Jesus Will Come Soon So Live with Faith, Hope, & Joy Every Day

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Jesus will come again. He promised. And because of His promise, we can live with faith, hope, and joy every single day. I can only imagine. #JesusReturn #Revelation #Endtimes #Hope #Faith #Blessings

Happy New Year’s Eve Day!

We made it! We’ve read and prayed the whole New Testament this year.

When we began this journey in January, I was excited but a little nervous wondering if I’d be able to reach the goal.

Today, I’m feeling overwhelmed and so very thankful and blessed.

I’m thankful to the Lord for giving me the strength and energy I needed and for blessing me with an even greater love for His Word.

I’m thankful to Rev, for his faithful encouragement and for reading and studying ahead, and for giving me helpful ideas and hours of proofreading.

And, I’m so very thankful to all of you for taking this journey with me . . . allowing me to walk with you and share my love for the Word and prayer.

So, here we are . . . the last chapter of the Bible!

It always reminds me of the following quote from the Rev. Billy Graham:

“I’ve read the last page of the Bible, it’s all going to turn out all right.”

What an awesome blessing God has given us!

Our faith and hope are based on the truth of God’s promises that our eternal future is going to be glorious!

No longer will there be a curse upon anything. For the throne of God and of the Lamb will be there, and his servants will worship him. And they will see his face, and his name will be written on their foreheads. And there will be no night there—no need for lamps or sun—for the Lord God will shine on them. And they will reign forever and ever.

Revelation 22:3–5

Can you imagine?!

We will see God face to face. We will stand in the presence of Jesus. We will join generations of people who know, love, and trust Him.

When life is hard and the future is uncertain . . . we have Jesus’ promise:

“Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”

Revelation 22:12–14

This life is temporary. But Jesus is forever.

He has always been and He always will be. He existed before creation and He will continue to be forever and ever . . . and by His grace, mercy, and love—we will be with Him for the everlasting future.

Jesus promised!

Yes! I am coming soon!

We can trust Him!

And join John praying:

Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!

May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s holy people.

Revelation 22:20b–21

Jesus will come and “it’s all going to turn out all right!”

Jesus will come again. He promised. And because of His promise, we can live with faith, hope, and joy every single day. I can only imagine. #JesusReturn #Revelation #Endtimes #Hope #Faith #Blessings

A Prayer to Wait with Faith, Hope, and Joy
Trusting that Jesus will Come Soon

Father, thank you for Your promises. Your Word increases my faith and fills me with hope. It gives me all I need to live with joy each day.

From Your Word and from my experiences, I believe Your promise that Jesus will come soon. I believe that He will return to judge the world and claim all who have placed their faith and trust in Him. I believe You are the God of the impossible. When the enemy wants me to grow impatient and give in to doubt, Your promises encourage me.

I believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. (John 14:6) I believe He is my Lord and Savior. (2 Peter 1:11)I believe He was present with You before the creation of the world. (John 1:2) I believe His life brought light to the world. (John 1:4) I believe Jesus will come soon. (Revelation 22:20)

Lord, please be with me in the year ahead. Give me all I need each day to live for You. Fill me with faith, hope, and love. Cover me with Your grace and mercy . . . I surrender myself to You as I watch and wait to see Jesus, my Savior, face to face. It is in His holy name I pray. Amen.

Jesus will come again. He promised. And because of His promise, we can live with faith, hope, and joy every single day. I can only imagine. #JesusReturn #Revelation #Endtimes #Hope #Faith #Blessings

On today’s last note of the year write:

I will wait with faith, hope, and joy . . . Jesus will come soon!

Happy New Year! May the days ahead overflow with blessings that give you joy!

Click here to read the rest of Revelation 22.

I thank the Lord for you, my friends, and I’m asking Him to bless you throughout the year ahead.

I can’t wait to tell you what we have planned here at CMB in the coming days. So, please join me again on Monday, when I’ll give you a little peek at what you can expect and how you can help with ideas and questions.

Sharing is caring!

