Simple Things You Can Do that will Make Thanksgiving Special

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It's easy to hurry through the day's festivities but what if we could make thanksgiving special and fresh by adding some memorable new traditions? #Thanksgiving #GiveThanks #HolidayTraditions #FamilyMemories #CountingMyBlessings

For many of us in America, our Thanksgiving celebration is rich with traditions we enjoy with family and friends.

We gather together and dine on must-have recipes that get gobbled up (pun not intended) way too quickly. What if we’re missing some of the best and most important parts of celebrating Thanksgiving out of hurried habits that get repeated year after year.

What if just a few small adjustments in our Thanksgiving Day gatherings could help us enjoy our days more as we experience a deeper sense of gratitude for the blessings God has given us.

Especially this year, when so much has felt unusual and unsettling . . . I want to make our holiday celebrations special. So, I did a little digging to find ways to make our day more memorable and meaningful.

Simple Things You Can Do that will
Make Thanksgiving Special


Write a Thanksgiving verse on cards and place one at each place setting.
Some possibilities are:

  • Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever. 1 Chronicles 16:34
  • Praise the Lord! Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Psalm, 106:1
  • Give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20
  • We always pray for you, and we give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Colossians 1:3
  • Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18
  • “Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength belong to our God forever and ever! Amen.” Revelations 7:12
  • Let the whole earth sing to the Lord! Each day proclaim the good news that He saves. 1 Chronicles 16:23
  • Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into His courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name. Psalm 100:4
  • Whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. Colossians 3:17
  • I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things You have done. Psalm 9:1

Make Thanksgiving Special – A Prayer to Share with Your Family

Thank You for the food we ate. Please help us remember those who are hungry.
Thank You for the gift of health. Please heal those who are suffering with illness.
Thank You our family and friends. Please be with and comfort those who are lonely.
Thank You for the blessing of freedom. Please deliver those who are held captive.
Thank you for Jesus and for the forgiveness we have through Him. Please help us to forgive as we have been forgiven.
Help us to love as we have been loved.
Help us to serve others as we follow in the footsteps of our Savior.
Help us use every blessing You give in ways that will help and bless those around us. Amen.

It's easy to hurry through the day's festivities but what if we could make thanksgiving special and fresh by adding some memorable new traditions? #Thanksgiving #GiveThanks #HolidayTraditions #FamilyMemories #CountingMyBlessings


For this one day, wouldn’t it be lovely if we all left the past in the past … if everyone remembered that no matter how it looks everyone struggles with something?

Tell everyone the following in advance:

I would love to make this a day we all focus on the blessings we enjoy. So, let’s be ready to go around the table and share “one thing I appreciate about” each person there.

e.g. I appreciate your sense of humor. I like the ways you are helpful. I love your hugs. I like the way you sing. Your laugh makes me smile. No snarkiness allowed!


Set a basket and scraps of paper out with pens, pencils, and stickers and invite your family and friends to write one or two things for which they are especially thankful this year.

You can even set up an arts and crafts table where each person can decorate their “blessings” . . . connect them all with a cord and hang them for everyone to enjoy.


You might be surprised to know how many people spend Thanksgiving alone. Many families who are involved in church work are unable to travel and be away from their church responsibilities, so they celebrate on their own while their loved ones are gathered elsewhere. You can bless them like crazy by making them part of your family for the day.

And a bonus, I’ve had a friend tell me she invites a non-family member to holiday gatherings because it always puts her family on their best behavior!


Erma Bombeck once said,“Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not a coincidence.”

It doesn’t have to be the rule for the day, but it may be fun to at least offer an area where the conversation continues without technology or electronic entertainment.


It's easy to hurry through the day's festivities but what if we could make thanksgiving special and fresh by adding some memorable new traditions? #Thanksgiving #GiveThanks #HolidayTraditions #FamilyMemories #CountingMyBlessings



The legend goes as follows:

The first winter the Pilgrims spent in their new home was very cold and bitter. Food was in short supply. Some days they only had enough for each person to have five kernels of corn for the day. When spring came they planted seeds and they grew and grew. The harvest was good the following year and they celebrated Thanksgiving with their Indian friends.

