How You Live Your Faith in Christ Matters More Than You Know

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We were made for mission - to live our faith in Jesus in ways that are generous and winsome because people often decide on Jesus by the way we live. #Jesus #BibleStudy #LivingFaith #Blessings

Pastor Rick Warren’s book, The Purpose Driven Life, has sold more than 50 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 85 languages.

The 5th and last in his list of purposes is – “You Were Made for a Mission.”

“Your life mission is both shared and specific. One part of it is a responsibility you share with every other Christian, and the other part is an assignment that is unique to you.”

Purpose Drive Life by Rick Warren p. 281

And in his letter to the Colossians, Paul makes this important point for all followers of Jesus:

Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity.

Colossians 4:5

You and I are called to be aware that everywhere we go and in everything we do . . . we are witnessing. We are either representing the loving message of Christ Jesus or we’re not. We are constantly being used to build up or tear down.

That’s why the next words are so very important:

Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.

Colossians 4:6

Peter said it like this:

 You must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.

1 Peter 3:15

The Good News about Jesus makes perfect sense to you and me. Yet, as we live our faith among those to whom it seems foolish, our words and actions must be an example of His truth and love.

We want everyone to know that the Lord is El-Shaddai (All-sufficient) and El-Elyon (Most High God).

Many strive for power, possessions, and popularity but those things never last . . . there will always be a new generation with new ideas, methods, and goals. But not for those of us in Christ. Through Jesus, you and I are given everything we need today, tomorrow, and eternally. We are loved, forgiven, redeemed. We are never alone and never rejected. We are given so much love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control that we can give it to the people around us.

And believe me, they’re watching. Don’t you want your joy, encouragement, and gratitude to be so contagious that others are left with a longing to KNOW JESUS!

That’s the “mission” we were made for . . . to live with contagious faith.

We were made for mission - to live our faith in Jesus in ways that are generous and winsome because people often decide on Jesus by the way we live. #Jesus #BibleStudy #LivingFaith #Blessings

A Prayer to Live My Faith with Kindness and Grace

Father, how do I begin to thank you for all You have done for me . . . all You have given me. You have poured grace and mercy into my life. You have shown me that You are “All-sufficient Most High God.” You fill my life with love, joy, peace, patience, and so much more. I want everyone to experience the blessing of knowing and loving You.

Please forgive me for the many times I fail to love the way You want. Forgive me for failing to speak graciously and gently. Forgive me for the ways I’ve failed to show respect. I am so sorry. I realize that people think they know who You are based on the ways Your followers speak and act. Please help me, Lord.

I want to love You with every part of me and I want to love the people around me with Your love. I want those who know me to want to know You. I want people to want what I have. So, Lord God, please fill me with Your love until it overflows onto those around me. Fill me with Your Spirit that I might trust and obey Your will. Make my words and actions “gracious and attractive” that I might have the right response for everyone. Please help me live my faith with love that shares kindness, hope, and joy. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

We were made for mission - to live our faith in Jesus in ways that are generous and winsome because people often decide on Jesus by the way we live. #Jesus #BibleStudy #LivingFaith #Blessings

Pause today and ask the Lord to guide you as you live the unique assignment He has for you. Ask Him to fill you with overflowing joy. And ask Him to make you winsome for Jesus . . . to live with contagious faith.

On today’s note write:

Today, with God’s help, I will live my faith in Jesus by loving others.

May God bless you and give you everything you need today to love like Jesus.

Click here to read the rest of Colossians 4.

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  1. I love the thought of living with contagious faith, Deb! Yes, that’s what the Lord wants us to do as we go about our daily lives, interacting with others. May they see the joy and peace we have in Jesus.

    1. Amen, Martha! Imagine the difference we could all make in this messed-up world. His grace truly is all we need! Blessings!

  2. Thank You FOR Sharing DEB ????????♥️❗️WE actually HAVE Rick Warrens Book ????????❗️I’m JUST ????????FOR JESUS ????♥️TO COME SOON ❗️❗️❗️But UNTIL HE Does I DO SHARE the GOSPEL ????????????????♥️Thank You AGAIN For Inspiration ????????WE DO NEED to share HIS♥️WORD ????????This ISNT our Home???? ❗️G-d♥️Bless????

    1. Me too, Cheri! Praying . . . Lord Jesus come and bring us Your peace. Oh, when He comes to take us home. What a day that will be! God bless you and continue to fill you with the hope of His promises. Blessings!

  3. Angela Cahill says:

    I just love the line to live with “contagious faith”, so that through our example, others may come to know the Lord – what a mission! Everyone has his/hers own unique mission to follow assigned by God but we all have our part to play, in bringing down the Kingdom of God, while we wait on His return- help us to SEEK out every opportunity to deepen our relationship with YOU.

    Angela – Ireland