How Jesus Will Multiply What You Give and Make It More than Enough

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Jesus took 5 loaves and 2 fish and turned it all into enough to feed more than 5000 people. He is able to take what you offer Him and create more than enough. #Enough #Faith #Anxiety #BibleStudy #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

I love reading about the miracle feeding of the 5000. In reality, the total was probably closer to twice that many when you add the women and children.

Jesus soon saw a huge crowd of people coming to look for him. Turning to Philip, he asked, “Where can we buy bread to feed all these people?”

John 6:5

Can you imagine the thoughts that must have gone through Phillip’s mind? What? How? You’ve got to be kidding!

This is where once again, I picture a playful smile on Jesus’ face. I believe He knew all along what He was going to do. He knew He would multiply whatever He was given.

How often do you look at the needs of the day ahead and think . . . I don’t have enough! I don’t have enough energy, strength, money, courage, patience, __________. I can’t do this!

Today, let’s pause and see Jesus’ smile because He knows that if you and I are willing to give Him what we have He will give us what we need!

The Life Application Bible Notes say:

We can limit what God does in us by assuming what is and is not possible. Is there some impossible task that you believe God wants you to do? Don’t let your estimate of what can’t be done keep you from taking on the task. God can do the miraculous; trust Him to provide the resources.

Jesus is able to take whatever we offer Him and turn it into more than enough.


They all ate as much as they wanted. After everyone was full, Jesus told his disciples, “Now gather the leftovers, so that nothing is wasted.”

John 6:11b–12

And the disciples gathered up 12 baskets full!

Will you join me in a prayer asking God to give us the courage and strength to give Him whatever we have and trust Him to turn it into more than enough.

Jesus took 5 loaves and 2 fish and turned it all into enough to feed more than 5000 people. He is able to take what you offer Him and create more than enough. #Enough #Faith #Anxiety #BibleStudy #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

A Prayer to Know that
Jesus Will Give You More Than Enough

Lord Jesus, there are so many demands on my time and my resources . . . I’m depleted. I don’t have enough courage and strength or energy and patience. I’m anxious about having what I need to meet my responsibilities. Please forgive me for worrying. Forgive me for failing to faithfully use well the blessings You have given to me. Forgive me for failing to set good boundaries for myself and for trying to take on more than I should.

I surrender myself to You. I give You my will and trust You with my time, my money, my emotions, my abilities, and all that you have entrusted to me. I believe that when I seek You first and trust You with what I have, You will see to it that I have everything I need. It may not always be everything I want . . . but You promise that it will be everything I need. And by the power of Your Spirit, help me fully believe that whatever You give will be more than enough. You are the God who multiplies . . . who gives in abundance. I praise You and thank You. Amen.

Jesus took 5 loaves and 2 fish and turned it all into enough to feed more than 5000 people. He is able to take what you offer Him and create more than enough. #Enough #Faith #Anxiety #BibleStudy #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

Whatever you need today. Whatever is making you anxious. Whatever is lacking.

Give Jesus what you have and trust Him to turn it into more than enough. He is the God of abundance for whom nothing is impossible. He is able to take whatever we offer Him and create an abundance we can use for His glory.

On today’s note write:

God is able to do the miraculous with whatever I offer Him.

God bless you today and miraculously multiply what you have and turn it into more than you need.

Click here to read the rest of John 6.

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  1. Jesus will multiply our gifts and talents when we dedicate them to Him – no mistake about that!
    Blessings, Deb!

    1. Amen, Martha! I hope you and Danny are doing well. Continuing to pray for you! Blessings and hugs!

  2. Kathy Francescon says:

    From a quote I read a long time ago…
    If you give what you have, you will always have enough. Loving what you give me, everyday! Sweet Blessings, sweet friend!

    1. Don’t you just love God’s economy, Kathy? His grace is always sufficient when we are surrendered to Him. Thanks so much for blessing me with kindness. Have a wonderful day in the Lord!

  3. Angela Cahill says:

    Our God knows exactly what we need everyday. What a beautiful reading today. He can take what we offer Him and giving thanks and placing all our trust in Him, there is no obstacle standing in His way, to multiply our humble offering. He gives us every grace and blessing. His grace is more than enough. We are safe in His care and much loved.
    God bless you my friend, your words today have resonated with me. Thank you!
    Have a lovely day!

    Angela – Ireland

  4. Thank you for your post Deb, always hits this spot. Angela. x

    1. Thank you, Angela! Blessings, my friend!