It's easy to hurry through the day's festivities but what if we could make thanksgiving special and fresh by adding some memorable new traditions? #Thanksgiving #GiveThanks #HolidayTraditions #FamilyMemories #CountingMyBlessings

From then on when they celebrated Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims laid out five kernels of corn on each plate to remind themselves of their blessings.

♥ The 1st kernel reminds us that God loves us.

♥ The 2nd kernel reminds us that God provides for our needs.

♥ The 3rd kernel reminds us of the family and friends God has given who love us.

♥ The 4th kernel reminds us that God hears and answers our prayers.

♥ The 5th kernel reminds us of the blessed freedom we enjoy.

This helps everyone remember the history of the day and why it’s about so much more than an abundance of food.

Make Thanksgiving Special!

It's easy to hurry through the day's festivities but what if we could make thanksgiving special and fresh by adding some memorable new traditions? #Thanksgiving #GiveThanks #HolidayTraditions #FamilyMemories #CountingMyBlessings


  1. What challenging experience changed your life for the better?
  2. What is something you use every day that makes you thankful?
  3. Who is the funniest person at the table and why?
  4. What act of kindness made the biggest difference in your life?
  5. If you had a million dollars, what is the first thing you would do?
  6. What is your favorite food?
  7. What is the hardest thing about being a kid?
  8. What is the hardest thing about being an adult?
  9. What event from the past year makes you thankful?
  10. What was your favorite book or movie from this year?
  11. What is something you are thankful you have learned?
  12. What famous person would want to be your friend?
  13. If you could spend Thanksgiving with anyone who would you choose?
  14. What is the most important thing you’ve learned so far?
  15. What is your favorite family tradition?
  16. What three words would you use to describe yourself?
  17. What was the happiest day of your life so far?
  18. If you could have any animal for a pet, which would you choose?
  19. My favorite thing about Thanksgiving is..?
  20. I’m most thankful for..?

For a printable version of these questions click – here.

May your Thanksgiving celebration be blessed and may you remember that thanksgiving is so much more than family and friends gathering together on the fourth Thursday in November to eat! May you make Thanksgiving special with fun new traditions and beautiful memories.

Let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.

Colossians 3:15

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  1. Oh, Deb, I love, love, love the suggestions you’ve given us here, but they will have to be shelved until next year for our family. Too many of us are susceptible to Covid, and we are not going to be able to gather together as we have in the past. Yes, that makes me sad, but I can still be grateful for all God has done and is doing in my life.
    Blessings, my friend, and I pray your Thanksgiving is a special, meaningful day for you!

    1. Thanks, Martha! I’m sorry you won’t be able to gather with friends and family this year. I do like that the questions can be part of our facetime or zoom chats. We definitely have had to be more creative to stay connected this year. May you be blessed with health and His peace and joy. God bless you!

  2. Good morning Deb! Sounds like you are planning on a Christ filled and fun Thanksgiving! I pray that you and all those you will be with, will have a blessed and joyous day together. It makes me sad that these days and for the most part, God is not included or comes in last in our holiday celebrations, instead of first. Thanksgiving has become more about eating and
    watching a ballgame rather than true fellowship and enjoyment of family and friends. Christmas has become more about snowmen and lavish gifts, so commercialized for the almighty dollar. Easter has become more about bunnies and egg hunts.Thank you for this reminder that our holidays can and should include God and His son, Jesus, and in fact God should be seated at the head of the table every time! Always first in our life, our hearts, and our homes. How thankful I am just to know God!! I constantly pray for all those who don’t even know who God in Heaven is…how blessed and thankful we all should be that God will accept every invitation we extend to Him! Every day can be a holiday when we share it with our SOVEREIGN LORD! Blessings my special friend!

