God Can Help When You Want to Stop Worrying

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I used to have a terrible problem with worry and fear and that's why I'd love to tell you how God gave me what I needed to stop worrying. #StopWorrying #Faith #Hope #Prayer #MentalHealth #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

I began my cycle of fear and worry as a very young child and I worked hard to perfect my skills for way too many years.

Rather than bore you with the ugly details, I hope to bless you with a truth I wish I’d learned and applied years ago.

You see, I had a terrible problem with chronic worry. I understand it now, worry is the natural byproduct of fear and if you’ve visited here often you know I’ve been honest about my ongoing struggle with fear.

So yes, I was a practically perfect chronic worrier.

I worried about…

  • Our Children
  • Rev
  • Illness/Injury
  • Death
  • Rejection
  • Life

I worried about the things that happened yesterday . . . things I should have handled differently. I worried about things that could potentially happen tomorrow. And I worried about everything in between. I worried about things I couldn’t change or control because seriously, what’s the point of worrying about the things you can do something about?

I was a worry addict and like many addicts, I had to hit bottom before I could accept that living worried—ain’t no way to live!

The Apostle Paul gave us all great advice when it comes to worrying. Well, not advice about worrying but about not worrying.

He said:

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. 

Philippians 4:6

 It sounds simple, doesn’t it?

Don’t worry … go to God, thank Him, and…

Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. 

Philippians 4:7

I’d known those verses forever. So, why did I continue to worry even though I prayed? Why didn’t I experience the peace I wanted?

Because my prayers were short on faith.

Even though I prayed, “Father, please help me.” I continued to worry because deep down, I believed the enemy’s lies. I allowed myself to believe that…

  • My problem was too trivial for God to get involved.
  • My fear was too real, my “what ifs” were too great to let go of them.
  • If the things I worried about could happen to someone else, they could certainly happen to me.
  • And if God allowed one of those things in my life, I’d be unable to go on.
  • God couldn’t give me what I needed if my greatest fears came to pass.

But then…

Some of the things I’d worried about most often did happen.

All my worrying had not prevented my fears from becoming my reality.

So, I finally realized I had to answer a very important question…

Was I going to trust God completely, not just with my eternal future but with my temporary today and my unknown tomorrow?

I am so thankful the Spirit prompted me to run to the Lord in prayer. I cried out, “Lord, I believe. Help me overcome my unbelief,” (Mark 9:24) and I searched the Bible to find promises that would give me hope and strengthen my faith.

I’d love to share a some of them with you…

Have you never heard?
    Have you never understood?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
    the Creator of all the earth.
He never grows weak or weary.
    No one can measure the depths of His understanding.

Isaiah 40:28

His understanding is immeasurable!

The New Century version says – No one can understand how great His wisdom is.
The Message says – He knows everything, inside and out.
The Holman Christian Study Bible says – There is no limit to His understanding.

The Lord is our Creator. He knows us inside and out. He understands us. He cares about even the tiniest details of our lives. Nothing is too trivial for Him to care and nothing is too big for Him to handle.

The enemy loves to tell us lies. But they are LIES!

The truth is … God is love. He loves you and He loves me. He cares. And if He allows something; well, He has a promise for that, too.

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
    Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
    I will hold you up with
my victorious right hand.

Isaiah 41:10

He promises that He will never leave His children alone. He promises to give us the strength we need.

I lived through something I had worried about for a very long time. Something I truly believed would break me forever and it didn’t. Oh, I was devastated. Yes, even broken at first . . . but God was with me. I felt His love and care as I began to feel His strength and help. He gave me victory and helped me stop worrying.

I used to have a terrible problem with worry and fear and that's why I'd love to tell you how God gave me what I needed to stop worrying. #StopWorrying #Faith #Hope #Prayer #MentalHealth #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

God Can Help When You Want to Stop Worrying

God helped me learn two important truths about worry and fear…


As soon as I start to worry, I go to God.  When “what ifs” start spinning around in my head, I remember all the times God has helped me in the past.

The enemy loves it when you and I worry because when we’re worried and afraid we’re not focused on God and we forget all that He is able to do to give us everything we need.

The enemy loves to murmur, “God can’t. God won’t. God’s holding out on you. You’re on your own. You’re not worthy”

But we’re not alone in this spiritual battle. The battle is real but you and I don’t have to fight it alone … ever!

The Holy Spirit is with us and within us willing and able to provide us with all we need to fight and win every spiritual battle, even our battle with worry and fear.

John wrote:

The Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.

1 John 4:4

God is greater. Through Jesus, He has won the ultimate victory for us and will equip us to fight every battle.

And Paul wrote:

Since He did not spare even His own Son but gave Him up for us all, won’t He also give us everything else?

Romans 8:32

And one of the things He gives us is the ability to resist the enemy when he taunts us with fear and worry.

