now. We need You. Please help us see each other as You see us. Like Jesus, helps us love each other one at a time. Help us reach out and touch each other with kindness and compassion. Whatever our background, our beliefs, our politics, gender, or race . . . help us touch each other with kindness and compassion.
I come to You asking for You to help me live in ways that shine the light of Your love that I might give You glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Jesus loved and touched people one at a time and He told His followers…
“I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.“
John 13:34
And because He loves us…
He wants us to look people in the eye, show them care and compassion, touch them, and forgave them individually. He wants us to love people one at a time.
Throughout the day today, thank Jesus for loving you personally and ask Him to help you love everyone you meet in ways that will show them how much He loves them, too!
On today’s note write…
Jesus loves me personally!
God bless you today and make you aware of His personal one at a time love.
Yes, Jesus could have “waved a magic wand” and healed a great number of people at a time, but He didn’t. Jesus modeled exactly the behaviors He wants from us – that personal touch of love and caring. We can all take comfort in knowing that Jesus loves us each individually.
Blessings, Deb!
We are so very blessed by His love, care, and compassion! Blessings to you, Martha!
I agree ,jesus had alot of easy ways of demonstrating his healing power but he chose to attend to each and every one of them one at a time so that everyone should witness his glory and know that he cares for each and every one of them.
Am blessed Deb cause sometimes we think that maybe he has got alot in his plate to handle all of us but no, Jesus loves all of us and can take care and heal us all. And am happy knowing that he cares alot to be there for all of us .
Amen, Idah! His grace is sufficient for each of us all the time. Thanks so much for visiting and for so beautifully joining the conversation! God bless you!
Hi, Deb! I loved this. I’m working my way through John 15 and loving each other one at a time is all I can manage, if that. I’m glad He is the Great Manager of love and I hope you feel His love this very day! Want to be on my podcast sometime?
It is so amazing to know that Jesus has such a huge capacity to handle all of us from varied backgrounds each at a time. Most importantly it is so assuring to know that Jesus as we talk right now is seated at the right side of the almighty God waiting for us to present ourselves to him in faith and He is ready and willing to handle whatever issues we have big or small with personalized care and compassion. Thanks be to God for his everlasting love.
Amen, Peter! I really appreciate your visit and your wise addition to the conversation. God bless you!
What a great way to look at it! One at a time is the way the Lord wants us to love each other . . . to really see each other with care and compassion. I do feel His love each day! Praying the same for you as well. Will send you an email about your kind offer! Blessings!
What a lovely way to think about Jesus’ love for us. He sees us as individual, unique in His sight. LOVE is at the centre of it all. His love for each and everyone of us – a precious gift, to know that we are all loved. He knows all our needs and is able to meet them all.
I love reading your posts Deb….they are encouraging me daily. Thank you for your wisdom and many blessings Deb for sharing with us all.
Angela – Ireland
Thank you so much for blessing me with your kind encouragement, Angela. Praying God is blessing you today!