How God’s Love is the Life-Changing Cure that will Bless Your Life

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When you are frustrated and life is hard it's good to know that God's unfailing love is the life-changing cure that is able to heal and transform. #Godlovesyou #Jesussaves #Blessings #Faith

God loves you!

You’ve heard it a million times or more.

Maybe the first time was when your parents whispered it in your tiny newborn ear. Maybe you sat with a grandparent who assured you of God’s love and theirs. Maybe it was after you made a life-changing mess of your life and a friend reminded you that God’s love for you is greater than your circumstances. Maybe it was a teacher, or pastor, or colleague, or a complete stranger.

We’ve heard the words often. So often that they can go unnoticed or get drowned out by countless distractions.

And of course, there will always be our never-ending obsession with self . . . also known as pride.

Yet, God still loves us!

God is not a man, so He does not lie. He is not human, so He does not change His mind.

Numbers 23:19

 God loves you and has chosen you to be His own people.

1 Thessalonians 1:4

The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease.

Lamentations 3:22

So, I want to challenge all of us today to impress and imprint God’s Word on our hearts and minds.

It’s possible that we’ve taken God’s love for granted or doubted it because…

  • We’ve been hurt by people who say “God loves you,” and we doubt that His love has the power to change lives.
  • We’re suffering painful circumstances and we doubt His love and protection.
  • We’re concerned about the messy sinfulness we see in the world, our families, and our personal lives.

And the enemy uses all of these things to whisper “did God really say” He loves you?

The Lord impressed the following thought on my heart:

What if every member of your family, from the youngest to the oldest, was diagnosed with a terminal illness that promised to take their lives in the near future. No cure. No hope.

But then, a benefactor offered you the cure you all so desperately needed giving you the gift of more time. Precious time.

How would you feel? How would you show your gratitude?

Everyone one of us is terminally ill with sin.

On our own, we are without hope and we need the life-changing cure of God’s love and forgiveness.

The life-changing cure that heals us and gives us time.

Not just more time. God’s cure gives us forever time . . . eternal life.

What is this amazing life-changing, life-giving cure? The sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus!

But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.  Romans 5:8


We have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. 

Romans 5:1

So pause today and read these words again like you’re seeing them for the first time.

God’s love for you is life-changing and life-giving.  

When you are frustrated and life is hard it's good to know that God's unfailing love is the life-changing cure that is able to heal and transform. #Godlovesyou #Jesussaves #Blessings #Faith

A Prayer to Experience the
Life-Changing Cure of God’s Love

Father, Your love is perfect and unconditional . . . beyond my ability to fully comprehend. You sent Jesus to make it possible for all who trust in Him to receive the cure for sinfulness that gives real-life today and always.

I deserve the punishment that Jesus suffered for me. I’m foolish and flawed. I’m a sinner in need of forgiveness. Please forgive me. Heal me. Cure me with Your life-changing love.

And please help me forgive others by allowing Your love to flow through me. When people hurt me, please give me everything I need to forgive them. When life is hard and suffering overwhelms me, please help me run to Your open arms allowing You to embrace me with love. When sin in the world discourages and disheartens me, please make me able to share Your much-needed love to the broken and hurting around me.

By Your grace, I will rest in Your love and trust the power of Your Spirit to fill me with the life-changing cure that gives me a full and satisfying life today and forever. (John 10:10) I ask this all in the name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus. Amen.

When you are frustrated and life is hard it's good to know that God's unfailing love is the life-changing cure that is able to heal and transform. #Godlovesyou #Jesussaves #Blessings #Faith

So, say the following over and over again throughout the day today, tomorrow, and the one after that…

“God loves me! He really loves me!”

Say it to yourself and tell your loved ones how much God loves them. Because there is no life-changing cure in the world needed more.

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  1. Yes, Deb, God’s love for us is the cure for the illness of sin and protects us from the lies of the enemy. May we shine His love to others.

    1. Amen, Martha! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Rosemary Jones says:

    Thank you for guiding me today. I love reading for message each day ????❤️

    1. I truly appreciate your kind encouragement, Rosemary! God bless you!

  3. I loved today’s email. It’s something that I really needed to hear.
    I’m so glad I subscribed.

    Thank you

    1. I’m so glad you were blessed and encouraged, Karen! I’m glad you’re joining us. God bless you!

  4. Debra Lane says:

    I enjoy Reading these devotions. You always hit home for me. I relate Everytime. Thank you for sharing. It means a lot to me.

    1. I’m so glad, Debra! Thank you for the blessing of letting me know. God be with you!

  5. Thank You FOR the Inspiring Words Today , Deb????????????♥️ So many Times I KNOW I NEED to Hear To about Mercy and Grace ???????????? EVEN though I Know I’m LOVED ????????♥️satan Whispers , THEY ARE times I Don’t FEEL G-d♥️????♥️BUT I KNOW HES HERE ????????♥️and G-d♥️IS MERCIFUL ????????????????❗️

    1. I hear you, Cheri. I need frequent reminders that God’s grace, mercy, and love are gifts because He chooses to pour them into our lives. Not because we’ve earned them but because of who He is. We are truly blessed! Have a wonderful week.