Important Reasons Why We Need to Live With Each Other in Community

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God created people to live with each other. He does not want us to isolate ourselves alone. Here are some of the important reasons why... #Church #Family #Neighbors #Blessings #Truth

After a year and a half of being told to “social distance” and stay away from each other, it’s a blessing to see people deciding to actually “live” with each other again.

I don’t think we were created to hide behind masks inside our own homes.

We recently learned that Facebook is developing the Metaverse. A place where people can isolate themselves physically and spend their lives in a created virtual world.

God created us to live in community. He said:

“It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.”

Genesis 2:18


“Be fruitful and multiply.”

Genesis 1:28

John doubled down on the reasons why living with each other in community is so important in 3 John.

[Traveling teachers] have told the church here of your loving friendship. Please continue providing for such teachers in a manner that pleases God.

3 John 1:6

He began by praising the church for the hospitality they had shown to traveling teachers. They had physically housed and fed them as a way of showing them love.

That’s encouragement!

One reason we need to physically spend time together is to encourage each other . . . to build each other up in faith.

When I hear and see how God is encouraging a friend it blesses and encourages me!

Next, John called out someone who was refusing to have anything to do with other spiritual leaders.

Diotrephes, who loves to be the leader, refuses to have anything to do with us . . . don’t let this bad example influence you.

3 John 1:9

We’re all sinners in need of God’s forgiveness and transforming grace in our lives. Sometimes church discipline is part of the transformational process.

That’s unifying church discipline!

I know, it often doesn’t seem unifying. But when we speak the truth in love by addressing divisive lies we can, with prayer and God’s help, strengthen and unify the body of faith.

Friends, we were made to live with each other.

Why? So we can:

  • Inspire each other to stay in God’s Word.
  • Pray for each other.
  • Hold each other accountable.
  • Encourage each other with God’s love.

So, let’s pray that God will open the doors for us to faithfully live together . . . and build each other up in the Lord.

God created people to live with each other. He does not want us to isolate ourselves alone. Here are some of the important reasons why... #Church #Family #Neighbors #Blessings #Truth

A Prayer to Live with Each Other in Faith and Community

Father, thank you so much for creating us for relationships. You created us to need You and to need one another. You said, “it is not good for man to be alone.” You made us that we might inspire each other, pray for each other, hold each other accountable, and encourage each other. You created us to live together under the blessing of Your love.

Please forgive us for our selfishness and pride. Forgive us for being willing to take more than we give. Forgive us for failing to love the way You want us to love.

Please fill us with Your love. Give us courage and strength, patience and kindness. Make us compassionate and hospitable. By Your grace, unite us by Your truth as we SEEK to know Your will and follow Your ways. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for Jesus. Thank you for His example of how to live with one another in community.

I give myself to You. Help me to boldly live Your truth and Your love. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

God created people to live with each other. He does not want us to isolate ourselves alone. Here are some of the important reasons why... #Church #Family #Neighbors #Blessings #Truth

It’s possible we all started to feel less vulnerable to the outside world through our social distancing. And coming together may seem a little scary but we don’t have to start with big events and gatherings.

We can start with family get-togethers, small groups, and lunch with friends.

Let’s simply start living together in Jesus sharing His love and our faith!

On today’s note write:

Today I will think of ways I can live with others in community.

May you be blessed today with friends and family who encourage you with God’s love.

Click here to read the rest of 3 John 1.

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  1. God most definitely created us to live in community, Deb. How I’ve missed going to church and being around others! At least we were able to be with family recently and what a balm of healing that was.
    Blessings to you!

  2. Thanks, Deb was another Christ-inspired message.

    1. Thank you, Faith! I so appreciate your kind encouragement. God bless you!

  3. Thank You Deb???? For An INSPIRING Message ????????♥️ G-d♥️Bless