3 Things God Promises to Help You Overcome Your Fears

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We are more easily tempted and manipulated when we are afraid but God promises to give us what we need to help us overcome our fears and live courageously. #faith #BibleStudy #Courage #Blessings

What frightens you?

  • Illness?
  • Heights?
  • Confined spaces?
  • Flying?
  • Rejection?
  • Failure?
  • __________?

Have you ever been afraid of the disapproval of friends, family, coworkers, or the people with whom you interact on social media?

Paul had something to say to Timothy about that . . . well, maybe not the social media part although I think it still applies.

God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1:7

The enemy wants to weaken our witness. He wants us to be afraid to witness to the way God is at work in our lives and share our faith. But we have God’s Spirit with us and within us and He will give us what we need to overcome fear and timidness.

He gives us:

♥ Power –

Isaiah wrote:

The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth.
He never grows weak or weary.
No one can measure the depths of his understanding.
He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.

Isaiah 40:28–29

God’s power never weakens. He never gets tired. And He promises to give strength to those who come to Him.

♥ Love –

“Come to me with your ears wide open.
  Listen, and you will find life.
I will make an everlasting covenant with you.
  I will give you all the unfailing love I promised to David.”

Isaiah 55:3

He is faithful to keep His promises, willing to forgive, and full of unfailing love . . . and He promises to give it to all who come to Him through faith in Jesus.

♥ Self-discipline –

The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.

1 Corinthians 10:13

God promises to give us everything we need to stand up to the enemy when he tempts us with fear. We can run to Him with every concern and trust Him to give us the strength needed to faithfully follow Him in faith.

We are more easily tempted and manipulated when we are afraid but God promises to give us what we need to help us overcome our fears and live courageously. #faith #BibleStudy #Courage #Blessings

You and I are more easily tempted and manipulated when we’re afraid, so let’s take every concern and anxious thought to the Lord in prayer…

A Prayer to Have What You Need to Overcome Your Fears

Father, I’ll admit I have times when fear feels overpowering. Every day I hear reports of illness, loss, rejection, ridicule, and failure. So many painful things happen to the people around us and in our world at large.

Please help me remember Jesus’ words, “In this world, you will have trials and tribulation but take heart, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) I want to have all that I need to overcome fear. Please help me. Forgive me for allowing anxious thoughts to distract and upset me. Prompt me by the power of Your Spirit, to run to Your loving arms with every anxious thought. Help me remember Your promise to surround me with Your love (Psalm 5:12 and give me everything I need when I SEEK You first (Luke 12:31).

Please give me the power, love, and self-discipline I need to live with faith and courage today. You are my hope and shield. You are my Lord and Savior. I place my trust in You, the One for whom nothing is impossible. Amen.

We are more easily tempted and manipulated when we are afraid but God promises to give us what we need to help us overcome our fears and live courageously. #faith #BibleStudy #Courage #Blessings

If you had to make a list of things you need to overcome your fears . . . would you list power, love, and self-discipline? I think my list would more likely include strength, courage, and bravery. But what if one of the reasons strength, courage, and bravery are not on Paul’s list is that we believe we can dig down and create those things ourselves.

I am not nor can I be powerful or loving the way God wants on my own. And even when it comes to “self-discipline” . . . well, I fall short there too. I need God’s help.

I need to run to God with every fearful anxious thought and open myself to His outpouring of power, love, and self-discipline.

So, let me ask you again…

What frightens you?

Will you run to the Lord and open yourself to receive His help?

May God bless you today with all that you need to overcome your fears.

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  1. I am so blessed and thankful to be back home, Deb, and feeling strong enough once again to interact with you and others here in blogland. I’ve experienced fear like no other in my recent stay in the hospital, but God . . . His peace replaced my fear, the prayers of others buoyed me up and over the circumstances, and the Lord’s steadfast love held me firm. I’m still trying to digest all that happened that I can blog about it soon.
    God bless, and thank you always for your inspiration shared with us!

    1. Yay!! I’m so glad you are back at home and feeling better. We’ve been praying for you! Blessings and hugs, my friend!

  2. Beautiful prayer, thank you I also read Psalm 91 for strength in my weaker moments! I too am a recovering good little church girl who now spends as much time as I can with Jesus ! I still attend church but I do not ever want to hear “ go away I do not know you” so with great Joy I live content and peaceful leaning on him!

    1. I love your comment, Teena. I’m sure the Lord is blessing your time with Him. Thanks so much for visiting and for joining the conversation. God bless you!