Pray When You Need Jesus to Calm You

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People hurried to Jesus when they needed healing and cried out to Him when they were afraid. What a blessing to know when we need Jesus . . . He is with us. #Prayer #Faith #NeedJesus #CalmtheStorm #Healing #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

In this season of Covid and all of the physical and mental suffering that has gone with it . . . can you imagine finding out there is a healer in town? That just a simple word or a touch could cure you or your loved one of any ailment?

Wouldn’t you do just about anything to get yourself or your loved one there?

Matthew 8 begins with the words…

Large crowds followed Jesus.

Matthew 8:1

Because He healed them. And I get it. How often do you and I run to Jesus when we need Him to heal or help while allowing life to distract us when things are going well.

And it’s realizing how easily I’m distracted by life that makes me love Him all the more. His grace, mercy, patience, and understanding . . . His love in spite of my shortcomings overwhelms me.

You see, I’m so much like the disciples.

I’ve seen His miraculous power at work…

  • He healed Rev of near-fatal Constrictive Pericarditis and gave us bonus days to count.
  • He protected our 1 lb 9 oz preemie grandson through months in the NICU, PICU, and beyond. Today he is a thriving 12-year-old.

Yet, when the storms of life blow in, when I need Jesus, I can still cry out…

“Lord, save [me]! [I’m] going to drown!”

Matthew 8:25

And He replies…

“Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!”

Matthew 8:26

I picture Him with a twinkle in His eye. He understands our weaknesses and wants us to know He is able to control the storms—those without and those within.

His power is greater than our circumstances. Whatever is going on in your life or mine, we can cry out to Him in the middle of the storm and trust Him to be with us.

People hurried to Jesus when they needed healing and cried out to Him when they were afraid. What a blessing to know when we need Jesus . . . He is with us. #Prayer #Faith #NeedJesus #CalmtheStorm #Healing #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

Pray When You Need Jesus to Calm You

Lord, thank you for Your love and patience. I am so sorry for the times I ignore You when things are going well only to come running to You when I need You to heal me or someone I love. Too often, I use busyness as an excuse—until another storm rages around me or within me and then I cry out to You again for help. Please forgive me.

Please help me by the power of Your Spirit to . . . “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances,” [knowing] this is Your will for me. (1 Thessalonians 5:16–18) Keep me focused on You . . . knowing You are with me and that in Your presence I will find peace and healing. You are always greater than my circumstances and I thank and praise You with all my heart. Yours is the power and glory forever. Amen.

People hurried to Jesus when they needed healing and cried out to Him when they were afraid. What a blessing to know when we need Jesus . . . He is with us. #Prayer #Faith #NeedJesus #CalmtheStorm #Healing #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

When you need Jesus to calm you

When you’re in the middle of a storm.
When you need healing.
When you’re alone.
When you don’t know where to turn.


Jesus is with you. He is greater than this storm you are facing. He will calm the winds and waves or He will calm you. He will give you what you need to get through this.

So, today’s post-it note…

The Lord is with me. I have everything I need.

God bless you! Have a wonderful day in the Lord.

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  1. Indeed, Jesus is with us in the storms and in the calm. We can always find solace and peace in Him.
    Blessings, Deb!

    1. His hard to explain and even understanding peace! His grace is so amazing! Hugs!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this today☀️

    1. Thank you for taking the time to let me know it blessed you, Cara! God be with you!

  3. Deb, today posting taught home, I’m trusting God to heal my son who been facing health challenges for the past few months! Reading this post strengthens my faith and we are standing on Gods promises! May you have a blessed day !

    1. I’m so sorry you’re struggling with health challenges, Ranea! I’m praying for you and thanking God for the strength He is giving you and asking Him to restore your health. God bless you!

  4. Denise Withers says:

    I love your site, come here all the time. I was just wondering if you have or if you know of another creator that has any Bible studies for older women. I love all studies but now that I’m 63 and alone situations change, needs change. I have no children, no husband, no truly is just me. Lots of studies deal with families or kids or situations I don’t or have never had to face or deal with. I would love to do a Bible study on women aging, alone…how do handle situations…example the lonliness, the isolation, feeling like your life is kind of over, etc. Truthfully we all have situations, but at this age kids, work, husbands I have none of these problems. How do you deal with aging, how do you deal with being so alone in your life and soul. It is hard and after I retired last year it is getting worse and I’m battling depression and staying on top of the water. Just wondered if you knew of any studies that might be out there. Thank you for your time….Denise

    1. Hi, Denise! Thanks so much for visiting and for stopping to say “hello.” This has been a particularly hard year to be alone. I’m sorry and I’m praying for you. So, many are finding themselves struggling with loneliness. I don’t know of any group studies but I recently had a book published that is not specific to age or life circumstances called 52-WEEK DEVOTIONAL WOMEN FOR WOMEN. It offers weekly topics that pertain to all of us and the things we deal with as followers of Jesus. You can find a copy here –

      Thanks again for visiting. I look forward to getting to know you here.

  5. Catherine Ekuwom says:

    I thank the almighty God for the posting that has built my heart all through. this word has taught more in my life which has made me to realize that all worlds things are just for time but the name of the Lord remains forever.Amen

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Catherine! Thank you so much for letting me know! Yes, the name of the Lord remains forever! God bless you!

  6. Good afternoon. I’m battling non-alcoholic liver damages called encephalitis. I need a transplant but it takes a long time for that, even with a live donor. I pray for healing all the time. Your blog really helped my spirit. Thank you!

    1. I am so sorry, Evaleen. I’m praying for you . . . asking God to heal you and hold you close during this difficult time. Thank you for letting me know this space blesses and encourages you! God be with you and bless you!

  7. I am so afraid for our country. Why is it that evil and bad seem to be in control now? Why were my prayers not answered? Has God turned his back on us right now! Why are we being punished for the bad guys?

    1. I understand, Kate. I don’t believe God has turned His back on us or punishing us. I do believe He allows times like the current ones to help us remember what is truly important and to draw us back to Him. I love reading about the Children of Israel in the wilderness. They would lose their way and take their focus off the Lord and He would allow suffering and do miracles to pull their focus back to Himself. I’m praying that this is a time when many will turn to Him and watch for the amazing things He is about to do. God bless you!