How Grace Can Help You Overcome So You Can Live in Victory

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The Bible tells us to rejoice in suffering but no one wants to do that. But God really is able to help you overcome your problems and live in victory. #liveinvictory #overcomequotes #Faith #Blessings

I love the first two verses of Romans 5…

Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory.

Romans 5:1–2

The Life Application Notes add:

As believers, we now have entered into a place of undeserved privilege. Not only has God declared us not guilty, He has drawn us close to Himself.

Awesome, right?

But the next two verses are just plain hard.

We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.

Romans 5:3–4

When dealing with problems and trials . . . I don’t feel like rejoicing! In fact, I can’t! I won’t!

But with God’s help . . . I can! And I have!

I recently sat with tears in my eyes telling Rev that I have reached a place where I thank God for allowing me to endure the most painful time of my life. Oh, I’m not thankful it happened and I still would love for things to be different.

But by God’s grace, He taught me that with His help I can overcome and live in victory. I learned that He is able to give me what I need to get up each day and live in faith. And I learned that He will give me the strength and hope I need for whatever He allows. That’s overcoming!

So, I have finally been able to rejoice in suffering not because I like it or because I have started denying the tragedy but because I know that God used those problems and trials to bring me to a place where I could completely surrender myself to His love and trust Him with my today, tomorrow, and forever. And that’s the hope of salvation.

What the enemy meant for evil . . . God used to strengthen my faith.

I believe God’s promise to give me His all-sufficient grace because I’ve experienced it.

Paul wrote about what God taught him about grace, in his 2nd letter to the Corinthians:

“My grace is always more than enough for you, and my power finds its full expression through your weakness.” So I will celebrate my weaknesses, for when I’m weak I sense more deeply the mighty power of Christ living in me.

2 Corinthians 12:9 (TPT)

Because God’s grace is more than enough, you and I can rejoice in our problems and trials . . . and live in victory.

The Bible tells us to rejoice in suffering but no one wants to do that. But God really is able to help you overcome your problems and live in victory. #liveinvictory #overcomequotes #Faith #Blessings

A Prayer to Overcome Life’s Trials and Live in Victory

Father, I hate even the idea of living through problems and trials. And when I have to actually live through them . . . I don’t feel like rejoicing. I feel like pouting, complaining, and throwing a temper tantrum. But You know that about me already, don’t You? I’m sorry. Please forgive me for trying to live too much of my life on my own strength.

Jesus said, “in this world, you will have trouble.” (John 16:33a) It’s true! Every life is touched by troubles and trials. But Jesus also said, “take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33b)

I can overcome life’s troubles because Jesus has overcome it. Because of His victory on the cross, it is possible for me to live in victory. Because of Your mercy and all-sufficient grace, I have the “mighty power of Christ” within me to overcome my weaknesses, my fears, my struggles, and anything else the enemy uses to try to discourage and defeat me.

I love You, Lord. I surrender myself to Your care. And with Your help, I will rejoice when I run into problems and trials and I will live in victory. I thank you and praise You for who You are and for all You do. Amen.

The Bible tells us to rejoice in suffering but no one wants to do that. But God really is able to help you overcome your problems and live in victory. #liveinvictory #overcomequotes #Faith #Blessings

Are you ready to be an overcomer and live in victory?

Give it to God. Admit that you need His help. SEEK Him. TRUST Him. Place Your hope in Him. He will give you victory!

On today’s note write:

With God’s help I will live with hope in victory.

May God bless you today and give you everything you need to live in victory today.

Click here to read the rest of Romans 5.

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  1. We can trust God to see us through all our trials and troubles, Deb. His is the ultimate victory, and we must cling to that reality.

    1. Amen, Martha! He is faithful and I am so thankful! Blessings!

  2. Deb, I am so grateful that our Lord directed me to you every day. Most of my family has moved away and we have moved into a senior complex. I feel very lonely quite often but when I read your blog every day I feel like my best friend and I are talking together about Jesus and it makes me feel less alone. Thank you for that and I thank Jesus for you every day and I pray that He blesses you so much. Have a blessed day….

    1. Oh, Pat, your comment absolutely made my day. My goal, when I’m writing, is to imagine my reader sitting across the table from me while we share a cup of coffee or tea and talk about Jesus. The fact that you feel that blesses my heart. Thanks so much for taking the time to visit and leave such kind encouragement. God bless you, my friend!

  3. Angela Cahill says:

    With God’s help we can overcome all our trials. It’s during those times when we feel weakest, that our wonderful Heavenly Father gives us His strength to endure whatever He allows in our lives. When we surrender, it’s then that He pours out His graces on us. We have the victory already through Jesus, who overcame the world. Yes, it is difficult to rejoice in our trials but with His help, we can find peace in our suffering and what the enemy meant for our harm, the Risen Lord will turn it to our advantage. Your words today Deb are helping me to trust more….thank you Jesus for your good and faithful servent Deb, who is encouraging us all daily with her beautifully written devotional.

    Angela – Ireland

    1. Amen, Angela! The Lord has been so faithful to carry us through difficult times. Knowing what He has gotten us through in the past helps me to trust Him with the future. Blessings!