5 Verses to Pray When You Need Strength and Courage

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Asking God to pour out His Spirit and give us strength and courage to stand on His truths and face the world when it's easier to run away and hide. #Prayer #WarRoom #BibleQuotes CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

You’ve probably seen the quote before.

“Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” ~Ian MacLaren

Everyone carries the burden of emotional baggage. Baggage that can so easily turn into fear, anxiety, frustration, anger, or overwhelming sadness.

Everyone gets out of bed each morning with a need for enough strength and courage to face the day. And I don’t know about you, but I know I’m unable to get there on my own. If it were up to me, most days, I would pull the covers over my head and hide in bed. Too often the baggage feels overwhelming and the strength and courage I want feels just out of reach.

But there is Good News! By God’s grace, You and I are not alone to deal with our emotional burdens and we don’t have to conjure up strength and courage on our own.

Isaiah wrote:

God has come to save me. I will trust in Him and not be afraid. The Lord God is my strength and my song; He has given me victory.”

Isaiah 12:2

God wants to give us victory over all the junk filled burdens we carry around. He invites us to run to Him rather than foolishly looking for worldly answers and solutions to our spiritual problems.

I’m running to God in prayer today, asking Him to pour out His Spirit and give us the courage and strength we need to stand on His truths and face the world when it seems easier to gather up our baggage and hide.

I’d love for you to join me in praying…

5 Verses to Pray When You Need Strength and Courage

Asking God to pour out His Spirit and give us strength and courage to stand on His truths and face the world when it's easier to run away and hide. #Prayer #WarRoom #BibleQuotes CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28

Jesus, I’m bringing all my emotional junk to you today. All my fears, worries, anxieties, frustrations, anger, pain, confusion, and so much more. It’s so easy for me to pick up my painful past any time difficult memories flash to mind. It’s even easier for me to worry about the future when I watch the news or listen to the fretful.

Please help me. I need Your Spirit’s help to remind that my past is forgiven and given completely to Your loving mercy and grace. And the future is in Your loving hands. I can rest in Your love and live each day as You direct me and give me the strength and courage I need.

“Don’t be afraid,” he said, “for you are very precious to God. Peace! Be encouraged! Be strong!” As he spoke these words to me, I suddenly felt stronger and said to him, “Please speak to me, my lord, for you have strengthened me.”

Daniel 10:19 (NCV)

Father, I love reading Your Word. You used many different ways to bless your children with strength and courage. You sent angels, prophets, judges, and kings. You used warriors and everyday people. And You even sent Your Son to save us.

Your unfailing love and provision overwhelms me. You promise that when I “seek You first”, You will give me everything I need. I believe that even means strength when I am weak and courage when I am afraid.

By Your grace, I am learning day by day that when You are with me . . . I will always have everything I need. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

For I hold you by your right hand—
    I, the Lord your God.
And I say to you,
    ‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.

Isaiah 41:13

Father, thank you for faithfully holding me. Thank you for Your Word to remind me that You are here with me, willing to help me no matter what I am facing.

You give me peace to protect my heart and mind (Philippians 4:7). You are for me (Romans 8:31) You help me endure (1 Corinthians 10:13) You forgive me (Psalm 65:3) And You give me strength and courage.

Please give me child-like faith to keep my eyes on You. May I rest my hand in Yours, trust You to give me everything I need, and help me keep my eyes on You and trust that You are able to handle whatever we face together.

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
    Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
    I will hold you up with my
victorious right hand.

Isaiah 41:10

Oh Father, I read Your words spoken through Isaiah and I am ashamed. How could I have lived with fear for so very long? I was so foolish. You were always with me. I had reason to be discouraged or afraid. Please forgive me.

With the help of Your Spirit, please help me keep my focus on You and Your promises of victory. When the enemy tries to tempt me with worldly lies and terrors, help me remember that Jesus has already defeated him and by Your grace, I have Your Word, the Sword of the Spirit, to fight any battle he wages against me.

Please help me face each day clothed in armor, protected and strengthened by Your grace, mercy, and love.

Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean He no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death?  No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.

Romans 8:35,37

Lord, I pray that You will help me hold these words close to my heart. Jesus said, “In this world, you will have trials and sorrows but take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) When I am afraid of trouble, calamity, persecution, or danger . . . even when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (Psalm 23:4), You are with me. Nothing can separate me from Your love. You have won my victory. No evil can defeat or overpower me. Your grace is sufficient. It is all I need.

And with Your Spirit’s help, I can have strength and courage for no weapon formed against me will succeed (Isaiah 54:17) Thank you! I pray that with Your help, I will boldly live each day for Your glory. I love You, Lord. You are all I need today, tomorrow, and forever. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Asking God to pour out His Spirit and give us strength and courage to stand on His truths and face the world when it's easier to run away and hide. #Prayer #WarRoom #BibleQuotes CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

Friend, I believe God is the One who gives us the strength and courage we need. I believe He is the One who helps us look at life through the lens of faith. He is the One who helps us trust that nothing can overwhelm us when we are in His presence. He is Love. And He helps us respond to His love and love one another.

With God’s help, you and I can have the strength and courage we need to treat each other with kindness. We can look at people and see the person God created. We can lift each other up in prayer and forgive one another for the words and actions that hurt or offend us.

God is the One who truly gives us everything we need each day. He is with us, holding us, strengthening us . . . giving us peace and making it possible for us to live victoriously.

May He bless you today with the strength and courage you need to live for His glory.

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  1. Your words always bless my mornings, Deb, and strengthen me for the day ahead. Knowing God is with me, I will not be afraid.

    1. Thank you, Martha! I am so blessed by your kindness. Have a beautiful weekend!

  2. You always seem to know just what to say…and give us the scripture verses that restore our weary and concerned hearts, for all the noise and chaos that is life as we know it right now. As Martha Orlando voiced in her comment, your words bless my mornings and gives me strength for the day. Grace and blessings always.

    1. Thank you, Kathy! Your encouragement is truly a blessing. God be with you and give you everything you need.

  3. I appreciate this! Thank you for reminding me that God is here to guide us and help us! My faith is getting stronger!!!

    1. God bless you, Tatiana! Thanks so much for visiting and for taking the time to say “hello.”

  4. Thank you for your beautiful words and for the reminder that the blessings of courage, strength, love and grace from God are ever present in our lives. He is truly our rock and our salvation❤️

    1. Amen, Marisa! He is our rock and our salvation! He is everything we need today and always. God be with you!

  5. Amen! I was just reading Philippians 2:13 this morning, and realized that God promises to work in us to give us the desire AND the power to do what pleases him–even when it scares us.

    1. There is peace in knowing that whatever He desires for us will be covered by His power and strength. Remembering His grace is all-sufficient. Thanks for visiting, Anita. God bless you!

  6. Patrick Rwabwogo says:

    I thank God for your calling for this ministry.
    You always give me vigor to press on in my daily challenges encounter.
    You have been a blessing to me by your sharing with me these encouraging verses.

    May the good Lord bless you always with good health and wisdom in your works.

    1. Thank you for your kindness, Patrick! I am so blessed by your encouragement! God be with you!

  7. Sarah kyomugisha says:

    Thanks for these encouraging verses. I feel the holy spirit moving in me and I pray that may it continues to live in my heart. God bless you always

    1. Thank you, Sarah! God bless you as well!