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  1. Susan Melton says:

    Hi Deb! Thank you for your writings this year I just stumbled upon you last month and look forward to more in the new year. Have a happy New Year and have a blessed New Year

    1. I’m so glad you “stumbled” on over here and that you’re being blessed. Thanks so much for letting me know! Many blessings in 2022!

  2. Meme Signor says:

    Thank you, Deb for pouring into this blog. I look forward to it each weekday morning. I enjoy your words and often share the passages with others. Continue to be a blessing! Happy New Year.

    1. Thank you, Meme! What a kind word of encouragement! I am truly blessed by it! May 2022 be blessing-filled for you!

  3. I stumbled upon your blog several months ago and absolutely love getting these devotionals each morning. They have helped me in so many ways. Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you, Beth! I am so blessed by your kind encouragement! May the year ahead give you many reasons to celebrate with joy! God be with you and bless you!

  4. I’ve so enjoyed this journey through the New Testament with you, Deb, and have gleaned so much insight and inspiration. This was, indeed, hard and dedicated work for you, but I’m sure you see it as a labor of love.
    Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, Martha! I truly have loved doing this! It has been a wonderful blessing and it makes my heart happy to know you have been blessed as well. Happy New Year!

  5. Want to say that just love you and that you have have helped me so much this past year to grow to know my Lord more intimately through His word and your own love and devotion for Him. You have been such an inspiration and comfort to me these last two years as I questioned a lot of things and as I was seeking to know the Lord and His truths. It was a difficult time for me. Thank you so much! God bless you, Deb!

    1. Oh, thank you so much, Trish! I’m am so very glad you visit and truly appreciate your kind encouragement. I’m lifting you up and asking the Lord to continue to speak to your heart through His Word and Spirit. God be with you and bless you!

  6. Marilyn Laite says:

    What a wonderful gift you gave us. Thank you so much for your daily writings and prayers this past year. They have helped me remain strong in my faith and love of Jesus Christ.

    1. Thank you, Marilyn! I am truly blessed by your kind encouragement! I love sharing my love for the Lord here in this space. Thanks for visiting and for stopping to share your kindness. God bless you in the year ahead!

  7. Sadly I’ve received some terrible news at the end of 2021…this year has proven to be a challenge all throughout and my faith has been shaken…
    Your teachings throughout each week have helped me to not give up…
    I’m not sure what I think with all that has happened…I’m deeply saddened due to recent events in my extended family and feeling helpless to do anything about it. Trying to understand how it seems like evil prevails when scripture would say otherwise. Overall I am a positive person…I can safely say I am a strong woman of Christ and lead my friends and family with encouragement driven by faith…I’ve shared your blog with many as a way to help them seek and find solace in your teachings…this New Year’s Eve, I come to the end of this year with a heavy heart…having high hopes for strong 2022…the unfortunate news came to me last night…my poor sister has suffered so much, so much more than a mother should ever have to suffer…and the news is life changing, to be discreet…I shake my head and have so many questions and look to God…to Jesus to understand and simply can not. I could use as many prayers willing to be shared…Deb I can’t thank you enough for your time each week…I pray to find strength in your teachings in 2022…Blessings to you and to all your readers…I appreciate everyone who has responded to some of the comments in the last year in my replies on this lovely blog, thank you.

    1. I’m so very sorry, Lily! Family situations can be so very painful and difficult. I am lifting you and your family up in prayer . . . asking God to meet every need, to hold you close, and to heal where healing is needed. God bless you!

    2. Carol Jeney says:

      Lily, I will remember you and lift you up to the only one that can intervene according to His will. Our ways are not His so trust although how devastating it it, remember He is working things out for good.
      Love, Carol

  8. Carol Jeney says:

    I am so excited to read from the scriptures with a focused guide like this. I pray that every inspiration from you, Deb will be God speaking clearly drawing us closer each day.
    Thank you so very much for letting Jesus and His Spirit take us forward to Him.
    Carol Jeney

    1. Thank you so very much, Carol. I am blessed by your kind encouragement. Asking God to be with you and bless you!