How You Can Have Peace When Your Life Feels Out of Control

I like to think I’m in control.
Even as I type the words I know how ridiculous that is because it doesn’t matter how organized I try to keep my home and planned and prepared I try to keep my days . . . more often than I’d like, my life is out of my control.
Occasionally, a surprise is good . . . like the time a dear friend sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers just to brighten my day.
But then there are the times when the unexpected feels like a raging storm that is terrifying.
And I think for most of us this past year, life not only feels out of control but there is plenty of evidence that it is completely out of our control.
It’s never out of control for the One who controls the wind and waves.
Jesus and the disciples were sailing across the Sea of Galilee…
As they sailed across, Jesus settled down for a nap. But soon a fierce storm came down on the lake. The boat was filling with water, and they were in real danger.
Luke 8:23–24
The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!”
When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and the raging waves. Suddenly the storm stopped and all was calm.
So, what is the way to have peace when life feels out of control.
Cry out to Jesus!
He will never turn away from you. He will never reject you. He will never fail to hear you. And He is able to to give you peace.
I’ll admit . . . I typically want Jesus to miraculously stop the storm by calming the wind and waves. But I know from experience that He sometimes allows the storm to continue so that He can show me that He is also able to calm me.
I’ve seen Jesus miraculously take control of dangerous out of control circumstances and I’ve seen and experienced Him miraculously give peace to out of control me!
So, when I can’t control the terrifying moments of my life . . . I’ve learned to cry out to Jesus trusting Him to calm the storm itself or the storm in me. Either way, I have peace!
A Prayer for Peace When Life
Feels Out of Control
Jesus, I need You! I’m afraid. This storm that is raging around me is terrifying. The future is uncertain and I feel like everything is my life is out of control.
You asked, “Where is your faith?” when the disciples cried out in fear. Thank you for faithfully reminding us of who You are with patience and understanding and maybe even a little twinkle in your eye. You show us that You are able to calm both storms and feelings. You are in control of my out-of-control life.
I can trust You. I will trust You! And when life feels out of control, I will cry out to You confident that You will either change my circumstances or You will give me peace. Thank You! I give myself and my out-of-control life to You today. Please be with me and grant me Your peace. Amen.
It’s kind of funny really that we fight so hard to be in control of our lives when we’re not supposed to be.
Friend, you and I are called to faith in Jesus, the One who is in control. We are called to live one day at a time trusting and obeying His will. And we can have a peace that goes beyond all understanding because by His grace the Lord promises to give us everything we need one moment at a time.
On today’s note write:
Jesus is always in control even when my life feels out of control.
God bless you and give you everything you need to live with His peace today.
It is good to know that we don’t have to be in control because Jesus is always in control and knows how to navigate the storms in our lives – when He speaks to the storms, they calm down and obey Him. Thank you Deb for reminding us to “cry out” to Him. He always hears our cries. I needed to hear those words today.
May God bless you and may His spirit inspire you to help others like you are doing now.
Angela – Ireland
Amenn, Angela! His all-sufficient grace gives us everything we need. May you enjoy His blessings and love today.
Thank you, Deb, this is so encouraging. I, too, often want Him to stop the storm but He usually lets mine keep going, and – what do you know?! – that’s when He grows me the most. I appreciate the prayer examples you include in your posts. So helpful!
I am so blessed by your kind encouragement, Abigail! Thank you so much! God bless you!