How You Can Turn Your Worry Into Peace and Happiness Today

What if you could stop worrying? How much more peace and happiness would you enjoy if you could replace your negative thoughts with positive ones?
I know, you’re probably thinking . . . “that would be awesome but how in the world am I supposed to make that happen?!”
Remember as you read the following, that Paul wrote it from a prison cell.
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6–7
This is not a simple cliché like “don’t worry, be happy!” It is not the “power of positive thinking!”
This is your personal invitation to quickly take every worry to God.
I am a former chronic worrier. So, I imagine you’re thinking—I do that! I take it to God in prayer but then I take it back again as soon as I’m done.
Yep, I know what it’s like to cry out to God in prayer and spend the day worrying.
My problem was I was forgetting an important part of the verse. I would pray but I would fail to remember all that He had done for me in the past. I failed to “thank Him for all he has done.”
You see when I remember God’s past blessings . . . I believe He is able to help me with my current problems. When I remember what He has done in the past . . . I trust Him with the future. And when I believe and trust in Him . . . I have peace that exceeds anything I can understand!
So, going back to getting rid of those negative thoughts.
The truth is, we’re always going to think about something. So in the next verse, Paul tells us what to think about…
Now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
Philippians 4:8
I’m not very good at that on my own but with the Spirit’s help, I can replace the junk in my head with memories of past blessings and promises of a hope-filled future. I can live with peace and happiness.
A Prayer to Turn My Worry into Peace and Happiness
Father, I am so prone to worry. Please forgive me. I know You want me to enjoy peace and happiness. I want that too! I feel so foolish about my worrying. Most of the time I’m worried about things I can’t control and things that never happen. It is such a waste of time and it robs me of enjoying my life today.
Please help me take the things that concern me and bring them to You in prayer. Thank you for Jesus’ promise to help me carry my burdens. (Matthew 11:28) Thank you for Your promise to “renew my strength. (Isaiah 40:31) Thank you for promising to “always be with me and help me.” (Isaiah 41:10) Thank you for all the ways You have blessed me and helped me in the past. Thank you for comforting me when life was hard. (Psalm 94:19) Thank you for promising that nothing can separate me from Your love. (Romans 8:38–39) Thank you for promising to take my anxiety and replace it with peace. (1 Peter 5:7)
Father, I bring my worries to You. By the power of Your Spirit, please replace them with thoughts that are true and lovely and excellent and praiseworthy. Please help me count my blessings and remember Your promises. I ask this all in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.
I told you I’m a former chronic worrier.
Of course, I still have problems and I still have things that concern me. But by God’s grace, I’m getting better and taking them to Him in prayer, remembering all that He has done for me in the past, and holding on to His promises for today and tomorrow and well into the future.
And you know what?
I’m having so much more fun! I’m living with more peace and happiness. And that is just a better way to live.
On today’s note write:
I will take my worries to God and trust Him to help me enjoy peace and happiness.
May God bless you today and give you everything you need to let go of worry and pray about everything.
I think that not only taking our worries to God, but acknowledging with thanksgiving all He has done for us in the past is key to truly being able leave our anxieties with Him. He can handle all our burdens.
Blessings, Deb!
Thank you Deb for the delightful reminder that worry can be distracting and make us unfocused. How often I forget the God is only a pray away, willing to take my burdens. When things I can’t control steal my peace I feel like I am on a hamsters wheel and my through’s go round and round getting me no place. May I turn to my Savior in prayer, knowing that he is always there waiting for me to ask for His help.
Me too, Marilyn. I need His Spirit to draw me back into focus every day. I’m so very thankful for God’s patience and love. God be with you and bless you!
It is wonderful to know that we have a God who loves us so much that He wants us to be at peace at all times. He tells us not to worry but to pray about everything, giving thanks for what He’s already done for us. The world and all its problems real or imagined tries to rob us of God’s peace. When we feel that way, let us remind ourselves from Timothy that He did not give us a spirit of fear but gives us a sound mind and self control. No problem or worry is too great for our God to handle…..He’s still in control…..leave your burdens with Him to carry.
Angela – Ireland