So humble yourselves before God. 
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

James 4:7

With God’s help, you and I can resist the devil. We don’t have to listen to his murmuring. And with His help, I will continue to get better at using the Sword of the Spirit (God’s Word) to defeat the enemy’s lies and make him flee.

And that means I need to…


Peter wrote:

May God give you more and more grace and peace as you grow in your knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord. 

2 Peter 1:2

And Paul wrote:

Just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow Him. Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. 

Colossians 2:6–7

You and I need to be in the Word every day. It’s one of the things God uses to help our roots grow. It’s where lies are replaced with truth and we get what we need to resist the devil when he tempts us with doubts.

I’ve realized I can’t just will myself to not worry. I have to replace my worrying with something else.



Hope in Jesus!

Through Jesus, God met our greatest need. He conquered sin, death, and the power of the devil.

Sin can no longer defeat us. Death is not the end. And by His grace, the devil has no power over us.

We have God’s promise…

So God has given both His promise and His oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to Him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls.

Hebrews 6:18–19a

Read that again … slowly!

God has given us His promise. His oath. When we run to Him for refuge He will shelter us. We are secure in Him because He is trustworthy and true. He will give us everything we need to get through today and that means you and I have nothing to worry about. Absolutely nothing!

I used to have a terrible problem with worry and fear and that's why I'd love to tell you how God gave me what I needed to stop worrying. #StopWorrying #Faith #Hope #Prayer #MentalHealth #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

If you want to stop worrying, too.

I would love to tell you it’s like flipping a switch … one holy moment where you can embrace God’s truth and never worry again.

I can’t.

So, please be patient with yourself. It takes time to break free of habitual worry.

But stop for a minute and imagine your life worry-free. Imagine doing what you can and trusting God to help you with everything else.

Imagine running to God in prayer, holding onto His promises, trusting His love, and knowing without a doubt that God is always working in your life for your good and for His glory.

Friend, you can do this.

Believe me, if God can deliver me and help me stop worrying, He can and will deliver and help you!

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  1. Suzanne Gwin says:

    I cannot even begin to thank you for this particular piece of your writing. I am convinced it’s timing is the result of the prayers being offered up on my behalf.

    Thank you. No really, THANK YOU!

    I am not alone in the desert. God had already gone way ahead even though He is right beside me.

    Peace to you. You are a beautiful writer.

    1. You are not alone! I’m praying for you and asking God to bless you and give you everything you need. Thank you so much for blessing me with your kind encouragement. God be with you!

  2. Thankfully, this is a valuable lesson I’ve learned over the years – to not worry, but go immediately to God in prayer. My mother is an incessant worrier, Deb, and I have seen time and time again how futile those worries are/were. I made up my mind long ago that I would not take that path! Yes, I will start to worry about something – we all do – but I’m quick to let it go and let God.
    Blessings, my friend!

    1. There are blessings to having years of experience, right?! I do wish I hadn’t insisted on learning so many things the hard way. Whew, I’m thankful for God’s grace and mercy. God be with you and bless you, my friend!

  3. Christel Sabine Thomas says:

    Thank you. I try to rely on your advices starting from today and also making them a good habit in the future. Everybody should have access, therefore I will share them.

    Thanks again and have s nice and peaceful.

    Kind regards

    Christel Sabine

    1. Thank you, Christel! God bless you and give you His peace!

  4. As I read your list of things you worried about and the list of the enemies lies you were listening to I thought, “Has she read my mind?” That is me! As a matter of fact, I had just finished praying about my constant worry and so desperately want the blessing of an untroubled spirit! Thank you for this article. And for being transparent. Pray for me that I will experience His freedom from worry and learn to trust His promises? Thank you.

    1. I am praying for you, Pamela! Thank you so much for visiting and for blessing me by letting me know this touched your heart. God bless you and give you the strength you need to fight the battle against fear and worry.

      1. Angela Tweedie says:

        Thank you Deb for this timely message. Just today, like many days I was worrying and fretting about our upcoming trip and how will I ever get everything done. Then I saw and read your message about God can help when you want to stop worrying….it was exactly what I needed to read and reread. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Angela

        1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Angela. Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know. God bless you!

  5. This is such a great word. The Spirit lives in US. While we carry the Holy Spirit with us through this world, it is not of this world. It’s higher than the battles of this world. This is something I needed this Monday. Thank you, Deb!

    1. Amen, Riley. I’m so glad you visited and appreciate your kind encouragement. God bless you!

  6. God’s word has been such a worry-reducer for me, Deb! And I agree! There’s nothing we can do about our worries. The things we fear will sometimes happen. But that’s when God steps in! Thanks for this reminder!

    1. Me too, Beth! I do think that realizing all the worry in the world won’t change a thing. He is faithful and never leaves us alone to face our struggles . . . and that is all I need to know. God bless you!

  7. Love all the verses in this post. I have to work at making intentional decisions to shut the door of my thoughts to worry. Reflecting on God’s word and remembering what is true is so very helpful!