    1. I think we all have a tendency to get busy and leave the Lord out of our daily lives. I know I need a constant reminder that He cares about every moment of every day. I want to remain focused on Him and seek His will in every decision I make. Seeking Him first changes everything! That’s my prayer because I know that it is not only His will but it is the beginning of His promise to give me everything I need. Blessings and hugs!

  3. AWESOME ????????♥️Thank You Deb!???? I LO SO Much THAT I can print this out! for Reference Because ALOT of Websites ARE NO User Friendly ????????????And sometimes it’s Not Everyone’s Gift BUT, I’m SO THANKFUL For The Blessings I HAVE AND Pray TO BE A Blessing ????????G-d♥️Bless You For Your Inspiration!

    1. Cheri, thanks so much for your kindness. I’m so glad this blessed you! May God be with you!

  4. Thanks Deb, and God bless you!

    1. Thank you, Amele! May God be with you and bless you also!

  5. These are such lovely suggestions, Deb! I’m in Canada so we’ve already had our Thanksgiving but I hope yours will be extra special! ????

    1. Thank you, Laura! I hope you enjoyed a lovely celebration. God bless you!

  6. I love this so much! These are all great ideas that are sure to create fond memories. Thanks for sharing! ????

    1. I’m so glad you like them, Robyn! May your Thanksgiving celebration be abundantly blessed! God be with you!

  7. Deb,
    Thanks for sharing these wonderful suggestions! I love Thanksgiving and the opportunity to honor God with gratitude. The time spent with family and sharing delicious food are bonuses for sure. I hope your Thanksgiving is full of fellowship and family.

    1. I’m so glad you liked them, Mitzi! I agree. Thanksgiving may be at the time of my holiday list. I love having a day to focus on God’s goodness and gracious blessings. Celebrating with family and friends is one of those beautiful blessings! Have a wonderful holiday! God bless you!

  8. These are some very cool ideas. I am from Canada so we celebrated Thanksgiving in October and we made it special by spending time with the family we could.

    1. I’m so glad you visited Anne! Thank you! I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving and that your Christmas celebration will be abundantly blessed!

  9. I love these ideas!! And this year, leaving differences at the door is something we will have to be intentional about. Great post!

    1. Oh, thank you, Nicole! I agree! We need to remember this every year but I think it’s especially needed this year! God bless you!

  10. Danielle Dodson says:

    Saving these ideas, thank you!!
    I save a lot of your encouraging ideas and encouragement you share. I am thankful!

    1. Thanks so much, Danielle! I’m glad they blessed you!

  11. Angie Olson says:

    Awesome suggestions!! Thank you so much for sharing!

  12. Ali Heiken says:

    this is so wonderful! thank you so much for sharing your ideas to help other families 🙂 You are a great person and you are leaving your mark! awesome post!

    1. Thank you so much, Ali! I truly appreciate your kind encouragement and pray that you and your family enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving. God bless you!

  13. thank you sending blessing to your home and your family.

    1. Thank you for visiting, Luz. God bless you!

  14. Hello, Deb! Your thoughts on making small adjustments to enhance the gratitude and enjoyment of Thanksgiving gatherings are truly insightful. It’s especially relevant in times when things have been unusual and unsettling, as you mentioned. Making the holiday celebrations special and memorable is a wonderful goal, and it’s great that you’re putting effort into finding ways to achieve this.

    In addition to the ideas you might have discovered in your research, one practical tip is to pay attention to the ambiance of the gathering space. A clean and welcoming environment can significantly contribute to making the day more enjoyable and stress-free. This includes ensuring that your carpets are clean, which not only improves the overall look of your home but also creates a healthier space for your guests.

    God bless you!

  15. Why does everything about Thanksgiving have to be about God?

    1. I’m sorry you feel that way, Dee. I believe it’s because many of us believe that God is the One we are thanking. He is the Giver of life and blessings. He has given us the gift of Jesus to save us from our sins. I hope the rest of your year is filled with joy and many reasons to give thanks. God bless you!