Why It’s Important to Trust the Truth that Jesus will Judge the World

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We can trust God's promise that Jesus will return to judge the world. When it seems like evil is winning it's important to remember that Jesus has won. #Jesusreturn #Revelation #EndTimes #Blessings

I often hear from people that they are struggling with feelings of fear and confusion as evil’s grip on the world appears to be growing ever stronger. Biblical truths that were once embraced by people are now being pushed aside in favor of beliefs that are blatantly and directly against God’s teachings and commands.

And then, there is the unfairness of life. Feelings that evil prospers while good is silenced and pushed aside. We hear of people all over the world who are suffering persecution for their faith and obedience to God.

But we have God’s promise that evil’s reign will end.

Paul wrote:

The day is coming when God, through Christ Jesus, will judge everyone’s secret life.

Romans 2:16

And John wrote the words of God’s prophecy:

 The seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices shouting in heaven:

“The world has now become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ,
    and he will reign forever and ever.”

Revelation 11:15

And the elders sitting around the throne fall before God “with their faces to the ground and they worshipped Him.”

“We give thanks to you, Lord God, the Almighty,
    the one who is and who always was,
for now you have assumed your great power
    and have begun to reign.”

Revelation 11:17

It’s time . . . everything in heaven and on earth will see God’s glory revealed and Jesus will judge the world with righteousness and fairness.

The nations were filled with wrath,
    but now the time of your wrath has come.
It is time to judge the dead
    and reward your servants the prophets,
    as well as your holy people,
and all who fear your name,
    from the least to the greatest.
It is time to destroy
    all who have caused destruction on the earth.”

Revelation 11:18

Jesus will judge unfairness caused by the presence of evil and replace it with perfect heavenly joy.

So, when you and I are grieved by the evil we see in the world, we can remember that although the enemy may appear to win a battle . . . the Lord has won the victory. And He will return to fairly restore the world to the perfect creation He intended from the beginning.

Oh, what a celebration that will be!

We can trust God's promise that Jesus will return to judge the world. When it seems like evil is winning it's important to remember that Jesus has won. #Jesusreturn #Revelation #EndTimes #Blessings

A Prayer Thanking God for Jesus the Judge Who Saves Me

Father God, thank you so much for Jesus. You are so very loving and gracious and good.

Please forgive us for forgetting Jesus’ dual role of both Judge and Savior. When we make Him only Savior, we can easily make light of sin and our need for forgiveness. When we think of Him as only Judge, we can become overwhelmed by fear or become prideful over our own “works righteousness.” But when we remember that He will judge the world of evil and unfairness and that He is the One who saves us . . . we are humbled. We live in repentance with faith. We live forgiven by grace and mercy and we live transformed by love.

Please forgive me. Please help me trust the truth of Your promises. Please help me turn my eyes from evil and unfairness to Jesus’ love. Please give me a heart that is always ready for the moment the trumpet will sound and when every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. (Philippians 2:10–11) Please give me the courage and strength I need to live in faith today. Please help me live with the peace of Your promise that the world will “become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever.” (Revelation 11:15)

Jesus is the Judge who saves me! I thank and praise you now and for all eternity. Amen.

We can trust God's promise that Jesus will return to judge the world. When it seems like evil is winning it's important to remember that Jesus has won. #Jesusreturn #Revelation #EndTimes #Blessings

Years ago, television news broadcasts coined the phrase, “If it bleeds, it leads.” There is an agenda that wants us to focus on the worst parts of life. The enemy wants us upset and afraid.

But the Lord wants us to focus on the truth of His promises. Paul told the recipients of his letter to the Philippians the importance of focusing on “the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” (Philippians 3:14) And he told Timothy to focus on living the truth of Scripture through faith in love. (1 Timothy 4:12–13)

We have God’s promise that the One who gave up everything to save our souls, loves us . . . we can trust His promise:

“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.”

John 14:1–3

On today’s note write:

I believe Jesus, the Savior, will return to judge the world.

May God bless you and fill you with His peace today, tomorrow, and always.

Click here to read the rest of Revelation 11.

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  1. It is so important to see Jesus both as Savior and Judge. Even though evil is all around us, we can know that it won’t go unpunished in the end.
    Blessings, Deb!

    1. Kathy Francescon says:

      Amen! Love all your words Deb, and loving all of Lily’s comments too!! You both are so articulate! Like you have taken the words right out of my heart and put them to paper!! I know God is in control!! In spite of being spiritually angry at times over the blasphemies of our Lord, I am resting peacefully in the joy of His promises!! He will return and He will win the war!!

  2. Love this…I do so enjoy starting my day with your encouragement…”Biblical truths that were once embraced by people are now being pushed aside in favor of beliefs that are blatantly and directly against God’s teachings and commands.” This speaks volumes and is 100% truth…not that anything you publish isn’t truth…this for me hits home! I’m so blessed to be aware of what’s happening around all of us…I don’t pretend to have my own agenda…I have His agenda and His teachings to guide me…Although I tend to fall short daily, I am grateful to be forgiven and given anew! Evil will not prevail and we need to stand strong in His words! Have a wonderful day…and to all your readers! Have a wonderful day.

    1. Thank you so very much, Lily! Your kindness truly blesses me. I fall short daily, too. I can’t imagine what we would do without God’s grace and mercy. We are so very blessed through Jesus. Praying you have a great day and a lovely weekend.