    1. Thanks, Ginger! I agree, His promises give me strength when I’m tempted to worry. I am so thankful for God’s promise and faithfulness to give us what we need to live through whatever He allows. Blessings, my friend!

  8. Julie Sanchez says:

    Thank you for the powerful reminder. I constantly worry about my children and the decisions they make. I need to remember to give it up to God and God’s timing, NOT mine. You’re writings are a GODs sent thank you.

    1. Thanks for visiting and for your kind encouragement, Julie. Trusting His timing, His will, and His power to give us everything we need is the blessing I’ve needed to live worry-free. May He bless you and be with you as He give you everything you need through His grace.

  9. Kathy Francescon says:

    Oooh Deb, the more i read your posts, the more I believe we may be twins separated at birth! ???? It sounds like we have the very same spirits of worry!! Everyone has always said I was born with an old soul…as far back as i can remember, I worried about everything and everyone. Fear was my constant companion. And that caused anxiety to become my best friend. Of course it caused me crippling pain and anguish as I did not understand at that young age what worry even was. Like you, as ages have come and gone, I have fought this fearful worrying and the anxiety of just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Bless you my dear friend and sister in Christ. I am so sorry that you have had to live with the pain and joyless heart that chronic worry robs from us. I cling to God’s Word and His grace ever so tightly and in His merciful love I finally found peace and joy for my young old soul! Thank you for sharing your trials and your journey with all of us who travel with you now, through your blog. You are truly shining a light on so many hearts that need to know that God is pure love and we are never alone! In conclusion, the person I am today, who has a great and deep compassion for others trials and sufferings, a heart that has so very much to give, and a spirit that so desires to help others find the peace and joy of our wonderful and mighty Counselor, I do believe came out of all that worry that God placed on me to carry…I used to think I was the weakest person ever born, but in hindsight perhaps you and I were chosen to worry because God knew we were strong enough to carry it! God does work in mysterious ways…

    1. Hi Kathy, I’m sorry you had to deal with fear and anxiety as well. It robs us of so many of the blessings God wants for us. Praise Him for showing us both His better way. And yes, I agree, it does teach us the importance of compassion for others who are suffering. I’m so thankful for the strength He has given us both and for the opportunities God has given us to share what we have learned. God bless you!

      1. Thank you so much for your reply! It is comforting to know I’m not the only recovering worrier out there! Now, if we could just quit chasing all those squirrels!! (Referencing your post a few weeks back!) I wake up with such high hopes, but by noon the squirrels have won!! God bless you Deb, you are a joy to my soul!!

    2. JOYLESS HEART. Those two words slapped me in the face! I would ask myself, why am I not happy? I am so richly blessed and could not understand why I never had peace? I let worry take all of my joy away. Not after today. I will turn all my worry over to God. I will plant these scriptures in my heart to be pulled out when I start the worrying . Thank you Kathy for your comment and may God Bless

      1. Mary, I think it’s so easy for us to let the enemy of our souls distract us with his constant barrage of joy-stealing potential and real problems. What a blessing to know that God is with us. He is willing to carry our concerns and give us everything we need for whatever we face. Thanks so much for visiting and for joining the conversation. God bless you!

  10. Deb, So thankful for your insight on worry! Was reading yesterday about my worry becoming an idol in my life…. decided I worship a God Who asked us not to allow idols in our lives! Have decided to worship Him again and invite Him to destroy this idol I have made. Felt bad I had trusted people but not Him. You are right! What a gracious and forgiving God He is to each of us. Keep on helping us grow!

    1. Bonnie, that is such a good point. I don’t think we stop to realize that worry can become an idol. Thanks so much for the reminder. I’m so glad you visited and joined the conversation. Thanks so much for your kind encouragement. God bless you!

  11. Josephine says:

    I have been battling with the spirit of worry and fear for a long time now.. praying and fasting about it and does not change.. sometimes it goes away then come back.. But I still trust God over this matter for He will never allow the enemy to tempt me more than I bare.. God bless you for this encouraging message.

    1. Amen, Josephine! I love that you are aware and turning your fear and worry over to God each time it returns. I think that’s exactly what He wants for us. Our faith grows and He is glorified. Thanks so much for visiting and for joining the conversation. God bless you!

  12. Angela Cahill says:

    Hi Deb
    “This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls”……what a powerful quote from Hebrews! Thank you for your blessing to all who have read your article on “fear”. Our hope renders all fear powerless! Jesus has conquered the world and has taken on and rendered the lies of the enemy powerless! We have nothing to fear, knowing that He who loves us, is with us always…..we are never alone in our struggles……perfect love casts out all fear and Jesus is that perfect love.
    May God bless you always!
    Angela – Ireland

  13. “Don’t worry about anything…” It’s the faith-filled mic drop. Thanks for the encouragement to help stop worrying. .

    1. I love that, Kristi! A faith-filled mic-drop! I want to remember that phrase because God’s Word is full of them, isn’t it! Thanks for visiting and for joining the conversation! Blessings!