5 Ways God Will Help You Do the Things You Think are Impossible

When was the last time you said…
“Well, that’s easier said than done?”
Okay, maybe you haven’t said the words out loud but I’ll bet you’ve thought them.
Especially when you’ve gotten advice like:
- “I know you’re hurt but God wants you to just forgive and forget.”
- “You know you need to find a higher paying job.”
- “If you’re so lonely just go out and find a soulmate.”
- “Oh, come on, just get over it.”
- “Just use some willpower to stop __________.”
- “You shouldn’t be sad, look how much you have to be thankful for.”
And I’m guessing you could add a few more words of unsolicited advice that sounded impossible and made you think, “that’s easier said than done!”
Well, I’ll confess those words popped into my head when I read the following verse in Romans 6.
Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires.
Romans 6:12
Or as The Message puts it:
That means you must not give sin a vote in the way you conduct your lives. Don’t give it the time of day. Don’t even run little errands that are connected with that old way of life.
Romans 6:12 (MSG)
If you’re like me, you want to honor that command. But wow . . . most of the time it seems impossible.
Thankfully, the Life Application Bible Notes offer help.
5 Ways to Do the Impossible and Not Let Sin Control You
- Identify your personal areas of weakness.
- Recognize the things that tempt you and set boundaries that help you avoid those things.
- Invest in good healthy habits and God-pleasing activities.
- Pray and ask God to help you. Then lean on His strength and grace.
- Praise God and celebrate every victory!
On this side of heaven, we will never live completely free of sin. But with God’s help, we can do the impossible . . . we can refuse to let sin control us.
A Prayer Asking God for Help to Do the Impossible
Father, I want to honor and obey you with my whole life. Please forgive me! Like Paul, I have to say that I fail to do the good things You want me to do. I even fail to do the good things I want to do. And too often, I’m guilty of doing those things I don’t want to do . . . things You have told me not to do. I’m so sorry. Please help me.
I can be blinded to my own flaws and faults. Please by the power of Your Spirit, show me where I am weak. Help me identify the things that tempt me and help me stay far away from them. Guide me with Your wisdom and help me do the things that are pleasing to You. Cover me with Your grace and give me strength.
I love You, Lord. You are the God of the impossible. (Luke 18:27). And I believe You are able to do the impossible in me. You created me and redeemed me. With Your Spirit’s help, I believe I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13) Thank you! Lord, I surrender myself to Your love and care. Help me live today and every day for Your glory. Amen.
Friend, the truth is . . . that list of 5 can be applied to any area of life.
Any time you need to do the thing that seems impossible:
- Identify the weakness that’s holding you back.
- Recognize the distractions or choices you’re making instead of working toward your goal.
- Set small goals and invest in good daily habits to work toward those goals.
- Pray and ask God to help you and lean on His strength and grace.
- Praise God and celebrate every victory.
And then, live under the freedom of God’s forgiveness and grace because…
Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God’s grace.
Romans 6:14
On today’s note write:
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength . . . even the impossible.
May God give you the strength you need and may you pause to celebrate the freedom of living under His grace.
Hello Deb
Your devotional today resonated deeply with me and it’s what I needed to hear…that all things are possible, (even the impossible)’ through Christ who gives me the strength. I will begin to apply it to my life, to help me overcome my weaknesses. Blessings to you this day and always. Thank you!
Angela – Ireland
I’m so glad you were blessed, Angela! Thanks, as always, for your encouragement. I need His help every single day! Blessings to you!
Needing to rely on God more than ever now as I deal with Mom’s transition from hospital to long term care. Without His strength, I wouldn’t know where to turn. Thanks for reminding us all of this truth.
Blessings, Deb!
I’m praying for you all, Martha! Asking God to go before you, pave the way, and bless you all with His strength and peace. Blessings, my friend!