The Truth You Need to Know About Hypocrisy

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It's important to know what causes hypocrisy if we want to avoid it. Take this closer look at the temptation that prompts it and the only way to avoid it. #Hypocrisy #Pride #BibleStudy #CountingMyBlessings #BlessingBloggers #WWGGG

Do you ever worry about being a hypocrite?

I think it’s healthy to question our own hypocrisy.

Recently my morning devotion challenged me to remember that temptation often comes after spiritual victory. You see the enemy of our souls knows that its easy for a spiritual victory to turn into pride; and well, to quote Solomon:

Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall.

Proverbs 16:18

And Jesus paused in today’s reading to challenge the Pharisees with their prideful hypocrisy. They were constantly worried about how they were perceived because they were focused on power, position, and popularity.

Their pride caused them to worry more about their reputations than their character. And Jesus called them out by quoting Isaiah…

“These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.”

Mark 7:6b

And then He cautioned His followers by telling them:

“For from within, out of a person’s heart, come evil thoughts…”

Mark 7:21a

And evil thoughts become evil actions and attitudes.

Which is why Jesus told His followers to:

Seek the Kingdom of God.

Luke 12:31

I love how the Message says it:

Steep yourself in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.

If you and I want to avoid prideful hypocrisy we must…

Remain humbly and consistently aware that victory over temptation requires strength that comes from God alone.

It's important to know what causes hypocrisy if we want to avoid it. Take this closer look at the temptation that prompts it and the only way to avoid it. #Hypocrisy #Pride #BibleStudy #CountingMyBlessings #BlessingBloggers #WWGGG

A Prayer to Live Free Prideful Hypocrisy

Will you pray with me?

Father, I need you! The enemy knows my weaknesses and seems to constantly tempt me to give in to them. The world seems to more and more call what You call good / evil and what you call evil / good. And I confess that I can be tempted to judge the attitudes of the world more than I deal with the attitudes in me. Please forgive me of any prideful hypocrisy within me.

Please keep my heart and mind focused humbly on You. Help me to seek, know, and follow Your perfect will. Please help me to faithfully want You more than I want power, position, or popularity. Bless me with the strength and power of Your Spirit and grant me wisdom to discern what I see and hear that my attitudes might be pleasing to You.

I love you, Lord! Give me victory over temptation that I might give You glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

It's important to know what causes hypocrisy if we want to avoid it. Take this closer look at the temptation that prompts it and the only way to avoid it. #Hypocrisy #Pride #BibleStudy #CountingMyBlessings #BlessingBloggers #WWGGG

Friend, I think it’s human nature for people to pridefully call out the hypocrisy in others. Just watch the headlines after a Christian is caught in a sin or some form of public scandal.

And we’re all guilty at times. We love feeling victorious and pointing our fingers at those who aren’t.

But today we want to remember . . . if you and I want to avoid hypocrisy we absolutely must remain humble and focused on Jesus. We must fully trust that we can “do all things through Christ who strengthens us.” (Philippians 4:13) But without a doubt, “pride goes . . . before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18)

On today’s note write:

Humbly focus on Jesus to avoid hypocrisy!

I recommend you read all of Mark 7 to learn more about what Jesus taught about inner purity and His power to heal and deliver.

God bless you today as you focus on Jesus and rely on Him for strength and victory!

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  1. Thank you, Deb, for reminding me here to be more self-aware about my own hypocrisy before observing it in others. With God’s daily guidance, we can overcome temptation.

    1. I need the Lord’s daily reminders myself, Martha! Praying faithfully to love like Jesus! Have a wonderfully blessed weekend!

  2. Marie Dufreny says:

    Heavenly Father I pray for All of us to find peace and strength .in Jesus Christ name amen.

  3. Jane L Haas says:

    Deb, thank you for the heads up about Mark 7 and for this post, which I truly needed this morning! I pray that you and all your readers will experience a blest Lenten journey as we focus our eyes on Jesus and the cross He suffered and died on for us all. We rejoice that the cross is empty!

    1. Thank you so much, Jane! I am blessed by your visit and your kindness. May the Lord bless you! Yes, we have the best reason of all to rejoice!

  4. Angela Cahill says:

    Hi Deb,
    Your post today helps us to look inwards and to take the boulder out of our own eyes first and not to judge others – we are all the same, journeying together – when we fall into temptation, we can repent and pray for God’s strength to overcome. May God bless you and keep inspiring you.

    Angela – Ireland

  5. “Do not judge” is the Bible verse I often have in my handbag because I think we all do it without thinking.sometimes. Thank you for your post today Deb.

    1. What a good idea, Angela! Keeping those reminders close for moments when we know we may need them. I love it! Blessings!

  6. Thank you for reminding us what Jesus had to say about hypocrisy! Read Mark 7 and realize how much I have to keep reading HIS words and implement HIS teachings into my thought life. Keep helping us remember HIM! Have to teach my grandsons.

    1. Thanks for your kind encouragement, Bonnie! I’m so glad you visited and took the time to let me know you were blessed! God be with you!